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Generic Name: Inapsine (droperidol)

Inapsine Reviews

For Nausea/Vomiting, Postoperative "I was given Inapsine after surgery when I was about 19 years old. It was injected into my thigh to control nausea. I was given 3 injections and about a half hour after the third injection went into a Dystonic Reaction where my eyes rolled to the back of my head, my mouth clenched down and my teeth were clenching so hard I thought they'd break. My abdominal muscles were seizing up and that is where I had my stitches so it was extremely painful. My neck was twisting back and my tongue was rolling to the back of my throat. It took the hospital about 6 hours to figure out what was happening - what caused my reaction. Only the hospital pharmacist figured it out. They tried prior to the pharmacist showing up sedating me with valium and other drugs. Finally the pharmacist suggested the IV drip and that stopped the reaction. It was terrifying and one of the worst experiences of my life. I was filled with absolute terror during this entire reaction."

"I went to the ER for shortness of breath, light head, and pressure in the chest. EKG was normal blood pressure was a little high. I suffer from claustrophobia and was not able to do the CT Scan. I told them what I’ve taken in the past for claustrophobia that worked. They gave me Droperidol 2.5 as a push (even though the records say 1.25 IV). Within a few minutes, my head went flush and I started to have uncomfortable body movements and very labored breathing, and thought I was about to die. The nurse came in put some oxygen on me and told me to focus on my breathing then left the room. My wife held my hand the whole time and was more scared than I was. They came back about an hour later and asked if I want to try what I took in the past. I said no and asked to check out. Doctors are not gods and should listen to their patients if they are awake and able to respond to their questions."

For Nausea/Vomiting "I have been a nurse since 1984 and a paramedic since 1990. In New Orleans, in 1993, while working on an ambulance, I became nauseated and began vomiting. Went home, changed, had someone drive me to the ER at a hospital in Harahan (nice subdivision). I expected to get the usual treatment of IV saline and the safe anti-emetic Phenergan. I told the ER doctor I was very allergic to Reglan. He injects me with Inapsine (Droperidol) because he wants to see how it worked - even though people with allergy to Reglan should never be given Inapsine. I had already been declared clinically dead two years prior in a car accident, but was revived. This so-called drug causes irregular heartbeats. I thought I was going to die. It was much worse than actually dying."

For Nausea/Vomiting "I receive inapsine or droperidol in an ER visit to assess a small gastric bleed related to gastroparesis. The nausea and vomiting had persisted for 2 days. However, within 10 minutes of the drug administration, I became severely restless and unable to remain in the bed. I suffered the worst episode of restless leg syndrome in my life, but it involved my upper body and arms, too!. I paced, stretched, and moved constantly trying to achieve some comfort. I became repeatedly tangled in the IV tubing. Finally, I relaxed after having received several IV or IM doses of diazepam. I remained awake at home until the following morning."

For Nausea/Vomiting "I was given inapsine for nausea during delivery by caesarian. While lying on the operating table I developed an extreme case of RLS, restless arms, actually, since my lower body was completely anesthetized. The only relief was flailing my arms and shaking them vigorously. I passed out shortly thereafter and that was the end of that. Fifteen years later I experienced somewhat extreme RLS and immediately recognized it as the same way my arms had felt during delivery (post-inapsine). The RLS continued for months and was likely due to taking sertraline. When I finally made the connection, I tapered off the sertraline and haven't had an episode since. Perhaps those who have RLS due to inapsine are more likely to have the same reaction to SSRIs."

For Nausea/Vomiting "I have chronic severe nausea from 5 neck surgeries plus gastroparesis. I was given this in the ER in 1998, and it's the best nausea medicine you can get, in my opinion!"

More about Inapsine (droperidol)

  • Check interactions
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  • Side effects
  • Dosage information
  • During pregnancy
  • Drug class: miscellaneous central nervous system agents
  • Breastfeeding

Patient resources

  • Inapsine advanced reading

Professional resources

  • Inapsine prescribing information
  • Droperidol (AHFS Monograph)

Related treatment guides

  • Nausea/Vomiting
  • Nausea/Vomiting, Postoperative