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Generic Name: Doxycycline Hyclate Tablets, USP

Brand Name: Acticlate

Acticlate Drug and Medication User Reviews

I used to that the 75 mg for about a year, but it didn't work. My derm bumped me up to 150mg which I thought would clear my skin for good. At first it made it worst and I was like ok so my skin is purging and it'll be better soon...WRONG. Almost 6 months later and my skin is worse than it was on 75mg.

I went on this pill for about two months and I've never been more disappointed. My skin has been at the worst it's ever been since taking this pill. It has gotten more red, and dry. I've broken out even more and I haven't had a single day where there were no break outs. I'm so upset, I do not recommend.

Unlike most of the other reviewers, I am 69 years old with rosacea that manifests as whitehead pimples on my chin and around my nose. I have taken 3 cycles (2mo.each) of Acticlate. My skin responded beautifully, but as soon as I stop, the breakouts reoccur, even with Oracea and Soolantra. Doesn't make me nauseaous. I would just as soon take it continuously, if possible.

Sever side effects landed me in the hospital. Dizziness made me black out for a few seconds. Throat and chest tight, throwing up, sick to stomach. Needed iv to flush out of system. Still sick after 24 hours off med.

I took this medication to help with my rosacea, it gave a SEVERE yeast infection. I had to stop using it, before I noticed any kind of improvement to my face

I have been on this pill for two and a half years. It's the fourth type of acne pill I've tried. (I started to get acne in the fourth grade and I'm 20 now) My acne is much better, but I still get pimples and the occasional cystic pimple. My doctors want me to get off of it, and get on accutane, but I refuse to get on it because of the side effects, but I'm also afraid to get off of it and my acne to become worse. My stomach seems it gets upset after every time I eat now, and I feel like it's time to get off of it. I also have had 3 yeast infections since I started the medication, basically a lot has happened because I have been on it so long. I recommend this pill to anyone with regular acne- NOT cystic acne, it doesn't help that. Also, eat before you take it because if you don't you will definitely vomit. Hopefully you all have better experiences than me, even though mine has not been too bad! If you have any questions I am the Acticlate pro so don't be afraid to ask!

Easy to use but can give you an upset stomach on occasion. It works while you're on it but Acne will return once you stop taking it (mine came back 6 weeks after I stopped). Possibly even worse......

TO make this clear for everyone. this med does work and will clear your acne while you are on it. BUT when you stop taking it your acne will come back....

I have had acne for 4 years (not a long time for most people but a long time for me) and it was so bad that I would pretend to be sick to stay home from school. I would get so much anxiety when my makeup didn't cover all my zits and pimples. I had enough and went to the dermatologist. This medication has changed my life. My acne isn't completely gone (meaning I have just little ones pop up every now and then) but NOTHING even close to what I had before. I can go swimming with confidence and look people in the eyes. It took a couple weeks and I was beginning to be discouraged. If I don't eat something before I take it, I throw up and get super nauseated, but I take it after breakfast and after dinner. My face has cleared up 95%. Which is freaking amazing!!

Ok so this medication works GREAT when you are on it....but as soon as you stop taking it acne comes back QUICKLY.

Only product that had helped me with acne.. I am 99% clear after 6 months of taking it! right now I take 50mg but I would like to know peoples experience after stopping the medication.

I've had the strongest stomach cramping pains for a week after being on it for three weeks now. I keep feeling like my belly is trying to growl like when I'm hungry but instead it feel stock hard and very painful. My doctor told me to stop taking it and three days later I'm still in pain. Acne has cleared up but I'm also using prescription Ziana gel and clarisonic/cerave to clean my face.

Works wonderfully besides the occasional stomach ache, cramped muscles (lethargic), and flu like symptoms. To avoid this I drank more water and kept well hydrated. I recommend eating before taking this drug because it slightly ruins my appetite.

I've been using acticlate for 2 months and my face has cleared up so much since I first started using it. I have battled with acne since 6th grade and this is the clearest my face has been since there. I still get the occasional pimple around my period but it's nothing like my acne used to be before. I started seeing my face clear up after about a month of using the medication.

It works pretty well, although it upsets my stomach terribly.

Do you know if I can take it after the expiration date?

Thank GOD this acne treatment drug was created. Since high school (I'm 23 now), I've suffered with mild-severe acne (whiteheads) that would become the worst around my period. I started taking Acticlate oral 150mg daily on June 5, 2015, and am so excited to say that my skin is now (9/2/15) 100% CLEAR! I can leave the house without makeup, and when I wash my face in the shower there is not one bump. I can't say enough good things about Acticlate. The only thing remotely bad was that my skin got a little worse about 2 weeks into taking it but just continue taking it as prescribed and it will work!

The first day -second day on acticlate I had major headaches and was very thirsty..after that day 2-4 I started getting a stuffy nose/sneezing/lethargic/weak and basically felt like I have the flu!!!!!! I feel so sick and blah... No fever though, and I do think it's working with my acne. Also today I have lost my appetite. I'm not hungry at all...hoping the flu like symptoms go away soon or I'll stop taking it.

Just started taking the name brand, have had no issues. It's best to take with food due to with most medication it will not settle on an empty stomach, so yes 30 minutes later you possibly will throw it up. I also take after dinner just incase there still may be a side effect I can just sleep it off. Medication will not work also if you eat or drink any dairy,antacids or iron products 1 hour before or 2 hours after, the medication will combine with that product and neutralize.