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Generic Name: Drospirenone and Ethinyl Estradiol

Brand Name: Yaz

Yaz Drug and Medication User Reviews

I was on the mini pill for about year and then I started developing cystic acne on my cheeks that took ages to go away. They were occasional but left bad scars. I switched to YAZ about 4 months ago and developed the worst acne of my entire life. My skin has developed texture everywhere, I have giant cystic pimples all over my chin, and a few on my cheek that are under the skin. Still deciding whether to get off the hormonal route or not since I didn’t have severe acne before starting to take birth control. If you haven’t taken the pill before/isn’t absolutely necessary I highly recommend you don’t because adding hormones to your body can cause awful side effects.

Came off Ginet and had IUD inserted, I started getting acne so thought I would remove the IUD and start taking Yaz as it is advertised to help with bad skin. I've been taking Yaz for 7 months and still no changes in my skin, there have been no improvements to my skin whatsoever - not a good time at 27 years old! I had perfect skin when I was on Ginet so going back on that. Everyone is different - this did not work for me.

I have been on Yaz for about 2.5 months and oh my God these side effects are absolutely insane. I have NEVER. EVER. had this many side effects from a medication IN MY LIFE (and I take a lot of medications). The first month my legs started going numb while I was sleeping, didn’t think anything of it. Then a couple weeks later AWFUL body aches before bed. I was terrified of blood clots because that’s a severe side effect, but my OBGYN said as long as there is no red spots, I’m good. After about a month and a half this went away (comes back every so often though, but not like it was before). Then… the nausea started. I would take the pill at night before bed, get up in the morning and feel like I was about to projective vomit for the next 2 hours. Around month 2 i thought I had contracted the stomach bug or food poisoning because I was so incredibly sick I was begging my boyfriend to take me to the hospital. No one else that was around me got sick or contracted food poisoning. I am wondering if I was actually sick or it was this damn pill. And my period…. I am going on day 17 of my period now. My period is heavier, longer, and cramps are 10x worse. I have also gained almost 7lbs and it’s driving me insane because I am extremely active and eat relatively well. My boobs grew almost an entire cup size (which I kinda love) but they are so incredibly tender. HERES THE CATCH, I am diagnosed with severe anxiety and depression. This pill has made my mood the most stable it has ever been (despite being on my period for 17 days). It really improved my mood immediately and I really like the way I feel on it. My skin broke out really bad the first 2 months and I was super upset, but I am now starting to see it slowly clear up (know on wood). Final thoughts: I have really gone through it with these side effects, however, this is normal when adjusting to a new birth control. I’ve called my OBGYN like 3x to express my concerns and she tells me to stick with it and hang on until at least month 4. I trust her a lot and she specifically prescribed me this medication, so we will see how it goes. The side effects can be awful, but I do believe that they will go away within a few more weeks. Stick with it and don’t jump ship so fast!

I started yaz a month ago, and after two weeks I started bleeding now it's week three is it normal or should I be worried?

I started Yaz because I breakout a lot and it was recommended to treat acne. It's been four months and I'm still breaking out???? Time to try another pill

After 4 days it sent me to hospital with pelvic pain so intense I couldn’t walk. Every day I took it hours later at the same time I had abdominal and pelvic pain.

YAZ plus has never given me a reason to doubt it or not enjoy it. It did shorten my period to 3 days , and we all know that’s nothing to complain about , I have not gained weight , yet my boobs have grown slightly , but I’m sure we all have different reactions to it . I have not experienced any mood differentiation and am quite satisfied with it. I would highly recommend this product to anyone ??

I was on yaz for 6 months. When I started in the first 3 months My skin broke out and I read that about month 3 your skin gets better. I stayed on for another 3 months even though I had issues with my mood. The last 2 months I had 2 panic attacks and extremely bad anxiety and I’ve never had issues with my anxiety like this before and On top of that extremely bad skin still, my boobs got slightly bigger and were in pain as well. This is the 2nd time I’ve tried yaz since my last time about 3 years ago, and I threw out the packet last night. My boyfriend has never seen me more anxious and emotional in my life… I wouldn’t recommend.

I love this pill, have been on it just over a year. I have PMDD as well as PTSD and my period and related symptoms were terrible triggers for me. I had a copper IUD for almost ten years which was effective but eventually magnified my PMDD to the point that the thought of getting my period filled me with overwhelming dread, anxiety, and depression. I had terrible, heavy, painful periods with sore breasts, agonizing cramps, nausea, sleeplessness, anxiety, fatigue, etc. Yaz has been a life saver. My doctor instructed me to skip the inactive pills so I have not had a period in over a year and honestly what a godsend. I have not noticed any side effects — no weight gain, no acne, normal amount of headaches/migraines (preexisting), etc. My mood and energy levels are balanced and I like my body more. Having this medication has shown me how much periods and symptoms effected me and I can’t imagine going off this pill. Ps I am 33, for some reason I could not select the accurate age range.

I started taking Yaz around January of 2022. I was on a different pill before that cause me severe cystic acne. I’ve always had a bit of acne, but that pill (Aviane) made it a million times worse. I spent over a year on that pill before realizing it was never going to help my acne. I then switched to Yaz. At first, my skin 100% got worse. I didn’t have a lot of hope that it could clear up. By month 3, all of my acne started to clear. I still got pimples, just not as many as I normally would. By month 5, My whole face has cleared. I get probably 1 or 2 pimples a week, but they’re tiny ones that go away within a day. Now I’m just trying to clear my acne scars. I’ve spent years using a million different creams and face washes to get rid of my acne and this is the only thing that’s worked for me. I was definitely worried when reading these reviews because Yaz didn’t work for a lot of people. It’s worth giving it a try. Just because it didn’t work out for some of the people on here, doesn’t mean it wont work out for you!

I was taking Yaz for 10+ years and it helped control my mood swings. Periods were light and no more than 5 days. For me I didn't menstruate until 3 days after taking the last pill but I was told that was ok. My skin was clear but I would start getting small chin pimples before my period. I didn't gain any weight on this medication. I stopped taking it to try the mirena IUD because my hormones have changed with age. My first month off Yaz I had a heavier, red period but it was still lighter because I didn't start ovulating right away. Everyone is different but I originally took this because it's easier for your body to go back to normal if you decide to go off it and try to become pregnant

I had been on yaz for many years. I tried to go off it a few times and that's when I really learned how well fitting its hormones are for me. While on it, I stayed lean and when off it I gained weight and had a difficult time losing any at all. I just got back on it after a year and half and already sense my body going into weight loss mode.

It works! Been in the pill for about 2 years. Was better for my acne than other birth controls. Biggest issues for me were that I get extremely bloated during my period. That may be outside of this though but I really noticed it when I got on the pill. I also did gain weight over the course of me taking this pill. Not too much but definitely noticeable. I also lost a lot of libido and arousal on this pill. I am extremely dry down there. I always have to use lube when having sex.

Definitely helped with acne but had a lot of side effects. My acne got better but it did not go away. I also experienced more cramps and mood swings in comparison to my previous birth control pill.

I’m 18 & I went on the pill to clear my skin. Did it clear my skin? Absolutely not. Before I had combination skin with some acne on my forehead. Now I have dry patches constantly and my skin flares up on my chin, cheeks, and forehead the week before & the week of my cycle. I gained weight because of how big my appetite has become. I’m extremely irritable more often than not and my depressive mood swings have only gotten worse. I plan on switching soon. Pretty much everything I didn’t want while going on the pill for the first time happened

I started using yaz cause it was recommended by my dermatologist since i was on acnetane,she had to make sure i dont fall pregnant. First month of using it i felt okay,but my second month,i started feeling tired all the time,and was full on hungry in a bad way,and had the worst bloating while i was on the non active pill, and had nausea 24hrs which came with vomiting. So,i decided to go off the pill,couldn't take it anymore. So now im thinking of using non hormonal IUD.

Okay starting this pill was horrible. I switched off depo because my mental health deteriorated and now I get yaz delivered which is sooo much easier. My skin flared up BAD. The second month was the worse (I’m talking pubescent teenager bad), third month absolute angel work I have never had clear skin and for the 7 months I’ve been on it my skin has never looked better. I’ve never had long periods but I used to get really bad cramps this has pretty much gone away entirely except if a take a pill late I get slight cramping and pretty bad nausea (but that’s really my bad hehe). I can’t really speak on mental health I’ve always been kind of sad, I began the pill during covid as well so I’m going to say my social anxiety is more to do with that than the pill itself. My mood is definitely a lot more consistent my boyfriend and I debate whether this is for the best I definitely don’t get as “happy” as I used to (also just turned 21 so quarter life crisis??) but I’m also not falling into deep pits of depression which I LOVE. This is definitely the best birth control I’ve used, starting it may suck but try to get through the 3rd month and just make sure you take care of yourself

My daughter almost died. Blood clots in brain.

Immediately stop this pill if you notice anything off. I have only been on it for a month, but I have suffered intense depression, anxiety so intense I was having 3-4 panic attacks PER DAY, and literal psychosis. This pill is literal hell for me.

DO NOT TAKE THIS PILL This pill should be illegal. My daughter suffered suicidality, major depression and psychosis - while on this drug. We finally discovered a professor in Australia who has years of data on this pill and it's negative impact on women. We met hundreds of women who concurred. It took us 18 months to figure out what was going on - after meeting with so many doctors and specialists.... only 1 of them told us she had this same experience. DO NOT TAKE THIS PILL