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Generic Name: Gemfibrozil

Brand Name: Lopid

Lopid Drug and Medication User Reviews

Took Niaspan for nearly a decade. Little impact on my Triglyceride number. (400 plus). Switched to Lopid. Within 3 months my tri's had dropped to less than 150. Just took my most recent test and they are now 69! Lopid is much easier to take than Niaspan, although I do take twice a day. Once in the morning and once again in the late afternoon. No side effects.

total chol normal LDL normal HDL normal Triglyceride high (441)

Battled high triglycerides for years (400-600). Took niaspan with not much change. Switched to lopid several months ago. First test came back and my number was down to 88! Couldn't believe it. Waited several months and tested again. New number 93! Unbelievable. Take 30 minutes before lunch and dinner. Put a reminder on my phone to keep me regimented. Feel very blessed to have found lopid to work for me

Triglycerides were 1100 and in 3 months of this medicine, it is at 110 and A1C from 11 to 6.

Started with triglycerides at 1300. Lopid dropped them to about 200. Now in combination with pravachol, I run about 150. I use generic Gemfribozil currently. I have had no side effects.

I have been taking this for 5 years. I am now sleepy all the time and am very weak. Constant head aches and stomach pain. Liver test are showing that it is right at excessive levels, but not over the limit. Loss of memory is increasing. Afraid of this medication.

No problems with taking med. It is still too early in my taking it to see if it is really working,

my sister was taking this medication for her triglyceride level and had only taken it for three days and she developed diabetes. We took her to ER and she had BS level of 1649 was wondering if this medication had any effect on anyone glucose level

I Just started taking this drug 2 weeks ago and however I take it twice a day 9am/9pm I can not take it 30 min for eating The only problem I have found with this pill is OMG it killed my sex drive and erections I do get headache from them and yes it will make you tired all day long other then that this med better work since it seems that I will be giving up sex for a while

its been ok for me my clolesterol has gone down sents iv been taking it


weight loss and some mild stomach cramping are the only side effects I have experienced

I take this pill 2x a day now for about 2 months. After reading here I now know why I have headaches, feel tired all the time and cant sleep at night! Just this week I started to get sorness all over in my back and limbs. Have not had a follow up labs yet so dont know if its helped or not. Other than what I've mentioned I guess I tolerate it. But whew am I tired!

I started taking Lopid about a month ago. First day, stomach upset. I take it after breakfast with lots of water. And again at night after dinner. No problems so far. Sometimes at first days on med. I experienced a small cramping near my navel. Not so anymore. Feeling some tiredness. Bowel movements are better. Also taking Lipitor 80mg a day near noon or lunch time, also with lots of water.

Had serious side effects. Muscle tightness all up and down my back and left arm. Numbness/tingliness in my left thumb and first finger, headache, loss of appetite, and not knowing when I am full. Tired in the middle of the day. If I don't time it just right and eat 30 min after taking the med, I experience diarrhea for a couple of hours.

Severe muscle pain-- fatigue--

i get extremely sick to my stomach every morning after taking this medication.

I have been taking Lopid for more than 2 years and have not experienced any adverse side effects. I usually take before bed and when I wake up. Triclycerides have dropped and remain manageable.