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Generic Name: Reclipsen (desogestrel-ethinyl-estradiol)

Reclipsen Reviews

For Birth Control "My overall experience with Reclipsen has been mostly positive... Weight loss, lighter periods, less severe cramps, no acne (although that was never an issue). My only cons would be the rise and fall in my moods. Other than that, I cant complain about the product. Will continue to use it for as long as I need to!"

For Birth Control "A lot of the reviews on here are scary, but I think it must be personal chemistry that decides if this medicine will work for you or not. I've been on it for 2.5 years and I didn't really have any physical side effects. I maybe had some breast pain when I started it, but cutting down on caffeine cured that. I do have anxiety, but I don't think I can blame this pill for that, it's kind of just my personality. Overall, this pill has just done it's job for me."

For Birth Control "I switched to Reclipsen three weeks ago from Ortho-Tri-Cyclen, and my skin has cleared up considerably. I haven't experienced any of the painful cystic acne that I was getting on Ortho Tri-cyclen. I haven't experienced any negative side effects from it either. Fingers crossed that it stays that way!"

For Birth Control "The first thing to remember is that everyone's body will react completely differently to different types of birth control. It all depends on YOUR body. I was on Reclipsen for one year. I'm a pretty up-beat and happy person but literally as SOON as I started taking Reclipsen I fell into depression. I hated it. I wasn't myself, I was moody, irritable, I lost confidence and I was really really sad which is not like me at all. I also gained a ton of weight which didn't help with the whole self confidence thing. The only good thing I have to say about it is that I didn't get pregnant and my periods were shorter."

For Birth Control "I've been on Reclipsen for about a month now. This is my first oral contraceptive. I love this birth control. I used to have SEVERE cystic acne but this stuff keeps my skin so clear. Another thing I love about Reclipsen is that is levels out my mood and I don't have mood swings like I used to. Also I've noticed since switching I've been in the "mood" way more. I did gain 5 pounds but no complaints here! I am very thin and the weight has filled out my body! My breasts are so much perkier and larger, which is a plus for me! I also think this made my hair grow. I've had a sudden growth in my hair and I have done nothing different to it. Only downside is it causes me to lightly bleed."

For Birth Control "Reclipsen has worked perfectly for me. It has not made me gain weight, hasn't made me moody, and it controls my period. I haven't gotten pregnant while using it and I've never worried that I have been pregnant. I would recommend this to anybody that wants to go on the pill."

For Birth Control "Overall I feel that this birth control does a great job. I've been taking it for 3 years to regulate my period and prevent pregnancy with out any problems. I've never experienced any of the sides effects, or at most they were on such a small scale that I didn't notice them. The only thing I dislike is that I don't usually start my period until 3-4 sugar pills in. I don't know how common this is with other women, but that has been the case for me since I began taking it."

For Birth Control "I've used Reclipsen since I was 16 and have never had any problems. Most importantly, I've never gotten pregnant. It helped with my acne as a teenager, and I've never experienced mood swings. Periods are light and very regular. I gained a little weight in high school and college, but this is probably due to many other factors (quitting sports, not exercising, eating poorly, etc.) as opposed to the birth control. Both of my sisters have also switched to Reclipsen after experiencing mood swings/other problems with other birth controls and have seen good results. Highly recommend."

For Birth Control "First I wanna start by saying weight gain depends on you. Of course not everybody is the same and you can expect birth control to help you lose weight. Secondly this birth control is great, had to switch to it after the one I was taken got recalled (Yaz). So far this has made me happy. Like I said everyone is different, I've had no bloating, cramping, or weight gain. I have been a little emotional but it's something I can deal with."

For Birth Control "I'm on my 3rd pack and so far it has been GREAT! I've tried Ortho-Tricyclen Lo and Alesse in the past, and both made me feel super emotional and like I was PMSing. I feel like I normally do while taking Reclipsen and I've noticed that I've dropped some weight as well. I do have polycystic ovarian syndrome, so it may be because my hormones are getting regulated with the pill. Another thing I've noticed is that my breasts have grown a bit larger. I am now wearing a D cup instead of a C. My breasts were a bit sore the first 6 weeks, but not anymore. But so far, so good!"

For Birth Control "I used this birth control for almost a year, but i decided to stop using it because it was causing me to have really bad mood swings, made me feel like a zombie (emotionless). From the first day I started using this birth control to the last I spotted every single day. The only good thing that came from it i was able to eat again, gained 20 pounds in about 3 months, it cleared my acne and I grew 1 bra size. It also made my feet grow to. This birth control caused me to become hypoglycemic, and gave me an inverted nipple that I have to forever live with. This birth control does it's job and prevents pregnancy but the side effects are not worth it. I recommend trying other birth controls before this one."

For Birth Control "This pill is great. I started taking it for terrible back pains during periods and it helped a lot. I didn't gain weight and it cleared up my acne from the birth control I was taking before. My fav part is that it made my periods only last about 4 days!"

For Birth Control "My sister switched to this birth control after I had such a success with it. I haven't noticed any weight gain, in fact I have successfully lost weight on it after making some dietary changes. I get more emotional than usual the first day back on it after taking the 4th week off. Besides that, no complaints. So glad to find a birth control that works for me without any crazy side effects. Been over 2 years on it now. LOVE it."

"My experience on this pill has been horrible. I feel depressed all the time, have had a loss of appetite, and feel like something is always wrong. I can't get a full night of sleep anymore because I stay up all night thinking. Pills effect people differently, this pill has had a completely negative effect on me."

For Birth Control "I have been on Reclipsen for 3 months for terrible periods (I'm 15), and my acne isn't any better then it was before, my periods are just as heavy as before and I've gained 17 pounds. It caused severe mood swings, anxiety attacks, weight gain, more acne, strange cravings, always hungry, and didn't help with amount of blood or my cramps. The pros are it shortens my period to 6 days rather then 12-16 days, but I still bleed abnormally heavy to anemic point. The weight gain is the worst."

For Birth Control "I've been on Reclipsen for about 2.5 years now. The first months were an emotional roller coaster, I experienced depression but after a while that went away and I was back to normal. This pill has been wonderful for my mild acne and even better for my severe cramps. Before the pill, my period would last a full seven days, and now it's only three. It's always on the same day and now my cramps are nearly not as bad as they where before. I have suffered some migraines, but nothing some Advil and a small nap can't cure. Overall, this pill has been great for me."

For Birth Control "I just started taking this pill this week, so far not that bad of side effects except I'll get nauseous at night usually after I eat. (I take it in the afternoon). I just recently switched birth controls from Sorynox to this one. I was getting horrible mood swings and getting extremely depressed out of nowhere. It was driving my boyfriend crazy. My doctor switched me to this one and told me to take a vitamin B pill with it. So if you're getting mood swings and depressed try taking a vitamin B pill with your birth control."

For Birth Control "I have been taking Reclipsen for over 6 months now. I am 21 and have no children. This is my 3rd birth control to try, after Depo-Provera & Natazia. I decided to try Reclipsen for my acne and cramps. It immediately cleared up my face and is effective at preventing pregnancy, but I'm starting to wonder if the side effects are really worth it. I am extremely irritable and my attitude goes from great to depressed/angry in an instant. I even tried Zoloft for awhile, but realized it was the Reclipsen. I still have a period for about 5 days/month, along with the awful cramping. I'm calling my doctor soon to discuss other options. I know medications affect everyone differently, so it may be a good choice for you, but definitely not for me."

For Birth Control "I've been on Reclipsen for a few years now. I loved it had no problems until the past 8 months. My PMS type symptoms grew increasingly worse and have started to severely affect my life. I feel crazy, mood swings changing within the same hour. Depressed and feeling like something is always off and wrong. Will be switching birth control next week."

For Birth Control "Not very happy with what this is doing to my body. I was prescribed Reclipsen and I'm now in my second month and symptoms have gotten worse. These include: Swollen, tender breasts (which I wouldn't mind except for I have fibrocystic breast making even hugging my husband painful), severe fatigue (I thought it might have been the Texas heat but it's gotten worse even since it has cooled down), SUPER decreased sex drive (I guess that's a good form of birth control), and hard to lose any weight! These symptoms maybe be magnified since I have a preexisting hormonal problem. Hopefully I can get on something else soon!"

For Birth Control "Been on this birth control for 3 weeks and I've had acne on my chin like I haven't had in years and I am constantly starving to the point of sickness as well as extremely fatigued. This is terrible. Going to give it another month to see if it levels out but I highly doubt it will."

For Birth Control "Started taking Reclipsen three months ago and it was horrible. It brought on anxiety and intense mood swings along with depression, I'm finally getting off of it but do not buy this if you already have anxiety!"

For Birth Control "So I started taking Reclipsen about four months ago. At first, everything was fine. My periods became regular and tolerable and the oiliness of my skin went down. However, about a month ago, I started experiencing horrible mood swings. I already had depression and anxiety but this greatly exacerbated the issue. I started snapping at people, crying, and having suicidal thoughts. I went to a doctor for mood stabilizers and it was almost impossible to find one that didn't react with the Reclipsen. I ruined numerous relationships during that time. I stopped taking it and within one day I felt calmer. I'm definitely not taking it again and will be looking at an IUD."

For Birth Control "I've been on reclipsen for years now. It's been horrible, but I've felt trapped to stay on it. I do not believe in IUDs & many other forms of birth control so my primary care doctor felt this low dose would be best. We've never had any unwanted pregnancy, so it's effective in that manner. But here are all the issues I've had with it: mood swings, depression, anxiety, emotional instability overall, low sex drive, vaginal dryness & migraines. I'll be getting off of it soon with the guidance of a new obgyn."

For Birth Control "This pill caused me to feel like I was PMSing all the time 24-7. Even when things were going great I was depressed ALL THE TIME. I didn't know why but finally figured out it was the medicine after about 2 weeks of taking it the symptoms are just not worth it. Plus it caused my acne to come back and get dry skin, no matter how much lotion I used and what I used."

More about Reclipsen (desogestrel / ethinyl estradiol)

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  • During pregnancy
  • Drug class: contraceptives
  • En español

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