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Generic Name: Roxicet (acetaminophen-oxycodone)

Roxicet Reviews

For Chronic Pain "I too have had chronic pain after a terrible accident and have been on pain medication for decades. When I take CAMBER OXYCODONE HCL 15 MG, they made me sick from withdrawal, nausea, diarrhea, chills, aches, no pain relief, and stuck on them for a month - is there any active ingredient in these? Tell your pharmacy to NEVER give you that brand again. If a chain, DRIVE TO ANOTHER to find a different brand and PLEASE REPORT TO FDA. I have reported this terrible, worthless drug to the FDA. The more reports they get, then maybe they will inspect further, and hopefully do tests on how much active ingredients are in them. I have refused this brand with my pharmacy. I am so sick from them and in terrible pain - I just can't function but have to use them for this month. DEMAND FDA do something. Please, please report. There is a shortage of opioids thanks to junkies, not us people in chronic pain who do what we are told. But if the FDA doesn't stop this company, we may be stuck with only being able to get these TRASH, USELESS PILLS!"

For Chronic Pain "It's taken me 2 months of ER visits, blood work, EKG, and a CT scan. To realize that the only logical conclusion and one thing that has changed in my life was getting the Camber/Hetero Pharma brand medicine. Unfortunately, rather than being taken off the market, it appears to have taken over. I'm grateful for everyone who has posted about their experience with this company. I can't wait to be done with the nausea, vomiting, headaches, diarrhea, racing heart, night sweats, fatigue, muscle cramps, dehydration, burning mouth sensation, etc. Something is VERY wrong with this brand, and it doesn't seem to even be on the FDA radar. Hopefully, if we all report our adverse effects to the FDA, doctors, and pharmacies, something will get done. In the meantime, requesting the pharmacy place a notation on file and calling ahead to order from a different manufacturer will help us avoid going through any unnecessary suffering."

For Pain "I was prescribed Roxicet 5-325 for pain relief after major abdominal surgery, and I have to say this was amazing! I've never had such complete relief from any medication before. One tablet every 4 to 6 hours kept me completely comfortable. It made me a little sleepy, but that was fine given that I was recuperating from surgery. It would probably not be suitable for me to take while working. The only real side effect I experienced was a little nausea, which I learned to minimize by taking it with food. Overall, the most effective pain medication I've ever used."

For Chronic Pain "Thank you for inventing this drug!!!! I was in so much pain, I truly wanted to end my life, until my doctor finally prescribed this! I have a whole new lease on life now. My only worry is, he's worried he will have to take me off it soon because his clinic doesn't want to be in bad standing for prescribing it. That would be just awful if he stops my prescription."

For Pain "This medication has been a lifesaver for me. I have lived with pain my entire life. Only after the birth of my twins did it become something I could not live with. Every joint and muscle in my body feels like someone is stretching them out with saver pressure. I am not able to sit still because of the pain, but the more I move, the worse it gets. Frustrating. I cannot take Advil/Aspirin. I could not live nor take care of a family before this medicine. I have no side effects except relief. I am so thankful this drug has literally given me my life back, and I have no side effects, good or bad."

For Pain "I've had chronic pain in my shoulder for years, which is a result of a pinched nerve in my 5th vertebra, which causes my entire left arm to go numb. Roxicet has made a real difference in my life because sometimes the pain is so unbearable that it wakes me out of a sleep when I don't take it. It gets a thumbs up from me."

For Pain "As a longtime chronic pain sufferer who has tried every preventative drug possible. This medication, whether in the form mentioned here or without the Tylenol, gives by far the best and most all-purpose relief - with no side effects at all. It's a pity the press has made many doctors reluctant to utilize this medicine, which gave me my life back, relieving the most physical pain and having a good, and not at all depressing effect on the brain. I am not speaking of a 'high,' just the reverse of the exacerbation of depression one often feels when medicines do not work and have the effect of worsening depression."

For Pain "Although Roxicet is identical to Percocet and Oxycodone made by other manufacturers, the tablet is not easily split into two along its score line, and, inconveniently, a sharp, heavy knife must be used if only half a dose is required. Oxycodone marked 512 is easier to use."

For Pain "I have been taking this medication for 9 weeks now. I injured my lower back and will require a spinal fusion of L5-S1 and L4-L5. I will be waiting for this surgery to get approved for a long time. This medication help quite a bit with all the pain associated with my back, except the nerve pain. Thank God the nerve pain is intermittent. I have noticed that the longer I take it, the less amount of relief time I get. That is to say, when I started taking it I would get about 6 hours of relief. That time started shortening rather quickly down to 2 hours now. My doctor put me on Tramadol at the same time now. I alternate taking 2 of each every 3-4 hours and the relief is amazing. I get about 75% pain relief with that combo, Versus about 50%."

For Pain "Works for knee pain for several years. Also gives a psychological boost of energy . Recently my pharmacy switched to Alvogen alv/196 tablets for the 5/325 mg's and they do absolutely nothing for pain or mood boost. I was told that I was not the first person to complain. Roxicet is the best imho."

For Pain "I was prescribed Percocet a number of times for surgeries and a bulging disc. The last time I went to the pharmacy they gave me Roxicet and swore they gave me the wrong medicine. It is exactly the same medicine as other oxycodone I have received in the past but did not work the same way (less pain relief). It has to do with the mixers/additives. I see a number of others who have had the same problem. This affects people differently so you might have a trial and error process. For me Roxi equals very little pain relief."

For Chronic Pain "OK I have been disabled since 2008, I've had two cervical fusions and I have degenerate discs and arthritis in my knees and back, multiple places and nerve damage. I will be on meds for the rest of my life and that sucks !! I take 30mg oxycodone 5 times a day and morphine XR twice a day my pain can get pretty bad. My pills use to be blue and now they are yellow and I noticed that they don't do anything. And I thought it was me but now reading this I'm not so sure."

For Chronic Pain "Please? Has ANYONE EVER EXPERIENCED EXTREME HEADACHE's Within 30 min of taking this med? My pharmacy gave me this version for the 1st time & within & I've been on Percocet for YEARS (5 spine surgeries) & within 24hours of being on this drug I've been hospitalized once & had a lot of testing! I came home did my own test to be sure because I had Suspected this med but I'm (lol) not a doc I DIDN'T TAKE IT ALL DAY when I got home (no headache) woke up 4 am took 1 & my blood presure went to 198/120! Please I need help has anyone ever had this happen?"

For Chronic Pain "I was recently prescribed 5mg every 8 hrs. I have debilitating migraines, as well as 2 herniated disks. It slightly dulled my pain, but I still found myself trying to find relief using OTC pain meds. Im hoping they will up my dose eventually. It would nice to live again!"

For Pain "Have leg pain from a pinched nerve and it's not helping much. I also have nausea, headaches and dry mouth from it. One Benadryl usually knocks me out so I would think this would work better but it doesn't."

For Pain "Helps more than other medicines that I've tried. It does help, but with everything going on, there's really not much that I've found to take away all of the pain, but at least I can be functional in addition with using the Fentynal transdermal patch."

For Pain "Works great. I weigh 250 pounds and require 2 x 325mg tablets every 3 to 4 hours to relieve the pain. Am using to relieve pain due to shingles. Pain has been going on for 6 weeks and is just as bad as day 1. Guess I'll just have to wait it out."

"This is my third day using this pain medicine. It works great. I have tried Tylex, and other codeine related medicines in which I would take up to 5 to 6 pills a day. I have been able to use only 2 a day without any depression. I suffer chronic ankle foot pain from weighing over 300 pounds, and cannot sleep at night. Now I am able to get the rest that I need without feeling terrible in the morning. It has a very positive feeling. I did notice a loss of appetite."

For Pain "Roxicet has been extremely effective in relieving my occasional severe pain. Thirty milligrams eases the pain completely and lets me get back to the important things in life, like work or family time."

For Chronic Pain "They are really helping my back pain."

For Pain "I just got jaw surgery done and they gave me a liquid version. It takes the pain away fast and for a long while. I take 10mg every 4hrs. I'm only 100lbs."

For Chronic Pain "About 50% effective compared to any others I've used. VERY disappointing"

For Chronic Pain "Roxicet are not effective especially after taking them for a while no matter how many you take.A waste of your money if you are buying them."

For Pain "Awesome pain relief."

For Pain "I had a gastric bypass and used this medicine and it works. The taste is bad but it is well worth it. I give it 2 thumbs up."

More about Roxicet (acetaminophen / oxycodone)

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  • During pregnancy
  • Drug class: narcotic analgesic combinations

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  • Chronic Pain
  • Pain