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Generic Name: Conjugated estrogens / medroxyprogesterone for Postmenopausal Symptoms (conjugated-estrogens-medroxyprogesterone)

Conjugated estrogens / medroxyprogesterone for Postmenopausal Symptoms Reviews

Prempro (conjugated estrogens / medroxyprogesterone) "I am 54 and have been experiencing horrible symptoms from menopause for years. I tried every natural hormone replacement, but not one ever helped all of my symptoms. My night sweats, hot flashes, tiredness, weight gain, energy, and depression were unbearable. I went to my MD and spoke to my GYN, and both recommended Prempro. I finally broke down and paid my co-pay of $140.00. As soon as I started this medication, I started feeling less tired and my mood was much better. Now my hot flashes, night sweats, and weight gain have stopped! The best I have felt in years! I highly recommend this product, but the cost is way too high. I contacted Pfizer and received this medication for free. They go by your income. Anyone experiencing the same symptoms, they should try this medication and take your life back!"

Prempro (conjugated estrogens / medroxyprogesterone) "Started taking Prempro 2 months ago (at 51) for severe hot flashes (like 4 an hour), sleeplessness, and mood swings. Within 4 days, hot flashes subsided, within 1 week, they were gone! After 2 months, I have not experienced any side effects other than lack of the horrible effects of menopause."

Prempro (conjugated estrogens / medroxyprogesterone) "Within days of taking Prempro, all my symptoms started lifting. Barely any hot flashes. Anxiety is gone, so is the emotional crying over anything. All the mood swings are gone. I’m afraid I’m going to jinx it by saying this, but I have been sleeping like a brick. I have energy, memory fog has lifted and still getting better each day. I’m so happy Prempro is working. I have tried every natural remedy and I was suffering. I’m so happy this is working."

Prempro (conjugated estrogens / medroxyprogesterone) "At 39, I started having confusion, panic attacks, and partial seizures. I lost my license. It was the worst two years of my life. I went to a neurologist who put me on strong anti-seizure meds. I told him on more than one occasion that I thought it was hormone-related, and he didn't think so. I went to my OB-GYN and had her remove my IUD because I thought it was all hormone-related. She reluctantly did it but didn't think that it would do any good. I waited almost a year, and my menstrual cycle never came back, but I started having severe hot flashes several times a day and still having seizures and panic attacks. So finally I went back to my OB and begged her to test my hormone levels. Lo and behold, I was in full-blown menopause. I started Prempro, and I haven't had a seizure, panic attack, confusion, or anything else since, even after stopping all of my anti-seizure medications."

Prempro (conjugated estrogens / medroxyprogesterone) "I hit menopause at 43 and didn’t know what to do. I originally started taking a vitamin pack designed for menopause but the price was a bit outrageous. When I saw my doc, she suggested taking a low dose (1.5) of Prempro. Wow! I liked the vitamins, but I really love what Prempro gave me. No hot flashes anymore! Restful sleep! I have also noted a decrease in my appetite, which for a while was the same as a teenage boy! Overall, I’m very happy after being very worried about taking an HRT. The only side effect I’ve experienced in the negative is my breasts are a bit more tender than normal. Not sore so much as tender. Good luck to all. I found this very helpful."

Prempro (conjugated estrogens / medroxyprogesterone) "I was feeling stuck in perpetual PMS. I was really moody, starving all the time, tired and unmotivated, and gaining weight. Hot flashes were about to finish me off. My doctor gave me a prescription for Prempro. I noticed a difference in 2 days! I am so much less moody, have more motivation, and way less hungry. Tonight will be my 4th dose, and I honestly cannot wait to see how I feel after a week."

Prempro (conjugated estrogens / medroxyprogesterone) "I am a 56-year-old woman in post-menopause. I have been suffering with hot flashes for 16 years, and I finally decided that I cannot do this anymore. I started Prempro two weeks ago, and I am officially hot flash-free and happier than I have been in years! I cannot believe that it took me this many years to do this. I was always scared of the risks involved. I am so happy I made this decision because my life is now amazing. I have not experienced any side effects at this point. Hopefully, that will continue."

Prempro (conjugated estrogens / medroxyprogesterone) "I was prescribed Prempro 6 years ago at age 53.5, and it proved to be very beneficial. At about the 5-year mark, my doctor strongly encouraged that I wean off Prempro, informing me that my chances of breast cancer and/or stroke increase after 5 years. I asked to please stay on Prempro as I believe my quality of life is far more important than the slight risks associated with extended use. She reluctantly prescribed another year. Ten months ago, I made the decision to wean off Prempro, and I can honestly say it was the worst decision. My quality of life plummeted, my menopausal symptoms returned, and most alarming of all, I experienced extreme knee/joint pain which compromised my active lifestyle. I shared this with my doctor, and she suggested I get back on Prempro. I am on my second dose, and I am looking forward to having back my quality of life!"

Prempro (conjugated estrogens / medroxyprogesterone) "I have been on this medication for 37 days. My day and night sweats are no longer severe. I only toss my comforter once a night as opposed to many times. My day sweats are no longer embarrassing, e.g. while talking with coworkers, I would without warning begin to get warm, hot, and then dripping in sweat to include my hair. My mood swings are gone, I am back to normal. LOVING IT."

Prempro (conjugated estrogens / medroxyprogesterone) "I have been on Prempro, the lowest dose, for almost three months now. I am 52 and haven't had a period in almost a year. I get frustrated when people say "It causes cancer and it isn't worth it just to cure hot flashes" First of all, there is just a small increase in the chance of breast cancer and you shouldn't take it if breast cancer runs in your family. And yes, if all you are experiencing is simple hot flashes, then it probably would be easy to make the decision not to do HRT. I had severe depression, and anxiety, I couldn't focus, and I couldn't function. This medication saved my life and gave me a life worth living. I would rather take that small risk than spend the rest of my life not wanting to be alive. All of the docs and insurance kept trying to push anti-anxiety meds. Those meds have many side effects and the risk of suicide is much higher than the risk of breast cancer with Prempro. Prempro gave me my life back. Insurance won't pay but Pfizer has approved me for free meds."

Prempro (conjugated estrogens / medroxyprogesterone) "I have only been on this medication for four days, praying it begins to do its job and that I don’t get any side effects. I have noticed a huge difference in dryness in a vagina, which is awesome. My doctor said she believes it would kick my weight in gear and I should start losing. A little worried now after reading some comments, however I have noticed a big change in my want to eat. This is really good! Mood swings are still there as well, so I’m hoping after 1 week I see a big change. Wish me luck."

Prempro (conjugated estrogens / medroxyprogesterone) "I was having night sweats, waking every hour, hot flashes, etc. Asked my doctor about HRT and decided I wanted pill form. It took about 1 month for all symptoms to go away. I have been on Prempro (lowest dose available) for 10 years and love it! I just recently had a spot on my mammogram that scared me, which turned out to be a cyst. So I decided to go off Prempro. It has been 6 weeks and I miss it. I have begun to have some hot flashes, night sweats, and headaches. My mood actually seems to have improved, but who knows? This year has been crazy for all. I want to go back on it as I felt younger, better skin, etc. As a side note, I was on birth control pills for 20 years."

Prempro (conjugated estrogens / medroxyprogesterone) "I started Prempro in 2009, still taking it 9 years later at age 62. I found it helpful for prevention of hot flashes initially, and now helpful for vaginal dryness and overall dryness. My OBGYN says I can continue to take it as long as I'm finding it beneficial. No problems at all. $30 a month is a little pricey, but worth it."

Prempro (conjugated estrogens / medroxyprogesterone) "I was prescribed .625 Prempro at the age of 38. I had early onset menopause. My body responded wonderfully to this dosage. It took me about a month to not feel groggy and light-headed. After that subsided, it's been great. I am 50 now, and my doctor would like to start weaning me off since I've been on it for so long. I am going to start half the dose to see how my body reacts."

Prempro (conjugated estrogens / medroxyprogesterone) "I feel normal again. No hot flashes. I'm sleeping at night. I started taking my pills at night because they make you a bit relaxed or tired, but overall, I love it!! My doctor stated she doesn't recommend taking it for more than two years. It's been almost 8 months for me."

Prempro (conjugated estrogens / medroxyprogesterone) "Immediately following my very last period, I started having severe hot flashes. So bad that they made me jump out of bed. Changes clothes or I'd start freezing, even in mid-summer. So, I started low-dose Prempro. It took about 5 days to start helping. After taking it for about 8 months, it stopped working. I even tried taking it twice a day a couple of times, thinking the dose was too low, but still no help. So now I'm going to go to another different doctor to see what else can be done to prevent my misery. Also, I want to mention that since menopause, I have zero interest in sexual relations with my husband. I just wondered if anyone else has had this medication work then stop altogether? Thank you for reading my story. I sure hope to find something."

Prempro (conjugated estrogens / medroxyprogesterone) "Menopause started at 50. The hot flashes were so miserable that it was difficult to function. I was having four per hour, each lasting 4-6 minutes, 24/7. I wasn't sleeping, was difficult to work, and just plain miserable. My doctor put me on a low dose, which helped a little, then increased to 0.625 mg. That was perfect. That was eight years ago. My husband retired a couple of months ago, so I lost insurance. I was hoping after eight years, I might not need Prempro any longer, so I weaned myself off. The hot flashes are back just as bad as eight years ago. I have new insurance, but my co-pay used to be $20.00. It's now $162. I can't afford it at that price. I broke down and purchased it to get relief. I'm looking at different options. Without insurance, it would cost well over $200.00. We only have one pharmacy in town. I tried using a coupon app, and the coupon was for $206.00. That wasn't helpful. I will be looking at other options where I might be able to get it through the mail from a different pharmacy."

Prempro (conjugated estrogens / medroxyprogesterone) "I've been taking Prempro for the past month. The first week, my hot flashes got worse, but by week 2, they started to cool off. So far, I like what I'm feeling, but I can't sleep without my fan. I think I'm gaining weight. Today I got my second refill, and I started searching for more info. To be honest, what I read really scared me and made me rethink if I should continue taking it."

Prempro (conjugated estrogens / medroxyprogesterone) "I took Prempro for about four and a half years. I started at the age of 57, and it did help with some of my problems. But I ended up gaining 50 lbs and also developed breast cancer at the age of 62. I have three other sisters, and none of them or any other women in our family have had breast cancer. Think before you take this pill. I am no longer on Prempro, and I have all my menopausal symptoms back in full force."

Prempro (conjugated estrogens / medroxyprogesterone) "Periods recommenced on using this, also got menstrual cramps (which I had before so no huge deal). Lost all sweating symptoms and skin became less dry, although skin is itchy. Other than this I have had no other bad side effects; have been on this medicine now for approximately 6 months."

Prempro (conjugated estrogens / medroxyprogesterone) "I have experienced terrible hot flashes for over a year now. GYN said I was in menopause (at 51), so started on Prempro (1.5 mg) two weeks ago. Hot flashes are almost none, started my period this month after not having one in almost a year... bummer! My husband and kids say I'm more moody and not myself. I've noticed I am less tolerable (that could be my age) of things I normally would be. Also, not as hungry as normal. Overall, I feel better so far, still early."

Prempro (conjugated estrogens / medroxyprogesterone) "I have been struggling with night sweats, flashes, and mood swings. I have noticed caffeine and stress bring on the flashes. I haven't figured out what starts the night sweats, so I keep my house 70 degrees and below sometimes to sleep. I noticed that when I put a washcloth next to my bed (in a plastic bag not to ruin furniture) at night to place on my chest when the flashing starts, it helps it to subside immediately. I am on day four of the Prempro, and this stuff is awesome. The frequency of the flashing has decreased, and when it tries to come back, it isn't as intense. I think taking it at the same time every day has helped with that. I will sit down maybe an hour after taking the Prempro, and it feels like I'm super relaxed or sleepy."

Prempro (conjugated estrogens / medroxyprogesterone) "I'm 44 yrs old. I haven't had a period in over 4yrs . My hormones were out of whack. My symptoms I was having were hair loss, hot flashes and I was mean and hateful. My doctor put me on Prempro. I've been on it for a month now... Hot flashes are gone. My hair stopped falling out. My breast didn't get too bad tender but they did get fuller. My mood has not changed, I'm still moody. I already had acid reflux and Prempro made it even WORSE! My feet feel a little swelled, or at least my shoes feel tighter. And I do feel a little bloated. I've decided to stop taking Prempro. I would rather deal with the hot flashes and hair loss than the acid reflux flare ups."

Prempro (conjugated estrogens / medroxyprogesterone) "I have been on Prempro for 6 years until recently I developed lymphadenopathy a breast cancer in lymph and glands with no primary source in my breast or body. I have been off since this finding as hormone replacement will feed cancer. I also had a hereditary gene study done and it was negative. The only thing left is this caused my cancer and a very very bad surgery… please ladies don’t take this medication . I can’t stress enough yes it helped my mood and my hot flashes but in the end I’ve been going thru a nightmare . Do your research ! There’s was a 330 million dollar lawsuit against prempro…. Please stop using it ! I hope this helps someone…. My recovery is still on going but I’m healing daily ."

Prempro (conjugated estrogens / medroxyprogesterone) "It was a miracle for me. Within a week, I could sleep, have energy, and enjoy normal things again. I don’t get why I had to beg for almost 4 months to be allowed on it. 3 years later and not a single side effect"

More about conjugated estrogens / medroxyprogesterone

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  • Reviews (68)
  • Side effects
  • Dosage information
  • During pregnancy
  • Drug class: sex hormone combinations
  • En español

Patient resources

  • Conjugated estrogens and medroxyprogesterone drug information
  • Conjugated estrogens and medroxyprogesterone (Advanced Reading)
  • Estrogens (Conjugated/Equine) and Medroxyprogesterone

Other brands

Prempro, Premphase

Professional resources

  • Premphase Prempro prescribing information

Related treatment guides

  • Atrophic Vaginitis
  • Oophorectomy
  • Osteoporosis
  • Postmenopausal Symptoms
  • Primary Ovarian Failure
  • Atrophic Urethritis