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Generic Name: Vicodin (acetaminophen-hydrocodone)

Vicodin Reviews

For Pain "I started taking this after my knee surgery. I found it to be great. My recovery time was fast. I had no pain and lots of energy. It started with 3 or 4 pills a day, then after that it got to be 5 or 6 a day. I then had foot surgery. I had to take more for the pain to go away. This went on for 5 years. By the time I got help, I was taking 20 to 25 pills a day. I now know that God is watching over me because if he wasn't, I wouldn't be here now. I am now off of all painkillers, but it took a lot of hard work. I'm letting you know this because it creeps up on you before you even know it. Vicodin may help you at first and you may be able to control it. I thought I could. I'm just asking you, please be careful with this medicine."

For Rheumatoid Arthritis "I was born with a gene called HLAB27+. I have arthritis and connective tissue disorder. As a child, I tried to play but got tired and it was too painful to stay up for long periods of time. I stayed in bed a lot. I tried to ride bikes with my friends as a teen but struggled. It wasn't until a doctor put me on pain meds in my 40s that I felt relief for the first time. Now the medical field is trying to reverse this decision. They need to hear the other side from people who have been helped. It is not our fault if people misuse their medication. I really do not believe this is the cause of the epidemic. Drunk drivers are caused by drinking too much and driving. If you don't drink excessively and don't drive while drinking, then there's no issue. The same applies here. I truly had no life before this pain medicine."

For Back Pain "I've been on Vicodin now since 2013 for pain management and back then I used the Watson brand which was very helpful in relieving back pain. But I have tried a lot of brands, and the worst brand is Amneal. For me, the Lupin brand works well, I am trying the M brand, and it's not as strong at relieving back pain as Lupin. I am never going back to Amneal even if that means going out of network to a pharmacy that actually has the Watson or the Lupin both of those brands work the best for me with NO side effects. Which I am very thankful for. I used to take 5/325 and now 7/325. I just know that there is a BIG difference in the manufacture of these pain meds especially when it comes to generic."

For Rheumatoid Arthritis "I am 28 and have severe RA and fibromyalgia. I was on Darvocet, which worked well. But then that was taken off the market. I've been on Vicodin for a little while now, and it works wonders for me, which is great since I'm up chasing my 5-year-old all day. It's the only other medicine I've tried that actually works."

For Pain "I had knee surgery in 2001. The surgeon screwed up a nerve, and I have been in chronic pain (24/7) since. Vicodin works better than anything else I've tried, including morphine. Without it, I am in pain and can't sleep at night. I can now understand why people commit suicide because they can't take the pain anymore."

For Pain "Was just Rx’d 10/325 Vicodin from Tris Manufacturing. I recently found out I had several bulging discs and one herniated disc that pinched a nerve, causing cervical radiculopathy. Worse pain I’ve ever experienced. I thought maybe I was given the wrong medication because I was still in agony several hours later. I don’t take these meds on a regular basis, in fact, it’s been years for me. I thought I was crazy until I looked up these complaints. This terrifies me. If I end up needing surgery and this is what I get for pain relief, I’m in big trouble. Something needs to be done."

For Back Pain "I had been on Vicodin off and on for the last twelve years until recently. My doctor will no longer prescribe this for me because of all the addiction news that is going on with the government. I have had two spinal fusions in the past fifteen years and never abused the drug nor had any addiction problems. It is the only medicine that helped my pain. I have not found anything to replace it. I now take four Motrin at a time, along with a herbal supplement called Kratom. This lessens the pain somewhat, but I am still in severe pain at times. I had no noticeable side effects from the Vicodin."

For Cough "I had been prescribed this for pain but had caught a cold. I read that hydrocodone is used for cough, so I tried it. I had one of those coughs that just doesn't let up and makes you nuts because you can't sleep, eat, talk, etc. Within a half hour of taking a Vicodin 10, I finally stopped coughing uncontrollably. It worked better than the codeine I had taken years ago for cough. I only needed it for 2 days for the cough and it was a lifesaver."

For Pain "Over the years (I'm 75 now), I have used Vicodin 5/325mg for a range of things: had stable fracture of spine after a fall, broke one shoulder in 3 places, and the other a couple years ago. Have chronic back pain and if it gets bad, I get a prescription for it. A few surgeries: prostate, hernia, gall bladder, several dental procedures/surgeries. In each and every one of the mentioned cases, the Vicodin has been the pain management of choice. It frustrates me that after a doctor prescribed a couple of times, they are reluctant to further prescribe, citing the addiction factor. I've heard that doctors tend to UNDER PRESCRIBE because of this."

For Pain "My wisdom teeth are impacted, and I have several cavities. I am waiting to have surgery. My doctor prescribed Vicodin for the pain, and it works very well as long as I continue taking it every 6 hours. I can tell when the medication wears off because my jaw starts to throb."

For Back Pain "I have been diagnosed with severe chronic pain due to a herniated disc, which causes sciatica. I have tried everything over the counter... NOTHING WORKS. Yet, one Vicodin, and the pain finally went away. Unfortunately, it's only temporary."

For Pain "I'm 80 years old with chronic back pain. I've been taking 5/335 Vicodin for 6 months. It's been great. I really recommend it. It has made my life so much better. I'm not worried about addiction at my age."

For Pain "I have been taking Vicodin 5-500 on and off, but I am uncertain about the manufacturer. As I got older, I began to experience more pain issues, and I suspect that I have Long Covid, which causes a new set of pains. Consequently, I increased my dosage to 3 or 4 Hydrocodone 10-325, depending on the level of pain I experienced on any given day, to function properly. Usually, the Hydrocodone was made by Watson, and I took an average of 90 pills per month, three times daily, to manage my pain. However, sometime in late 2022 or early 2023, I noticed a sudden change in my pain relief; it felt like the medication was not working at all. My Pain Management Doctor recommended increasing my dosage to four pills daily since, at my age, chronic pain issues would not improve without possible surgeries. However, I was hesitant to increase my dose to four pills due to the long-term side effects, as none of the pills seemed to provide their usual pain relief. To make matters worse, Walgreens switched brands from Watson to Lupin, which may have contributed to my decreased pain relief."

For Back Pain "Works well to treat moderate pain and increase flexibility. If new to usage, you can expect a 'head buzz', but with continued usage, the euphoria dissipates, but the pharmaceutical effects remain. Does tend to cause constipation, but by comparison to some other painkillers out there, it is far more manageable. Prescribed to me with muscle relaxers, but the muscle relaxers make me too sleepy to function."

For Back Pain "I have an Arnold Chiari and severe scoliosis and ruptured disc at L4 L5. Vicodin is the only thing that gives me relief. I've tried just about every other pain pill out there and it's been the best for me. Doctors in my area don't like to prescribe it because of the addiction issue. This really hurts the people who really need it."

For Pain "I've taken Vicodin for 12 years for severe migraines, endometriosis, and back and neck pain from a car accident. I take 3 per day, and it allows me to hold a full-time job. Without it, I don't function due to pain or stand straight even. Prior to that, I was fired from jobs due to constant calling in due to pain from all my problems. I am not addicted at only 3 per day, but if people are pain-free, they will be happier, hold full-time jobs, interact with spouse via saving their marriage, also interacting with their children via having better well-rounded kids who have a loving outgoing parent or parents, many benefits to this pill. I claim it to be a MIRACLE pill. Doctors have tried me on everything known to man, this is the only thing that works."

For Pain "I have spinal stenosis and take Vicodin 7.5/500 6-8 times a day. It has taken the pain away. No side effects. Doctor says it will make me sleepy, but I find it keeps me awake. I've been on it for 3 years, and it's the only thing that lets me live a pain-free day."

For Pain "This is one of the most amazing medicines; and, when used correctly, can neutralize body pain and help you feel like normal again. Also, it is one of the only medicines on the market that does not make me feel loopy and can function effectively on it. Before taking this, I had hip, shoulder, back, and foot pain/arthritis and was unable to walk on my foot for several months before getting this medicine. All good now!"

For Pain "I have been dealing with primary progressive multiple sclerosis since 2003. A rare form of the disease that only affects 10% of the MS community. Many people know someone with MS, but very few with this form. To this day, I have been repeatedly reminded by the medical society there are no known medications to treat this condition. Vicodin 10/660 has helped with the variety of MS pains and has also eased the mental stress and allowed me to think clearer. I have been allowed to try everything in stock but always come back here. I have not drunk alcohol this entire time frame and use Miralax daily to avoid constipation. Hope this helps, and God bless."

For Back Pain "8 years ago I had discectomy surgery on my L5-S1 disc. The surgeon was hopeful that I wouldn’t need additional surgery. 8 years later I ruptured the same disc. I live with excruciating pain every day especially during the evening hours when my back has said that it’s finally had enough for the day. I take the Vicodin only in the evening and it help tremendously. I’m also taking Gabapentin and Baclofen. The combination of these medications makes my life bearable. However, if I miss taking the meds on schedule then I’m in severe pain. The Vicodin works amazingly. The only issue I have with it is that it wakes me up and makes me feel more aware and motivated. At night this can be a difficult thing because I then want to work on projects and get things done. Sometimes I don’t go to bed until the early hours and that’s not good for my health. Otherwise I think Vicodin is a wonderful pain reliever for my back pain and sciatica."

For Pain "I recently had an accident where a board hit the side of my ankle at a racing speed. About 20 mph impact to my ankle, and a broken cuboid, 2 torn ligaments, and a broken ankle cap. I was prescribed (M37) Vicodin. I take it 3 times a day and I live pain-free. But one side effect I've noticed is constipation. Sounds funny, but it's true, taking Vicodin on an empty stomach avoids this."

For Pain "Over the past two and a half years since I had major shoulder surgery, the recovery has been slow. I've recently been diagnosed with arthritis and C6-7 cervical degenerative disc disease with C5-6 and C6-7 narrowing of the neural foramen. I was prescribed naproxen at one point, which helped a little. I was taken off of it due to the amount I was taking a day-up to 3200 mg. I was also prescribed Ambien because I couldn't sleep because of the pain. I started to sleepwalk on four different occasions, where my wife found me elsewhere from where I went to sleep. I called my doc, and he took me off, and I was prescribed hydrocodone and acetaminophen combo. That was the best thing that could have happened for me. I'm no longer in constant pain."

For Pain "I've been prescribed different meds for the chronic arthritis pain in my neck, and only Vicodin helps with pain, and it allows me to sleep comfortably at night and get through my days at work. I use only the prescribed amount, and it works wonders for me."

For Pain "I was in a head-on collision with a cattle truck when I was 30 years old. I'm 66 now. I since have had six joint replacements and multiple other surgeries to repair multiple fractures in both femurs and other bones. I have used Vicodin 7.5/325 for 30 years and found that it is extremely helpful. It does not interfere with my productivity, concentration, agility, or other impairment. I'm horrified to have it taken away after responsible long-term use."

For Back Pain "Responding to Ilona (rev 3/28/23) I recommend you switch to oxycodone. Tylenol is not great for your liver and if your pain has any inflammatory element, Advil will be more effective, though much harder on the stomach. Addiction risk aside, oxycodone is much gentler on the body. Your problem is almost certainly plain ole tolerance. You could go to 4 vicodin/day and maybe it will be enough, but then you'll be at the limit. Six months later, you'll have more tolerance and then have to switch. Better to switch now and you'll definitely be able to titrate your dose up as needed. Vicodin 10-500 is okay, but for extreme pain, for me it's not strong enough. Disclaimer: I'm a redhead, and while it sounds nuts, pain meds truly don't work as well on us."

More about Vicodin (acetaminophen / hydrocodone)

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  • During pregnancy
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  • Drug class: narcotic analgesic combinations

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  • Vicodin drug information

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Norco, Lortab, Hycet, Lorcet, ... +9 more

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  • Vicodin prescribing information

Other brands

Norco, Lortab, Hycet, Vicodin ES, ... +7 more

Related treatment guides

  • Back Pain
  • Rheumatoid Arthritis
  • Pain