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Generic Name: Drospirenone/Ethinyl Estradiol/Levomefolate Calcium Tablets and Levomefolate

Brand Name: Safyral

Safyral Drug and Medication User Reviews

I absolutely LOVE this birth control. I have taken Apri (which I hated and gained 25lbs from), Kariva, Yaz, and Beyaz before taking Safyral. I didn't gain any weight from Kariva,Yaz,Beyaz,or Safyral. My periods last 2-3 days and are super light. I have slight mood swings around my period but nothing major. My skin is clear as ever. I have no complaints about Safyral whatsoever. I've taken it for 3-4 years. My insurance doesn't cover it anymore so I'm sad to leave it :/ Switching over to Yasmin now.

I took this pill for two years. It was okay but gave me pretty severe mood swings. My Obgyn doctor switched me to a lower estrogen pill called lo loestrin fe so I'm hoping that my mood swings will end.

Simply put this medication makes me feel crazy! Angry, crazy mood swings. No sex drive. It's horrible! I'm a happy person and am calling my doctor tomorrow. This is just the first week and each day has gotten significantly worse.

My insurance recently stopped covering this pill and I am very sad to have to switch. My periods while on the pill were EXTREMELY light and only lasted 3 days (basically heaven) worked as a great contraceptive. I did realize an increase in headaches and migraines, as well as a decrease in sex drive. My skin was a bit more oily than usual but no terrible break outs. I'm really going to miss this one!

My skin cleared within 1 month of using this pill. I had perfect beautiful skin. However the downside was low libido, increased potassium, and increased cholesterol in my blood work within 5 months of using this pill. I stopped using the pill and I will be going to the dermatologist instead.

I have been on this for 3 years and have absolutely loved it! I never had any of the adverse side effects that's others have experienced. I am now switching however the problems that I have developed include nausea, upset stomach and heavy periods that start on Thursday and last till Sunday (previously they started Tuesday till Friday and were super light) I think it's just my body needing a change. My doctor has now put me on cryselle so we shall see how that goes for me

I was concerned about starting Safyral after reading some of the reviews here, but have been pleasantly surprised by how easy my transition onto it has been. I was not on any contraceptive previously, and when I started my Safyral regimen my ONLY side effect was very light spotting for the first month. Not only did I escape mood swings, weight gain, acne, nausea, etc., but my usual menstrual symptoms (bloating, cramps, breakouts) have become almost nonexistent. I am not yet sexually active so I can't speak to Safyral's effectiveness as a contraceptive, but I've been very happy with it in the meantime.

I am 42 and have been dealing with issues relating to perimenopause for the past two years - chiefly facial hair and very heavy periods. I started off taking microgestin, but the results were minimal. I still had heavy periods, facial hair, and I was extremely irritable. I have been on Safyral for 3 months now and the facial hair is completely gone and my periods are short and light. The only complaint I have so far is irritability, but it's not quite as bad as it was when I took the microgestin.

Contrary to what most of these reviews say, my use of Safryal has been satisfactory. My periods are lighter and last about 6 days, I'm no moodier than normal, and I have not noticed any side effects. However, I did gain a few pounds but nothing too drastic.

The reason I started Safyral was because of my emotional rollercoaster of hormones. I had a period for the ENTIRE first pack. It wasn't just spotting here or there. It was a full blown super plus tampon kind of period. I went from a B cup to a D and gained a lot of weight in just 3 months. My skin looked great but the low sex drive accompanied with vaginal dryness made intercourse uncomfortable and then eventually avoidable. I stopped using Safyral after 3 months because the PMDD got worse.

I have not enjoyed taking this BC pill and agree with the other users that are dissatisfied. After switching from a low estrogen pill this made me gain weight, be more irritable, and sex drive has been lower .

I have been on this pill for 6 months. Felt great for first several months. I was worried about gaining weight but exercise regularly and didn't think I would have any problems. Have been on many BC pills in past with no weight gain. In the beginning my breasts increased in size and were tender about a week before my period. Now after my 6 month on this pill I am seriously considering stopping it. I have gone from 115lbs to 119.5 lbs. I have breast tenderness and abdominal cramping/discomfort for almost the entire month. I have also felt more emotional/anxious than usual. I just don't like how I feel on this pill. I have not had breakthrough bleeding on safyral (which is why I changed pills) but the body discomfort (ie breast tenderness and abdominal bloat/crampiness/pain) is way worse.

I am a first time Safyral user and I am thinking about stopping. I am now on day 14 of my period. My doctor says it's normal, but I don't feel that it is! This is crazy!!!

I hate to rate a birth control after only after a little over two weeks of taking it but I thought it might help someone else. I had to stop taking it because of SEVERE ACNE. I had acne in my teens and twenties and had to take Accutane twice. Since then I have not had very much acne at all. As soon as I started this pill my face started breaking out and not little pimples. These were huge cystic bumps that don't pop they just look and feel awful. I even broke out on my neck. I have found no matter what age its very embarrassing. I tried to wait it out but couldn't take the new zits popping up overnight :/ I also noticed increased facial hair. Now that I have stopped the pill I'm having no more breakouts and slowly they are going away. Other than that I had no nausea but I did feel bloated. Again I only took this for a little over two weeks so please take that into consideration.

I was dubious about this birth control pill helping with my PCOS. I have found that it has been the best BC pill for my PCOS that I have taken. Many of the other BCs I have taken were not effective at all at stopping or reversing the hair growth and caused severe bleeding during menstruation. My Dr. said that there was an extra ingredient in Safyral that made it more effective for PCOS symptoms. I would agree. Most if not all of my initial side effects of this pill are either gone or so minor that I do not notice them as much anymore; worth it for the benefit for sure.

This medicine has served as a great birth control/contraceptive but has been absolutely terrible otherwise. I just finished my 4th month on this pills and have finally realized that the severe mood swings (crying spells) and bad headaches throughout the month are NOT worth it. I have been on 2 other birth control pills and neither one of them made me feel like I was literally going crazy. I will breakdown over the smallest things and it's just not normal. My GYN said many people have reported terrible mood swings while on this medication and I'm happy to be changing to something new.

I have experienced a lot of bloating and stomach pain with this medication. I've experienced nausea and diarrhea, as well as sore breasts. It is also a very costly medication despite the fact that there is nothing particularly special about it other than having folic acid. I switched to a new medication a month after starting Safyral.

I have been getting headaches for 6 days in a row. I am have mood swings and i bleed for 18 days with it. This medicine sucks and its raising my blood pressure up. im done taking it

I have been taking Safyral because it would help with my endometriosis. For the last 9 days I have been experiencing nothing but fatigue, bad acne outbreaks, mood swings, and bloating. I am a runner and I haven't wanted to do that at all. I would rather go through the pain and heavy periods WITHOUT this product than deal with everything that I have put up with on this product.

Since starting this birth control, my self esteem has plummeted due to my weight gain. I always feel bloated and crave sweets, and have headaches from time to time. Finally, my sex drive isn't the same. I feel like a man with ED. However, my periods are not as heavy, but i'll take heavy periods any day to taking this birth control.