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Generic Name: Lithium Carbonate Tablets

Brand Name: Lithobid

Lithobid Drug and Medication User Reviews

Lithium gets a bad rap but for me it has worked well. I have tried every antidepressant under the sun to no avail. When I started taking lithium instead I realized that not only did my depression become much more manageable, but I wasn't so irritated and aggressive anymore. I have Trichotillomania too and because Lithium has antianxiety properties too, I stopped pulling y hair completely after having been mostly bald for the 5 years prior. That said there are some significant drawbacks; I do feel sedated a lot of the time. If for whatever reason I stop taking lithium (whether I am aware that I missed a dose or not) I end up in tears the next day, panic-y and much more agitated than normal. I also get very jittery if I stop taking it long enough. I'm talking about cold turkey though, not about decreasing the dose in increments. Dry skin and mouth but it's not sever for me. I hope to someday not have to take it, but it has been effective for me more than any other medication when I take it correctly.

When I first started taking Lithium it brought me out of the psychosis that I was in. Lithium stabilized my bipolar illness to the point in which I was able to graduate from college. However, ten years after I began taking it I developed hypothyroidism. This has been causing ne a lot of problems. A few years later I developed kidney disease from taking Lithium. Throughout the years the prescribers who I saw failed to mention that Lithium could cause me to develop both of those diseases. I've been off Lithium for four years. Unfortunately the damage it's done to my thyroid and kidneys is permanent. Don't get me wrong Lithium is a good medication, especially in controlling mania. Beware of the risks. Be sure to ask your provider about possible short and long term side effects.

While this medicine for mood swings and symptom-of other -meds antiside effect reasons was better than no meds at all, lithobid alleviated less mildly for me than any medicine like stelazine or even norpramine. While stelazine caused me to feel sleepy, so does lithobid, which causes me serious weight gain.

i havent felt ups or downs..i feel more even and emotionally regulated. thank god for obamaha care coming into play in 2014 until then i will continue to take this life changing medicine...!!!!!!

Only downfalls are having to get your bloodwork done, and increased thirst and urination... but for me TOTALLY worth it. I am truly a new person today! The happiest I've been in years! And it worked in only 2 weeks!

I have had bi-polar for 35 years. I had been on Lithium several years ago and hated the dead feeling it produced. Other than weight gain, I had no side effects. I tried a variety of newer drugs all of which failed in controlling my manic episodes so I am back on Lithium. Like before, I gained 30 pounds...not a great side effect, and at my age a whole lot harder to take off. This time though I have had to contend with hand tremors. I was reduced from 1200 mg a day to 900 mg's a day in hopes of reducing the number of tremors. They have slightly reduced but are still present. It makes it very hard to work when your hands are trembling uncontrollably. This can occur several times an hour. My doctor has said that it is a common side effect of Lithium and that my levels are right where they need to be.

I have suffered from depression for 26 years, and all the Drs said the same thing, depression. I have tried every single "antidepressant" drug with no relief, yet suffered all of the side effects, I was finally tierd of SSRI's and a horribile life. I went to a Pshychiatrist and was finally given a correct medication for bipolar, I was first put on Limictal, but developed a rash on my hands, now I am taking Lithium 600mg Bid, what a difference, night and day, although Lithium is not for all, but for me it works, with little side effects, I have to pee alot, and iits hard to hold in, I also dont want weight gain, so I limit my eating. and restrict snacking, and make my self walk our dog. Thank god the stigma of taking Lithium is of days past, Im finally doing things, and living life. Lisa

I was on this med. for about 15 years before a new doctor decided to change my meds.Stopped any manic episodes as long as i took it right! and kept me pretty well balanced. I did have slight hand tremors, but with time they were barely noticable. I had some but not much weight gain. Now my doctor has passed away and I was left "out in the cold" trying to find a new pdoc. I was tried on lamictal with bad anxiety effects and no mania control, abilify and will never go there again! I would go back on Lithium and endure the blood tests because it worked so well...for years. Now to find a doctor who is not wanting to push the "newer" drugs and maybe stick with what is tried and true. this drug is a winner and that is why they call it THE GOLD STANDARD.

For 20yrs. Lithium has worked wonders. Only side effect was slight hand tremor. Dr. gave me something for that. Very happy.

this has been the only med i can tollerate for my bipolar and controls my extremes, i wish i could function better,and yes a weight gain

I am Bipolar Mixed, severe so it's been constant for the last 5 years. The Lithobid ER (Lith Carb 300 mg)600n mgs at night stopped my crazy head and I could actually follow a thought. GREAT. THEN: Hard muscle cramps, muscle weakness and extreme tiredness. I slept 24/7interupted at least every1.5 hours over muscle cramps, the next time to pee then both constantly. Grogged is how I ended up. I dropped it back on my own to 300 mg ER but the thoughts started speeding up...like now. Muscles still draw but not as bad and certainly don't pee as much. At my Drs. today. Tryng Eskalith 450. MY GRIPE: I was ordered Lithobid ER and got Lith Carb 300 ER byRoxane. Today ordered Eskalith CR and got Lith Carb 450 ER by nWedt-Ward in it's place. What the hell???????? What's the difference? I AM ANGRY. It's MY head being dicked with!!!

it's ok i've been on this medication for awhile now i have serious irritability and weight gain

I have been taking Lithium for 12 years. I am sure there are mild side effects that I experience, but I have been taking it for a third of my life now so I don't really know the difference. It is so worth any mild side effects. I am happily married and planning a pregnancy. This wouldn't be possible without Lithium. The key (and with any medication prescribed daily) is to take it EVERY day no matter if you want to or not. You just have to accept that you need it even when you feel fine. Sometimes I wonder about the long term effects and will begin to do research but I would rather be happy and live a healthy life now and many, many years to come. Also, for anyone wanting a family some day - my doctor recommends Lithium for being the safest for the fetus if take meds during pregnancy.

been taking it for 20 years andother than some stomach problems its been working fine

nausea, mild stomach cramping, pregnancy symptoms

It swells the hell out of me.

I was started on Lamictal - which worked great, but I had an allergic reaction. I was switched to lithium, and it's amazing. It's the first time since I was diagnosed with Bipolar I that I've found a medication that really works. I can't express how grateful I am for this med. The biggest downside, though, (which is often too much for people) is that it makes you really thirsty all the time, you sometimes feel like you're overheating, and you need frequent blood tests to check the levels (which I have to do anyway because of the Depakote, so it's less of an issue for me).

Lithobid has worked well for me but I am gaining weight!