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Generic Name: Estring (estradiol-topical)

Estring Reviews

For Atrophic Vaginitis "It works well, EXCEPT -- my 'vaginal vault' is NOT that deep. It will NOT insert any further. (It flips if I try.) The device hangs out and irritates my genitalia -- leading to poking & incontinence!!! Make it a little SMALLER, please."

For Atrophic Vaginitis "I LOVE this thing! That was not the case the first week, I really considered removing it because it was very uncomfortable. I hung in there, and by the 2nd week, I couldn't even feel it. All of my horrible symptoms of estrogen deficiency were gone by week two. No more pain, constant urination urge, and generally feeling awful. I feel like my normal self again. And sex with my husband is no longer miserable! Yes, I have concerns about all the warnings on the packaging and the website, but I just needed to have some relief, and this has provided it. My female gyno highly recommends it for me, and I trust her. My co-pay with the coupon was only $20.00."

For Atrophic Vaginitis "I am 52 years old, menopausal, and I have been using Estring for about 6 months now and LOVE it. I had severe vaginal dryness and itching. I love sex, but it was painful and I would often bleed during and after. Within 2 weeks of using the Estring, all my symptoms disappeared! Such a huge relief. The ring looks giant when you take it out of the package, and you may worry about making it fit. I had no problems inserting it and couldn’t feel it. I can’t remove it myself, so I have to enlist the help of my husband. It is worth every penny. If you are on the fence - TRY IT."

For Atrophic Vaginitis "Best decision I ever made. I had lost feelings in my breasts and was so dry down there I wanted to cry. Was in vaginal pain every day. Dr. said Estring would take at least 2 weeks to begin working. For me it began working within 3 days. I feel like a new woman."

For Atrophic Vaginitis "I started using Estring because of vaginal dryness and urinary frequency. It's been 4 weeks since I started using the ring and found that it was a little odd inserting a ring that size. So far, I am tolerating it well. I went from being dry as the Sahara Desert to feeling moist again, so I give it an A for that. I had been on Estrace for 2 years and cannot stand the messiness. Estrace cream made me get more yeast infections. I'm done with the cream and in with the ring. Hopefully, I will still keep having good results with the ring."

For Atrophic Vaginitis "I got the Estring yesterday after paying $430! Had no idea it was that expensive. I can’t insert it where it will stay in place. I had a hysterectomy 20 years ago and assume it’s because my cervix was removed. This is an incredibly expensive disaster. I’m very unhappy and at a loss as to what to do."

For Atrophic Vaginitis "I started using the Estring ring a little over a month and a half ago. I was unsure if I really wanted to walk around for 90 days with this object in my vagina. I thought I would be able to feel it. I was so totally wrong! Finally, after having it in my possession for a month, I finally inserted it and waited for results. Menopause had caused my vagina walls to become thinner and drier. Sex with my husband was frustrating! I still wanted to be intimate, but my vagina was not cooperating! So here we are at the almost 2-month mark, and I am totally satisfied with my ring! My walls seem to have more elasticity, lubrication, and it feels like it belongs to me again! I do not feel it at all, and my husband says it does not bother him."

For Atrophic Vaginitis "I have dryness and painful sex. I was so excited to try this, but after three days I had to take it out. It was not uncomfortable, in fact, I couldn’t feel it, but the abdominal cramping was unbearable, and then the back pain, and now on the third day of it out, I have terrible bloating. It is not worth it, and frankly, the pain kept me up at night. I didn’t know it was related to the ring until I took it out."

For Atrophic Vaginitis "I’ve been using the Estring for at least five years, since menopause. I love it, it works great. If I take a “break” from it thinking I don’t need it anymore, I get dryness and urethral burning. I’ve tried estrogen cream, but it’s so inconvenient having to remember to insert it! With the Estring, I’m good for a whole three months! It’s easy to insert and remove, since I’m comfortable with my intimate parts, you just have to hook a finger and pull! Only downside is that it used to cost $15 with my work insurance, but now with Medicare and Humana it’s $95. But since it lasts three months, it’s really not awful and totally worth it! Go Estring!!"

For Atrophic Vaginitis "I've absolutely stopped looking and spending money on lubes, vitamins, etc. I'm 46, and all my lab work comes back normal, but my yoni says different. I'm way too active to let vaginal dryness stop my life. I decided to get the Estring after a couple of years of battling with dryness, and it was the BEST decision of my life. After 2 weeks, my yoni has no more dryness. No lube needed to start! We just go whenever we feel like it. Best decision I've ever made. Go for it if you're tired of googling and dryness."

For Atrophic Vaginitis "My primary care physician and ob/gyn doctor recommended the Estring after my periods ended. I used it for 6.5 years, and it worked great - minimal pain during sex with my husband. I couldn't feel it once I inserted it. It's a little tricky to remove at first - reaching in far enough with a finger and hooking it. In the last six months, I've had two episodes where vaginal discharge turned from clearish white to light yellow and had an unclean odor. The first time I removed it for a week, the problem cleared up, and I inserted a new one. This second time seems worse - both times the ring was only one month in place, so it's expensive to have to put a new one in. I'm going to the doctor and see what he says. Good luck - I think it's a great product - I didn't have any other side effects for six years. I'll use it again once the doctor confirms it's still okay for my use."

For Atrophic Vaginitis "The Estring was my answer to vaginal dryness and extremely painful intercourse. And I wasn't even in menopause yet. I also had vulvodynia causing extreme burning and pain. I had tried the cream, Estrace, but could never keep it up and didn't want to deal with it. Finally, my doctor recommended the Estring. After 2 or 3 weeks, I was feeling completely normal again. I've been using this for almost 9 months now, and I no longer have any pain, and the vulvodynia seems to be gone. It's a miracle. I can actually have pain-free sex once again."

For Atrophic Vaginitis "I have been using estring for about 4 yrs. it is very effective at reducing my vaginal dryness during sex. My only complaint is the difficulty with removing it. Even my husband has a had time reaching it. It is worth that irritation, though. The only time I noticed an odor was when I left it in longer than 90 days. My fault. I have gained a few pounds the last two years and had problems with bloating. Never occurred to me it could be caused by the estring. I will try taking a break and see if there is any change. I am quite petite so a few pounds is a big deal for me. Also, I have used the coupon each year and pay $15 per dose thru CVS. Never been told there is a limit. I simply download a new annual coupon to show my pharmacist and they are good with the pricing."

For Atrophic Urethritis "Used for urethritis. ( urgency and incontinence) and vaginal dryness. I felt it for the first day or two but after that, I am not aware it is there. 2 weeks before the 90 days are up I start getting the urgency and getting a little dry and depressed so I change it before the 90 days are up. IT $100 each ring in Canada, and I get 50% back with insurance. The awful experience of urgency and cost of incontinence products, I would pay double this."

For Atrophic Vaginitis "Started two weeks ago for leak control. Have been on Vivelle dot for 10 years, no weight gain. On estring, plus patch and gained 5 pounds. Went off patch one week ago ... still very bloated.... but hot flashes. Back on smaller doses patch with estring but now went off after two weeks due to weight gain. Note*. My weight has always been perfect I was always quite slender, so a 5 pound fluctuation is significant in my case. No change to diet or exercise. I will Report again in two weeks of Being off Estring."

For Atrophic Vaginitis "I've been postmenopausal for nearly 7 years. Past the hot flash and insomnia stage. My issue was primarily vaginal dryness and painful intercourse because the vaginal tissue had lost elasticity. I have used estrogen cream and Vagifem. Both worked fine for a while, but gradually became less effective. My doctor switched me to the Estring, and I love it. I'm a little unsure about whether I inserted it correctly because my husband could feel it. Also, I had a pelvic ultrasound for an unrelated issue, and the Estring obstructed the tech's view. I reached down and popped the thing out and put it back when she was done - haha. Now, I do that for relations with my husband too. I will follow up with doc about proper placement."

For Atrophic Vaginitis "I was on this for vaginal dryness and painful intercourse. I inserted it on Wednesday but had to remove it by Sunday because it was causing back pain and cramping. I also had a “full” feeling in my vagina and I could feel the ring in there. I was hopeful for this and I like the convenience. But it’s too rigid and hard and uncomfortable. I’ve tried the vag creams and they are so messy. So not sure what to do now. The side effects are just not worth it."

For Atrophic Vaginitis "I had a hysterectomy in my 20’s and was on premarin for 20 years. I’m currently in my 60’s and about 6 years ago, I found sex painful, in large part because of vaginal atrophy and dryness. I have been using Estring for 5 years and it has helped. Putting it in and removing it takes practice. I insert it by pinching it and slipping it in sideways. It flips once it’s inside and with a gentle shove, positions itself where it belongs. Removing it involves a split second of discomfort as it flips on its way out. I swim and bathe with it. Often, remove it for intercourse since my partner would feel it. I have occasionally had some belly pressure and thought I might have a UTI. Removing it for a day helped. No weight gain; just of a lot of walking!"

For Atrophic Vaginitis "Initially, I thought it was the miracle drug. Then, 7 months after I started using it, I started to have unusual back pain and sensitivity to my spine, and numbness and tingling in the bottom of my feet. I took the ring out and started to have immediate relief, and 2 days later, my back pain was totally gone."

For Atrophic Vaginitis "I am 51 size 18. Two years in menopause. When I was having sex with my husband it felt sharp pains each time him went in. It was awful!! I told my obgyn. She suggested a cream I put inside of me 3 times a week. I would forget all the time. She suggested estring. My obgyn gave me a card to register and to cover the co pay my insurance did not cover. What a godsend!! Easy to insert, did not hurt and you notice it is little like you have a tampon in. My husband did not feel it. And our love making was amazing!! I was crying happy tears this time!!"

For Atrophic Vaginitis "I had extreme pain during intercourse and also experienced severe atrophy. The Estring provided a miracle solution. I have had no side effects, except a little weight gain. My vagina seems to be more lubricated, and intercourse is no longer painful. I am wondering if it is okay to go in a hot tub and take hot baths with it. I have not found the answer to this question anywhere."

For Atrophic Vaginitis "I didn't realize how much this was a great product until I stopped using it. The only reason I stopped it is because it is no longer covered by my insurance. I didn't want something that was traditional HRT. I just wanted something for atrophy, my doctor suggested Estring. Wonderfully, Estring helped me with my hot flashes, insomnia, irritability, emotional roller coaster, and atrophy. I just wish it didn't cost so much."

For Atrophic Vaginitis "The first time I used it, within days the vag dryness was gone. But I gained 6lbs , got belly bloat ,& developed an odor. It was extremely difficult to remove!!! The 2nd time using it I had some pressure and odor (no infection) and then after a total of 6 mths I finally realized that my hot flashes came back due to the ring, I had them ever since I began using this... I am done! Coconut oil for me !"

For Atrophic Vaginitis "I obviously had an extreme sensitivity to whatever this device is composed of. Within 5 hours of having it inserted I began to experience severe burning and pressure. I also developed hives in my face and neck. I removed the device and all symptoms subsided. I am most likely allergic to it (silicone). I am also extremely dismayed at the cost; not sure if I’d even consider long term use if it had been effective with the cost."

For Atrophic Vaginitis "I had been taking Premarin for many years which helped with monthly migraines due to hormone fluctuations. I kept taking it after a partial hysterectomy but noticed the migraines were back. Finally listened to my Dr. and went off but the speed and intensity of menopausal symptoms hit me like a brick wall. Main problem was extremely painful intercourse. Tried water based lubrication and found it useless. Tried creams but so messy! Did some research and decided to ask GYN about Estring. Didn't realize how expensive it was but after reading comments about other options, maybe it isn't out of the ordinary for treatment of this problem. Been on Estring for 2 years now which has helped but I still have a fair amount of pain on penetration even with extra lubrication. I remove the ring for sex and agree that it is stiff & a bit tricky to get in properly but really not all that difficult."

More about Estring (estradiol topical)

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  • Dosage information
  • During pregnancy
  • Drug class: estrogens
  • Breastfeeding
  • En español

Patient resources

  • Estring Vaginal Ring drug information
  • Estring local

Other brands

Yuvafem, Vagifem, Estrace Vaginal Cream, Imvexxy

Professional resources

  • Estradiol Vaginal Insert prescribing information

Other brands

Yuvafem, Estrace Vaginal Cream

Related treatment guides

  • Atrophic Vaginitis
  • Atrophic Urethritis