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Generic Name: Elvitegravir, Cobicistat, Emtricitabine, Tenofovir DF

Brand Name: Stribild

Stribild Drug and Medication User Reviews

i have been taking HIV meds since 2001. i recently changed to Stribild from Atripla. I have NEVER felt so sick before. i feel hungover almost all day after waking up and i don't drink. i can't take it anymore and am gonna call my doctor tomorrow and get back on Atripla. Stribild has made me feel miserable every day that i have taken it. i also feel achy in my joints.

After 4 weeks of treatment, VL from 56k to just 85! CD4 from 151 to 207. Hungover feeling, some anxiety and insomnia first 2 weeks. Now no issues taking it at all. Supplement with vitamin D and Selenium. Zero out of pocket with Gilead copay card.

I was on Stribild for 30 days when my Liver enzymes started to go up. The dr. said it is not uncommon in some patients but said I had to get off the medication or it could cause Liver damage. After a change to Complera a year and a half ago the Dr. has now switched me to Genvoya. Same type as Stribild but less of one of the medications that can cause Liver Damage. Good drug but be mindful each month of your Liver enzymes.

I started last two week from beginning I were feeling pain in my left arm, some headaches,blurry eyes one time for 3 min.Now I had acid reflux for 3days I hope it will be better soon.

I just looked over the symptoms...Yes, the dizziness and headaches are symptoms of taking the med...but I will be contacting the doc to see how long symptoms last, and what i can do about it.

I only bad to take meds while pregnant, but now that im done having kids, the hiv was slowly creeping back up. I took stribild for 3 weeks and it went from 9000 to undetectable. No side effects in the beginning. Im having slight vertigo and headaches more often than not in the evenings (4 weeks after 1st dose), and i take it before bed just to avoid side effects...I will see if its medicine related or something else...

At the end of july of 2015 i begain taking strbilid once a day along with dapsone. At the end of August i went into get my blood drawn my blood drawn and my VL went from over 99,000 to 136. I aslo stopped feeling sluggish and tired. I used to fall asleep because i just could not function anymore that day. I see that i have more energy. Im still not sure if i am undetectable yet my doctor wants it to keep working for a couple months but i go back soon

My labs are all normal and have been for 29 years. Doctors have been stressing everybody should be on meds whether normal labs or not. Finally I started on Sribild and have regretted it tremendously. It's been almost 3 weeks. stomach cramps, nausea every single (did I say "every" sing le day). I would NOT recommend this med or any to someone like myself. The establishment should be penalized.

WOW!!! I was diagnosed in June of 2014, no idea to expect HIV, none. No side effects (yet), Took first dose July 10,A week or so later and Bam!, suddenly felt better, symptoms of HIV clearer. Rash was clearing up. when I went to Dr July 29, most symptoms had cleared greatly. This drug was/is amazing. Definitely take with food.

I've been diagnosed since November of 2008 (6 yrs) and just recently started taking Stribild. Up until the past year I have controlled my viral load and my cd4 levels were good. My doctor recommended I begin taking meds b/c my viral load was beginning to be detected and I have a partner who is negative, so I took her advice. I've been taking Stribild for 2 1/2 months and already my viral load is undetectable and cd4 has gone up. My only complaint is that I am miserable with stomach aches everyday. My doctor said it should go away after 2 weeks, but it's been 2 months and still I feel sick everyday. I almost regret starting medications. If I don't feel better by my next visit I'm thinking of getting off. I don't know how long I can take this.

If you possibly can, please urge your physician to see if you are right for Stribuild. I transitioned to this drug after being on several previously. Although I initially was taking stribuild along with selentry, I was taken off of selzentry because drug assistance refused to pay for more than 4 drugs. It was a wait and see after that, but stribuild has continued to work greatly alone. My VL count still hovers between just over detectable and non-detectable, but my CD4 is 1,157 at last lab (last week).

Well after 10 years of taking Norvir, Truvada, and Reyataz I asked my doctor if he can change my medication to only 1 pill a day and sure enough he put me on Stribild recuding the number of meds I have to take not just the HIV med others as well, so That part is great I just read the side effects the ONLY thing I might be a little concerned about would be the increase of fat around your neck and/or Stomach, I'm gonna ask my Doctor about that side effect just to make sure since I have several friends who are on Meds and have that problem with increased Stomach fat, Don't want that, but if any one here has been taking this Med for a while now and haven't suffered that problem would be nice to know, would appreciate your opinion. Thanks Again

I was diagnosed March/April 2014. Starting taking Stribild within 2 weeks. I had a CD4 of 204 and 5-days into takign meds a VL of 4,000. Just had my 6 month check up and VL >1 and CD4 of 298 already. Ni side effects after some minor things the first 2 weeks (my body healing). I take one every morning and it has made this process much easier to deal with and manage.

I got the virus July 2006. I was confirmed in April 2007. Same month I started going to my doctor to check how I was doing. Nov. 2013 I started taking Stribild. I am really happy cause works excellent!! I had no side effects. I take my pill around 10pm, 2 hours before going to sleep. My family life and home life hasn't change, I'm a very positive person how life should be taking. So don't feel your life is done. God is giving us another chance, with us taking care of our self and taking care of the rest. Don't loose the opportunity and take Stribild.

I have been on 3 pills per day for almost 8 years and then I heard of the new pill and asked my doctor if I could try it, she told me yes and I never miss a dose. This drug has changed my life!

The drug has lifted my CD4, but I have had major changes in my skin. I have never had psoriasis before taking this dru.

I've had no side effects with this medication. It has succesfully taken my viral load down to undetectable for 2 years and I only have to take it 1 time a day.

I'm am concerned about the side effects that are still unknown since the medication is relatively new. I have thinning skin to the point of when I hit something my skin bruises and bleeds easily. Also, I have gastric problems. The one thing I am glad about is that you don't have to have a certain caloric amount of food when you take it like another HIv med

It has worked quickly with little to no side effects. Easy one pill treatment