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Generic Name: Empagliflozin and Linagliptin Tablets

Brand Name: Glyxambi

Glyxambi Drug and Medication User Reviews

1000 times better than Janumet 50/1000 mg

I have been on Glyxambi since September of 2015, I have lost sixty lbs, an have maintained a 6.1 a1c level. It works for me!

Done with Glyxambia after one dose. Within one hour of taking it this morning, I felt like had I drank a gallon or two of coffee: Jittery, agitated, rapid speech. No more for me.

This drug changed my life. After years of fighting blood sugars regularly above 400, my previous Endocrinologist had all but given up on me and wanted to put me on a pump, which I did not need. I found a different Endo who then made me a proposal. She said " I have a new drug I want you to try for 2 weeks, no insulin, if it doesn't work we can always go back to his suggestion" Within 2 days I was staying in the 250-300 range on my own. Once she saw this she added Glimiperide at night and metformin base and now I am usually 120-200 but never higher or lower. This truly changed my life. No Insulin, no anything but the 3 pills.

I have droppen 24 lbs in a little over 17 weeks. I feel better than I have in 5 years. My sugars are with in normal range. I have added mild exercise and portion contol to my everday life style.

I only took it for 2 days had nausea, felt like vomiting and tiredness. Missed 2 days of work because of it, Very unhappy.

This has worked wonders for me. Other than feeling a little tired for the first few days I am side effect free..........I also try to drink alot of water throughout the day to stay hydrated with this medication.

I love this medication! I have been on several Diabetes medications and nothing has been as effective as this medication. I take it in conjunction with Metformin ER. Since taking this medication, my readings range from 90 - 126. This is a signifigant improvement over the other medications. I cannot say enough great things about this medication.

I have joint pain and general achiness, numerous bowel movements per day, frequent urination,slight headache, tiredness and slight nausea. I have rheumatoid arthritis and take an antiinflamatory which lessens the joint pain. Glyxambi exacerbates the joint pain and achiness. I have only been on this for a week and really feel lousy. Will be calling doctor to tell him. It did lower my A1c to normal levels but I don't think the side effects justify feeling miserable.

A1C went from 11 to 7 after just 3 months. Been taking it once a day for 6 months now with no apparent side effects.

Had multiple side effects didnt control my sufars..took it for about 6 months

losing about 10 pounds per month

Been taking since July 1, 2015. I was diagnosed with diabetes that day.n