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Generic Name: penciclovir

Brand Name: Denavir topical

Drug Reviews Drug and Medication User Reviews

Used for skin blisters. Used as directed and it took as long to heal as over the counter meds that are 90% less expensive. But it doesnt matter because this med is no longer covered by our insurance. Cost was $900 for tube that as long as a baby's pinky. RIP OFF..

My satisfaction level has to do with cost and insurance availability of this cream. I've been using this cream for 15 years. My insurance paid for it. When I take oral meds for cold sores I get migraines and they take 7-10 days to work. I can put this on if I even THINK I'm getting a sore and 1-2 doses is enough. I went 3-4yrs w/o a breakout and then had one. I thought the Pharmacy was joking when I heard $900 for a tube (it's over $1000 now). So I took the pills and took medication to help with the migraines and nausea. Seems stupid. But guess what I found when I started packing my house. A new large and small tube (they stopped making the 1.5g tube, but it cost $300 when I last got a quote). I felt like I'd won the lottery. And who gives a crap that it expired 6 and 8 years ago? I don't. It's sad that a company thinks they can charge that much! This the same crap that insulin users are having. I may not die from cold sores, but if I don't treat them I could lose my eye site when they walk up the nerve on my face.

On board with all previous posts. The cost is absolutely ludicrous. I call it my GOLD medication. I fortunately had a wonderful Doctor who jumped through hoops and did all she could to get pre approval via medicare. I've used this medication for years and last year was the first time I had an issue with coverage. It still took 4 months to finally get approval. But, I got it and well worth the wait. I get sores whenever I'm stressed, sick or out in the sun to long. It's the only one I've used that actually works and takes the cracked, burning, scabbing and painful 4 wks of healing down to 1 wk without cracking and pain. This is a great medication. But, yep the cost is beyond comprehension. I feel for all of you and hope that you can get a doctor to help with the red tape to get it approved.

I love it. If you apply at the first sign of a sore, it doesn't even pop up.

My dr. prescribed Denavir. The pharmacy told me the cost is $1,000 and not covered by insurance! Who would pay that for a tube of cream. This is utterly ridiculous.

This works super well for me and my sons. I just went to get a refill and found out that it now costs $1530.88!!! WHAT???? are you kidding me. I have to choose if i want to make my house payment or get cold sore med? this is outa control.

Thank goodness the doctor gave me a sample as when I went to get it filled it was $500 with my insurance. Could not afford to get it filled.

This has been the only thing that has ever been able to keep a blister from forming if used at the first tingling signs. It can be pricey but is worth every penny if you suffer from bad outbreaks or frequent ones. A very tiny amount goes a long way so it will last a very long time.

I have been using this product for years and it works great! I usually pay $50.00 for it but when I went to refill it today, I was told it is no longer covered and it cost $800.00. Who has $800.00 for a little tube? This is ridiculousness! No wonder health care is out control and people cant afford it.

I have been using denavir for years and years and it worked so good. Now my insurance wont cover it and out of pocket cost is $895.00. Seriously!! Who can afford that for a little tiny tube? Shame on these drug companies!! Makes me sick!

I have been using this for my occasional cold sore. I am surprised that it costs $700 now as I paid $46 in 2010 at costco which was the cheapest at that time. I just got another flare up after almost 18 months and got it subsided in 3 days with this cream bought in 2010. To prevent waste, I use a snipped off dental pick as applicator to smear it over the affected area. You can remove just enough with the tip and not soaked up like a Q tip does. I also put the tube in another small plastic cylinder to keep it air tight. It won't be squashed easily in my purse or carry- on luggage when I travel.

I met our insurance deductible so before the first of the year I had my prescription filled for denivar along with my usual medications, not paying attention to the cost because there was no charge, I later discovered that my Insurance company has to pay $700.00 !!!!!! No wonder insurance is expensive! I wouldn't blame my insurance company for dropping me. There should be a class action lawsuit against this pharmaceutical company. This has got to be illegal.there is no way a small tube of topical ointment for fever blisters should cost this much. Never again and be warned!!!

Like the others, used to get it for $15-30 copay, now $174.00, $700 w/o insurance. Who can even afford that? If a reasonable price can't be charged, package in much smaller tubes. This drug has been around for quite awhile, where are the generics when you need them?

Like everyone else...can't afford it/With my insurance it's still $5oo at Walmart, $700 at CVS...sorry but WTF..how can they get away with this. 10 years ago my co pay covered it for $10...is this a MONOPOLY or what..

Was this drug bought by the same company that bought the AIDS drug and jacked up the price??? I've never paid more than a $25 co-pay for it in the past. Now my insurance doesn't cover it and it's $800. I gave it a single star on effectiveness because at these prices no one can afford to use it.

I wanted to fill this cream again and it used to be 30.00 a tube but now it's 2,500.at my Wal-Mart with my stinking insurance! Who has that much money for a tiny tube of cream.?

The treatment is effective. The current price is OUTRAGEOUS! In Feb. 2012 the cost was $112.39....Today, it's almost $700....What gives???


Again, after using Denavir on my cold sore for four days, the cold sore turned into a red patch, like a hickey. It was much harder to cover up and it is lasting twice as long as it suppose too. Also, Denavir cost $603.01, for 5 g. at Walmart Pharm. Nothing should cost that much. When open, too much cream comes out the tube, that to me, is a waste of money.

I have had fever blisters for many years for different reasons. Here's a tip......I use it on my lips before going to the dentist for a cleaning or a procedure. All that stretching of my lips can lead to an outbreak (and maybe the rubber glove material)but doing this before the appt avoids any problem. LOVE denavir!!!!!!