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Generic Name: Doxylamine Succinate and Pyridoxine Hydrochloride Delayed-release Tablets

Brand Name: Diclegis

Diclegis Drug and Medication User Reviews

Being on my third pregnancy, I knew from experience that I would more than likely be sick. I had tried all other nausea preventions and seeing how I have been more sick with this pregnancy than the others, I needed a relief of some sort. A doctor at the ER prescribed Diclegis to me, then my OBGYN proceeded to prescribe it to me when I ran out. I'm in my 2nd trimester and still fight with nausea but this medication makes it 10x's easier to handle.

This drug has been a godsend for me. I got a sample at my docs office, I took it for a few days, felt great. When I ran out I had the most awful day of not being able to function and vomiting. I ran and got my prescription filled and I feel like a new woman! Only complaint: SO EXPENSIVE EVEN WITH INSURANCE (most don’t cover it) I paid $217 with a coupon for 25 day supply. But I was desperate.

This is my second pregnancy and for some reason this "magic pill" had not been prescribed to me then. I felt awful when I was first pregnant with my son. When I got pregnant again with the baby #2, I was already prepared for the worst during my fist trimester. My doctor had recently prescribed Diclegis to take before bed time. I had only been taking it for the last 4 day but I feel so much better now and can normally function during the day. I can eat again and don't feel nausea as soon as I see any kind of food in front of me. Very happy and I wish I did not have to go through the morning sickness and nausea first time around.

This is my 2nd pregnancy and I'm expecting twins. I work at a high paced software company and my nausea was debilitating! This is the only thing that has helped. I'm able to work my 45 hours without hiding at my desk - it's been life changing! I've had a couple episodes of dizziness, but can drive and work fine. I would note that I have interstitial cystitis and I have noticed this medication does cause a mild flare up even with 8-10 glasses of water a day. I think the trade off is worth it, but be careful if your IC is worse than mine.

Wonder drug!!! During my first trimester, I felt horrible- nausous all of the time with severe sickness in the evenings. Even after just one dose I felt great. (Could certainly tell the difference if I forgot to take a dose). Found it was best to take 1 at night and then another dose in the late afternoon. Wish I had been prescribed this medicine sooner in the pregnancy.

I took this the first night and the next day I feel like myself again. The vomiting part of morning sickness I don't have trouble with, it's the ongoing nausea that makes me absolutely miserable and I was dreading going to work feeling terrible all day. Saturday is my long shift eight hours and i was not able to handle it at first but because this medication helps I feel like a happy normal person again. I recently started taking it but already it is making my life better and I no longer have to worry about feeling bad at work or out with friends.

I just started this medicine as I am 8 weeks pregnant. I feel like this medicine helps a feat deal with the nausea. However, the drowsiness that occurs from it is horrible. I have looked online and some people say the drug is amazing, and that it can cause drowsiness but that is a bonus. Evidently, this medicine is not made for people that actually work. I work a very stressful 8-5 job every day, so therefore this medicine makes it really hard to concentrate and focus. I suggest if you work, do not take this drug.

This was prescribed for morning sickness and the sleeping part was a bonus. It kicked in really fast and has stopped my morning sickness completely. I'm only taking one instead of two like prescribed though because it knocks me out on just one.

I'm on my first pregnancy, and I have sleep problems. I had to stop taking my normal sleeping pills due to uncertainty of potential side effects. My OB/GYN prescribed Diclegis to me to help with my nausea and potentially my sleep. She *VERY SPECIFICALLY* told me to take the medicine at around 7:00pm (which is 11 hours before I usually wake up in the morning) due to how quickly and how long it puts a person to sleep. I have some difficulty waking up in the morning, but once I am out of bed everything is fine. I have almost no nausea anymore, and most of my energy has returned to me. As long as I follow my doctor's timing instructions for the pill, Diclegis is a wonderful life-saver for me.

My doctor gave me this medication for nausea. After the first dose I didn't feel nausea at all but I was extremely exhausted. I fell asleep on my 15 month old while he was playing in his room (not safe). I could not even function. I continued to take this medication for a few more days just to see how I felt and I am continuously exhausted and now I am having irrational unexplainable mood swings. I am getting rid of the rest!

I took 2 pills last night of the Diclegis and felt my tummy rumbling before going to bed early. When I woke up I didn't want to get out of the bed!! I toke my morning dose which was one pill and on my drive to work I was so afraid I would fall asleep at the wheel. I ended up taking 2 naps at work before noon and was still so tired and cross eyed I couldn't stand it I felt like I was going crazy. I begged my nurse to give me Ondansetron which she made sure to tell me wasn't really safe during my early stage of pregnancy (week 9) and my Dr. gave me instructions to keep taking the Diclegis while at home and when I'm away from home I could take the Ondansetron. I hope this works I just want to feel like myself again.

It is my first preganancy and I was having severe nausea the first couple of months before I got in to see my OB. I could hardly eat a meal a day. I started taking diclegis and right away I felt better and haven't felt any more tired than I have already felt. I had a friend who was on zofran after being admitted to the ED because she was so sick and said that it worked wonders for her as well. She felt relief just hours later.

I'm on my 2nd pregnancy with severe nausea and vomiting and my doc prescribed this. It worked for one day. I felt great like I wasn't even pregnant. It's been 2 weeks and I'm slowly getting worse. I still vomit at least once a day and my nausea is all day long. I'm tired all the time and can barely find energy to play with my 2 year old. I tried taking one in the morning and it just makes me more sleepy.

For my 3rd pregnancy I was experiencing MS the whole day! My previous ones were only at nights. My OB gave me some Diclegis to try. I followed instructions and took 2 before going to bed. Next day, I was so sleepy the entire time and when I took a nap, I was in deep sleep which seldom happens! I wasn't feeling sick but I felt sleepy. So I tried just taking one pill and it worked wonders. It's like I'm not pregnant. I'm eating like normal and able to keep food down. :)

This medicine is the worst thing I've ever put in my body in my life. I am experiencing EXTREME mood swings (mostly rage) for the last 6 hours! I feel cross-eyed, I have a migraine, my eyelids are twitching uncontrollably and I have the WORST taste in my mouth! My nausea is gone 100% but it's not worth feeling like a crazy person for up to 12 hours! Throwing the rest out!!

Absolutely amazing. I feel so much better. I have to remind myself that I'm pregnant

OMG this is the best pill ever!!! i had all day MS and thought about an abortion. but i prayed and the dr. prescribed this med. im so thankful

I was sick starting at 4 weeks and when I went to the doctor at 6 weeks she gave me Diclegis. It is amazing! I only take two pills before bed and I feel fine all day long. I am not sleepy and can function normally. I am 23 weeks and still taking 1 pill a day just to be safe. I would highly recommend this to anyone suffering from mild to severe morning sickness.

I would rather be nauseated all day than sleepy. I can't work AT ALL while taking diclegis and it is not even safe for me to drive, let alone take care of a 3 year old.

I was instructed to take 2 pills at night, 2 hours after eating. I took the pills and slept through the night just fine. When I woke up, I felt a bit drowsy but not very nauseus so I tried to eat a little something before walking a block to my bank. I barely made it to the bank. I was stumbling and seeing black spots, although I was about to black out. When I got to the bank I sat on a bench to gather myself together and when I got up to leave I was sweating profusely, had to stop mid block because I was about to blackout again and barely made it home again before I called my doctor to tell them what happened. They told me to immediately go to the emergency room because they thought I may have been having an allergic reaction. They evaluated me but didn't think I had quite an allergic reaction but probably more of an overdose. The thing is, I took the recommended dose which is why I am extremely concerned about this medication and the effects it may have on others. Beware.