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Generic Name: Multivitamin with minerals for Vitamin/Mineral Supplementation and Deficiency (multivitamin-with-minerals)

Multivitamin with minerals for Vitamin/Mineral Supplementation and Deficiency Reviews

PreserVision AREDS 2 (multivitamin with minerals) "I was advised by my Retina Specialist to start taking AREDS 2 last month. I have been taking two per day of the mini gels for six weeks. I have never experienced such severe constipation. I've also had sudden onset of nausea. I discussed with my doctor today at my post-op visit. He was unaware of there being anything in the AREDS 2 vitamin that would cause this, but was very understanding of the fact that everyone's reaction could be different. Since it doesn't agree with me, he suggests I stop taking. Now that I've found and read these reviews I feel confident that PreserVision AREDS 2 has caused the problems I'm having and I'm not alone as to the problems they cause."

PreserVision AREDS 2 (multivitamin with minerals) "My ophthalmologist recommended that I take these vitamins to slow down any potential worsening of my macular degeneration in the future. I had been taking Ocuvite 50+ but he said that there had been some studies for the AREDS and that he felt I should switch. I immediately noticed that they made me nauseous even though I was only taking one pill, but found that the nausea was less severe if I took the pill with a meal. After a few weeks, (at the age of 75) I also started getting frequent hot flashes and night sweats, something I had never had before. I am also having severe stomach cramps. I think that I shall stop this pill for a few weeks and then try again."

PreserVision AREDS 2 (multivitamin with minerals) "I was diagnosed with the beginning of macular degeneration by my optometrist and prescribed AREDS 2 about 1 year ago. I started taking them and soon had stomach problems, constipation, cramps, and very black stools. I did not at the time realize what was causing these problems as I have a hiatal hernia, had reflux, and indigestion for many years. I stopped taking them for about 3 months while I was adding other medications to my daily routine. I started again on AREDS 2 about 3 weeks ago and lately, I often have very dark (black) stools and very bad cramps. I also noticed that my eyesight is blurry and my eyes get very tired. After reading all the reviews, I will stop taking these right now. It's awful all the side effects this is causing. It should be taken off the market."

PreserVision AREDS 2 (multivitamin with minerals) "Am I the only person experiencing sciatica when taking PreserVision AREDS 2? I have tried it twice, replaced it with Vitalux Advanced twice, and had severe sciatica each time. And each time it took three to four days to recede after stopping taking them. Doctor totally unreceptive: he's never heard that before. My experience doesn't count. The first time I had that problem, I didn't link it to PreserVision AREDS 2. I did have a problem sleeping and also had to get up to go to the bathroom three, even four times a night. These problems disappeared when I stopped taking PreserVision AREDS 2. I have macular degeneration and am looking for a substitute that will help, without the side effects."

PreserVision AREDS 2 (multivitamin with minerals) "I was prescribed this for my eye condition. I purchased two bottles - 140 count soft gels, PreserVision. After taking one of the pills, I became very nauseous, had sharp stomach pains, high temperature, sharp pains in my joints, even in my ankles. Now I cannot get in touch with Bausch and Lomb to inform them of my problems with their product. This is a very dangerous drug, and the FDA should step in and check on then."

PreserVision AREDS 2 (multivitamin with minerals) "I started taking the recommended dosage of PreserVision AREDS 2 on a Wednesday afternoon for macular degeneration. The following day, I took the morning recommended dosage, followed by the PM dosage. The next day I took the AM dosage. Later this morning, I felt nauseated and took a break from work. An hour later, I suffered from projectile vomiting. I started taking the AREDS 2 again and within 2 days, felt nauseated and had projectile vomiting. I stopped taking AREDS 2 and feel much better."

PreserVision AREDS 2 (multivitamin with minerals) "My ophthalmologists recommended I take AREDS 2 for macular degeneration. I have taken the vitamin in the middle of a meal, after a meal, and an hour after eating. I always end up with an upset stomach and at times vomiting, but always nauseated. I suffered through taking this vitamin for close to a year. However, I will not take another one. The ones I have are going into the trash. Plus, I haven't been able to tell that they do any good, and they are expensive."

PreserVision AREDS 2 (multivitamin with minerals) "Eye doctor told my 83-year-old mom to take 2 PreserVision AREDS 2 a day. Took 1 in the morning and 1 at nighttime. Woke up throwing up and experiencing hot vapors and hot flashes. Called an ambulance, thinking she was having a stroke. Paramedics took her vitals. Her blood pressure had skyrocketed. They lowered her blood pressure with her meds and nausea and dizziness persisted for a few more hours. The only new medication she had taken was this AREDS 2. We read the side effects, and sure enough, she had all of them. Very scary - she will not be taking them again."

PreserVision AREDS 2 (multivitamin with minerals) "Eye doctor suggested taking 2x/day with meals, saying I had the start of Macular Degeneration. At first, I didn't associate the reflux, stomach upset, blurred vision, difficulty focusing on vision, and increased eye fatigue that I was experiencing. I decreased to 1x/day. Not much better. I skipped a day or two and didn't experience the increased blurred vision, upset stomach & reflux. By the way, on a recent blood test, they erroneously tested Vitamin E - which is in PreserVision AREDS 2 - the result was off the charts, way beyond the maximum range. I questioned the eye doctor if the level is too high; he had no comment on it. I've read that doses greater than 400 units/day can cause blurred vision, dizziness, nausea, unusual tiredness, or weakness. Excess Vitamin E supplements can cause an increased risk of bleeding in the brain (hemorrhagic stroke) -- A waste of good money, I think."

PreserVision AREDS 2 (multivitamin with minerals) "I am on this for dry macular degeneration. I was unaware of any side effects of this supplement until I just looked at the listed ones online! I started taking gels once a day for about a week, had hive-like symptoms on arms and legs; my lip swelled up, and I SHOULD have looked sooner at the list of possible side effects. I stopped taking them, and all symptoms went away! Now I'm afraid to take any AREDS 2 that my doctor recommended for fear of similar side effects! She suggested Ocuvite and another brand I couldn't find, told me specifically AREDS 2 formulas. Will have to rethink this whole idea now!"

PreserVision AREDS 2 (multivitamin with minerals) "Horrible nausea and severe vomiting with sweating and passing out feeling. Could not figure out why. Then I realized it could be the PreserVision AREDS 2 that I was taking. I stopped taking it and the nausea, vomiting, and dizziness were gone. Never again."

PreserVision AREDS 2 (multivitamin with minerals) "Have a cast-iron stomach so no problems there, although I did cut out my other zinc supplement just in case. I find I have to take it in the morning because it makes me hyper - any later and I can't sleep. I have found I'm more tired, vision is blurry, more floaters, and very, VERY dry eyes - to the point that I can't support my contacts (that I have worn for 40 years with no problems). The PreserVision is the only brand that does this, the one I used previously (I forget the brand) was fine. It's only Vit C & E and some zinc and lutein so I don't understand why PreserVision is so much worse than another. Disappointed and won't take anymore."

PreserVision AREDS 2 (multivitamin with minerals) "My old aunt swore by the recommended PreserVision after a year ago of cataract surgery. Great improvement in her experience. I did not have the same experience. After two days of 4 tablets, I experienced an awful headache behind my right eye. I never get headaches, but I am 55 and thought, hmmm, it couldn’t hurt to take them. Then after a couple of weeks of on and off right eye headaches, it dawned on me, perhaps it was the new supplement. I stopped taking them to see, and sure enough, no more headaches. Everyone seems to have different reactions. Good luck!"

PreserVision AREDS 2 (multivitamin with minerals) "I started taking PreserVision AREDS 2 around last March when I had my eye appointment. I have been nauseated most of the time since then. I could not figure out what was making me nauseous until I read other reviews. I quit taking it and now no more nausea."

PreserVision AREDS 2 (multivitamin with minerals) "Very negative experience while taking this drug. I made the decision to only take 1 pill a day to start. From the start, I had nausea, each day the nausea grew worse. After about 3 days, I started having hot flashes, mostly occurring at night. I still felt I needed to give the medication a chance for my body to adjust. After about 2 weeks, nausea was less. I then decided to start taking the recommended dose of 1 in the morning and 1 at night. I was unable to tolerate the increase, more nausea accompanied by heartburn. After 5 days, I went back to 1 pill a day. I really did not feel well since I started taking this medication. Waves of nausea, lethargic, constipated. I tried to convince myself that I would eventually adjust to the medication. Anyway, the final straw after being on the medication was the itchy red rash that started on my arms. It spread up and down both arms. My mouth and tongue had a burning sensation. I stopped the medication. After 3 days, the rash has improved."

PreserVision AREDS 2 (multivitamin with minerals) "After taking this drug PreserVision AREDS 2 (1 pill a day) for 4 months, my eyesight has become very blurred, with more floaters. My energy level has greatly decreased. I have made the decision to stop taking the drug."

PreserVision AREDS 2 (multivitamin with minerals) "I have tried three times to take PreserVision AREDS 2, and when I do, I cannot sleep more than three hours and sometimes less. When I took it as instructed: one with breakfast and one with lunch, I slept two hours and was absolutely hyper all night. I have not read of anyone else having this problem. Any help appreciated."

PreserVision AREDS 2 (multivitamin with minerals) "My experience with PreserVision AREDS 2 is negative. I have taken it for about one year and had assumed that my nausea and fatigue were due to other health issues. Now I realize that it must be the AREDS 2 that is causing it. Twenty minutes after going to bed, the nauseous feelings start and even so I mostly do not have to throw up, it feels like it. No more of those pills for me."

Estroven (multivitamin with minerals) "I have been taking estroven for 2 years. I recently had a physical, and my liver enzymes and triglycerides were evaluated. I am not overweight, and I eat healthily most of the time. If you take estroven please get these checked and report it here."

PreserVision AREDS 2 (multivitamin with minerals) "I took my first one this morning. Within half an hour, I started to feel sluggish and have stomach cramps. Within an hour, I was vomiting. Awful! I have never been allergic to any medication or had a reaction like this. I only saw that others have had this problem when I came to this site. I can’t leave the bathroom. The rest of the container is going in the trash immediately."

PreserVision AREDS 2 (multivitamin with minerals) "Right from the first dose of PreserVision AREDS 2, I became violently stomach sick to the point of vomiting. Full stomach. I tried a few days later. Lather, rinse, repeat. Within 20 minutes, I feel acute nausea and the story ends the same. Horrible experience. I tried a third time... like clockwork... bad ending."

PreserVision AREDS 2 (multivitamin with minerals) "I have been taking PreserVision AREDS 2 for over 2 years. I first started out with dry macular degeneration, then it changed to wet macular degeneration. I get shots in my eyes every 3 months now. PreserVision AREDS 2 has not helped, it has gotten worse. Plus, I have had a lot of side effects: nausea, heartburn, fatigue, plus many others, too many to mention. I didn't know it could cause all these things."

PreserVision AREDS 2 (multivitamin with minerals) "Was told to take 2 a day. I have to admit I was not loyal to doing it, but when taking it I noticed I was having stomach cramps/reflux and always felt like the pill had not dissolved. Today was the end, about 2 hours after taking it the stomach cramps, bloating, gas, and reflux started. I will not take it anymore and I had just bought a new bottle. It is an expensive way to feel nauseous... No more AREDS 2 for me."

PreserVision AREDS 2 (multivitamin with minerals) "I too have had waves of nausea after taking AREDS 2. I was told to take 2 a day, never! I’ve taken them after food, with food. The nausea comes and goes for hours after taking these - UGH. I told my doctor and all he said was “Eat broccoli.” He gave me no indication that any other patients experienced this."

PreserVision AREDS 2 (multivitamin with minerals) "Have tried these PreserVision with and without food. Tried in the morning, then thought (because no way could I take a 2 a day) I would change up and try taking them at night, hoping I'd sleep through the side effects. Didn't work. Horrible nausea and reflux. Hot flashes and sweats. I also tried taking them for over a month, dealing with these side effects, hoping that once my body got used to the supplement, the side effects would stop or at least lessen. I take for macular degeneration, and I just can't do it anymore."

More about multivitamin with minerals

  • Check interactions
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  • Drug images
  • Side effects
  • Dosage information
  • Drug class: vitamin and mineral combinations
  • En español

Patient resources

  • Calcium Carbonate/Vit D/Vit B6/Vit B12/Folic Acid with Minerals Chew Wafers patient information
  • Calcium/Magnesium/Vitamin D
  • Magnesium Carbonate, Calcium Carbonate, and Folic Acid
  • Medical Food Product
  • Minerals with Vitamins

Other brands

Prosteon, Multivitamins and Minerals, Vitafol, Advanced AM/PM, ... +6 more

Professional resources

  • Calcium-Folic Acid Plus D prescribing information

Other brands

Dolomite, Nicomide, MagneBind 400 Rx, Strovite One, ... +8 more

Related treatment guides

  • Vitamin/Mineral Supplementation and Deficiency