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Generic Name: Drospirenone and Estradiol

Brand Name: Angeliq

Angeliq Drug and Medication User Reviews

I've taken this drug for 7 years with terrific result. Sleep issues increased with age BUT the hot flashes were almost entirely eliminated, never had headaches and felt better than I had in years. I recently had some minor spotting. Dr took me in and took samples for testing which turned out to be nothing. I was discontinued Angeliq 3 months ago and am now suffering with hot flashes, moodiness, depression and insomnia. Dr had told me we could begin the Angeliq again if I felt I needed it. Began taking it again today. Quality of life matters, the herbal remedies did not work for me.

I have been taking this for over 6 months now. Its is life-changing. After 2 weeks, No hot flushes, anxiety and weight gain. I feel good, look younger and fresher and get compliments every day. Had a bit of spotting, but this has stopped. My only concern is the headaches now and then & sleepless nights sometimes...which I can handle. I will continue with this a long as I possibly can. God forbid any other side-effects that may occur in the future. I call this my "Happy Pill"

Gives me relief from menopause symptoms but breast pain and breakthrough bleed/spotting always happens between the second or third month. Then I stop the hrt. When I stop. Symptoms return. What should I do.

Began using Angeliq at fall of 55th year and I turn 61 this month. Took first dose at 11am by 5pm the heat had disappeared as did my hot flashes. I began sleeping thru much of the night again. My only complaint is the pricing on this drug, luckily I'm insured but every year we go thru the biz with the Bayer card at CVS. They really need to stop ripping people off for drugs.

Weight gain, mood swings, tiredness and no energy. On my 2nd month and do not feel any better

I started taking this medication a month ago, so far so good, hot flashes and night sweats are gone. the only thing that i've noticed is dark patches of the skin on my face, anybody with similar side affects?

I felt great, the hot flushes stopped but my hair started to fall out rather drastically. I stopped immediately.

Flashes stopped after the first pill. No side effects. I am full of energy and concentration like never before. I live my second life.

I suffered from practically all symptoms (night and day sweats, joint & muscle pains, mood changed that equal severe depression, insomnia, mygrene, take a pick). My uterus is removed 7 years ago. My gyn prescribed Angeliq although I didn't want to take it due to widespread anti -HMT campaign all over. But I did. Problems (ALL of them) disappeared 2 weeks into the therapy, I became who I used to be. Eneregy&sleep and overall 'feeling good' period. Once I had a slight increase of BP, though it could have been any reason for it. Stopped using and symptoms came back with vengeance! Living with symptoms severe as this is likely to kill me as much as HRT can contribute to it but at least I am living a happy life without additional unecessary stress, depression, feeling blue, fat etc. Don't be afraid. p.s. I have tried every possible source of 'natural' supplements - macca, soy, linseed, even switched to raw food, nothing helped

Dealt with hotflashes for years before my OB/GYN prescribed this medication. Have been taking the drug for over 5 years and it works like a charm. No hot flashes or nightweats whatsoever since taking the medication. No weight gain or moodiness. I call it my miracle drug.

This medication has been great for the past 2 years. It has helped with mood swings, hot flashes, sleeping. My family doctor wants me to stop taking them, as i am 52 and a smoker. He says the side effects are life threatening. But they have kept me sane.

As a 41 yr old, the last thing I was expecting when I missed a period for the first time in my life, was to find out I was in acute ovarian failure... early menopause (which does NOT run in my family). Since I was still vaguely hoping for a family, this was not my drug of choice, since it was clearly contraindicated to conception; however, my obgyn advised that the chances of me becoming pregnant were almost nill without intervention....So, I agreed to try Angeliq. I had no idea I was going into menopause and had no discernible symptoms, other than a sudden onset of facial acne-- a condition I never experienced, even in adolescence. Since taking Angeliq, the acne has improved. I have noticed water retention and bloating and have gotten a period again after three months without. Moodiness is definitely a side effect I have experienced, but other than that, the drug works as promised.

Price is outrageous! $105.00 a month

I am 55 yrs of age, periods stopped at 50, had hot flashes, dry skin, vaginal dryness etc, etc. I was able to handle it but over the past year the hot flashes were lasting 23 hrs a day, had overactive bladder and bad sleeping patterns. In 24 hours there was immediate improvement. I'm almost 30 days on this med, so far it's been life changing. I feel substantially better and have not had a hot flash in the past two weeks. I would sweat so badly several times each day I had to change my top. I also began using Oxytrol patches for over active bladder. Life is greatly improved and I'll continue to use both of these meds as long as allowed and there are not severe side effects. My doc mentioned a 5 yr run on these HRT drugs. I'm hoping to get to 60 or 61 feeling much better than 50-55.

what I have noticed is the tenderness and slight pain in my left breast I have been using the treatment for 3 months

has controled my ansiety, sleeplesness, and weight gain.

I've only been taking this for two weeks, but I have noticed changes both good and bad. I stopped waking at night, but have suddenly ballooned in weight plus been hit by bad depression. I would rather have the change of life symptoms then feel fat and depressed, so I am going off it.

Started using Angeliq 3 years ago. My hot flashes disappeared, my skin, hair and nails started growing. I had more energy and my mood improved immensly. I stopped using it for 4months and everything went down hill. My hair fell out in chunks and I was so depressed. Started taking it again and I feel fantastic.

This drug works great to reduce hot flashes, night sweats and moodiness. I have been taking it for 21/2 years but do have bleeding every couple of weeks. I can also sleep! It is important to take it about the same time everyday.

Hot flashes went away immediately, but started vaginal bleeding and headaches more than usual. Experienced loss of desire for most everything. Have cut my dose in half by taking every other day and will start a bioidentical menopause cream I found through Daystar.