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Generic Name: verapamil

Brand Name: Isoptin SR oral

Drug Reviews Drug and Medication User Reviews

I keep getting swollen legs & ankles & have reported this to my Kidney Specialist. I also have high potassium levels by which I'm also taking a medication for hence the reason I'm on the Isoptin as it doesn't contain any potassium. What can I possibly do to prevent the swelling from happening? My Specialist is also investigating this. Thank you.

Taken in conjunction with Digoxin.Specialist heart doctor is currently treating me for slow pulse rate,tiredness, some loss of balance and it appears that Digoxin may be the cause and dosage is currently halved.I susspect that afterv reading possible symtoms from taking Isoptin, that both medications could be causing the problem. Could this be the case?

Unfortunately causes erectile dysfunction.

no chest pain within 48 hours of starting medication. Also used for high blood pressure. No side effects or time adjusting to medication. Have been very happy with results.