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Generic Name: Activella for Postmenopausal Symptoms (estradiol-norethindrone)

Activella for Postmenopausal Symptoms Reviews

"I'm on Activelle for 8 years now, and it was the only HRT that makes me feel like my old self. I tried weaning myself off it, but then the hot flushes come back within a day. I would love not to use anything, but quality of life is very important to me, so I carry on. I tried every herbal and natural remedy, pill I could find, they only worked for perimenopause and not great at all. Two years I struggled every 4 weeks on a different HRT and wanted to jump off a building, until I went to see my gynecologist and she gave me Activelle. Even my family noticed that the old me was back. Why suffer, hey."

"I am 52, and have been suffering from hot flashes for about 2 years. My doctor didn’t want to go the HRT route and prescribed me Clonidine at first. The Clonidine worked for about 4 months, then suddenly stopped. Hot flashes ramped up to 3-5 an hour! Sleep was near impossible. Finally, I was prescribed Activella LD. It took about 3 weeks to work, but it works. I am just 5 weeks in now. Zero hot flashes. I feel my moods have improved, and I also feel calmer. I am experiencing way less anxiety. Basically, I feel like I did 3 years ago before this menopause stuff all started. The only negative side effect for me is daily morning diarrhea, but that seems to be subsiding. I wish I had gotten this medication years ago."

"On this medication for 3 weeks. I was waking up at least 2x nightly with hot flashes... The fatigue had gotten so bad there were mornings going to work I would cry in my car and wonder how I was going to make it through the day. My motivation to do anything was so low. Took this med a week, maybe less, and had my first full night's sleep and continue to do so - no hot flashes!! I also have noticed other benefits. I just feel better. I knew I didn't feel good some days, but all of this crept up so slowly I didn't realize how bad it had gotten for me. I'll watch for side."

"I had experienced almost nonstop hot flashes for 3 years before asking my doctor for help. I was a mess. I am on the lowest dose of this medication, and it has been a lifesaver for me. Hot flashes gone, most of the irritability has gone away. I feel like my old self. It took about 3 weeks to notice the difference and have been taking it for 6 months now. I will have occasional breast pain, but it is nothing serious, just a twinge. Well worth the relief!"

"Consider removal of ovaries if you use Activella or consider not taking it at at all. My mum was on the drug for several years and developed ovarian cancer. HRT increases risk of breast and ovarian cancer and I do not wish anyone to go through staff my mum is going through. Hot flushes are nothing compared to chemo and hight probability of death within next few months/years."

"I have been taking Activella for 4 months now. It immediately alleviated hot flashing and anxiety/nervousness/irritability. However, I think it is beginning to cause headaches. I've also had scalp acne, which started when I was taking a generic form of Activella but seems to be clearing now that I'm taking the actual brand name of the drug. Also, I have noticed I am more emotional (tear up in a second) on this medicine. In the last month or so, I have become increasingly clumsy, dropping things I'm holding. Will update on this in 2 months."

"I have been taking Activella for exactly 2 weeks now. I noticed the hot flushes and night sweats have definitely decreased but I still feel very emotional and irritable. I haven't had a migraine in over 10 years. In the last 2 weeks I have had 4 migraines which make me feel awful, so nauseous and unable to do anything. I don't know if I should continue with the meds and hope the migraines will stop or just stop taking the meds altogether. I feel like the menopause symptoms are mild compared to the migraines. What should I do?"

"I was prescribed this medicine for intractable migraines that seemed to be associated with decreased estrogen and for awful night sweats and insomnia. The migraines almost completely disappeared and are now stopped with 50 mg Imitrex (that had previously gotten to the point where nothing stopped them). The night sweats and insomnia completely stopped."

"I was prescribed Activella for 5 years. It worked beautifully for me and I felt good. I changed to Prempro because of insurance and about 3 weeks into that change I started developing breast tenderness, headache, and sleep issues. Unfortunately, I have to wait until October when I can change my insurance again to get back on Activella."

"I've been taking Activelle it's been a week for menopause issues, I have more hot flashes which was my reason for starting this medication. I was hoping it would improve my sleep....I'm disappointed in this medication..."

"Hot flashes were relieved; however, I suddenly (never before experienced) a migraine with some nausea after 2 months on this medicine. I used ES Tylenol and felt better in 3 hours. Since this is the only medication I was taking and my overall health is very good, I decided to reduce the dosage by taking the medication every other day. The hot flashes were still relieved, and this half dosage was for one month. Last week, I suffered another migraine and vomiting and was under the weather for an entire day. I have decided to go off the medication completely."

"Been taking Activelle for 7 months now, no hot flushes but still got night sweats. I will be stopping tomorrow as have been diagnosed with deep vein thrombosis in my calf today. So gave me worst symptoms would rather have the hot flushes back. Caution when taking this drug"

"6+ years into taking Activella 1mg estradiol. Now aged 63. It improved my life and depression with menopause. *Had taken birth control pills most of my adult life. Don't feel I would ever go off Activella. No side effects. I have low thyroid since 2004, and since COVID am now COPD for the past year. So anything that improves my now shorter life is a blessing. Thank you."

"I am 65 years old and have been taking Activella for about 13 years. In the first years of my menopause, I tried everything natural and bio-identical, as well as other HRT options, but I only felt good when I started taking Activella. In the first year, I took a higher dose of 2 mg, then reduced it to 1 mg. After a few years, I further lowered the dose to now taking half a pill every 3 to 4 days, which is a 7th of the low dose. Activella has helped me tremendously. I still can't completely stop it, even though my doctor urges me to due to the long duration of intake."

"My dr prescribed Activella low dose and told me to expect "immediate" relief, within about one week. I've been taking drug daily at same time for 7 days now and hot flashes are more intense and far more frequent than before. I'm going to stop taking this medication. Disappointed."

"I have used this pill for four weeks instead of getting rid of hot flashes and night sweats it got worse instead of relief. This pill made things worse not better plan to stop this medication with all the bad side effects it has."

"Activella works. Generics do NOT work for me. Please help me find my prescription. CVS claims they are waiting on my shipment. I have been waiting for weeks. By not getting my prescription my life has been affected in a horrible way. It's been 3 weeks. Please help me find non generic Activella."

"No hot flushes. Sleep is back to normal. Feel great."

"I had night sweats, runny tummy,... I'm now taking Activella. It's been two weeks now and I'm feeling more like myself. So far, I have not yet noticed any side effects."

"I experienced a persistent sad mood. I had to stop taking Activelle."

"Worked great for hot flushes for 3 weeks but have started period pains and spot bleeding now so will stop immediately. Not worth it."

"It been six days now on this medication, I have not seen change in my low sex drive, I am going to continue for a month and see where is will take me. Hoping for the best."

More about Activella (estradiol / norethindrone)

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  • During pregnancy
  • Generic availability
  • Drug class: sex hormone combinations
  • En español

Patient resources

  • Activella advanced reading
  • Activella

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  • Activella prescribing information

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