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Generic Name: clomiphene citrate

Brand Name: Clomid oral

Drug Reviews Drug and Medication User Reviews

I told 25 mg clomid 3-7 the first time and I got pregnant right away!! Now after having my son I’m trying again except this time I’m doing 50 mg in hopes of twins! I’ll be back for a review about my experience this time around holding faith and prayer it works quickly again!!

Spotting after clomid treatment,so what to know if anyone has experience this ,and was the clomid still effective with the clomid

I have taken 3 rounds of clomid and have yet to get pregnant.

We have been trying to conceive last 2 years, I have regular periods and no health issues for my partner as well, our doctor prescribed to take Clomid 50 for 5 days in my 2 to 7 th day of my menstrual days, first cycle its didn't worked , after my 2 nd Clomid cycle, I got pregnant.. now I am 7 week pregnant.. I used ovulation monitoring and tried intercourse in those days every 48 hours gap.. While taking this medicine I didn't have any side effects as well.

Started the first round and not didn’t get a positive ovulation and was really heartbroken then I realized didn’t follow the instructions properly so I kinda gave up and gave myself the pep talk saying it will happen when it happens and didn’t want to try another round and it be unsuccessful again but I changed my mind and decided to try but when the time came I was 7 week’s pregnant with my now 2 year old??DON’T GIVE UP….she’s my special RAINBOW ?? BABY

I took 1 pill. Thank goodness!!! It was 85.00 for 1 pill!!! My baby boy was 9lbs and 3/10 if 1 oz, and 20 inches long!!! I had 2 more babies. Never had to take but just that 1 pill!!! I wasn't ovulating, and I guess 1 did it!!! I thank God for this medicine!!! My *baby" is 31 now. And his sister (5lbs and 14.2 ounces/17.5 inches long), and the BABY brother of those 2 (6lbs 10ounces/19 inches long ). 1990, 1991, and 1993!!!!

I ve been struggling to fall pregnant for the whole last year and i took clomid tablets from the 16th march 2021 for five days and followed everything my doctor told me.. then boom today im 1month and 2weeks pregnant . I recommend anyone that has the same struggle to use clomid pills. It's very helpful.

I used clomid first time and I am currently 36 and after 1 use I am now 7 weeks pregnant for the first time we are overly excited praying for a healthy successful pregnancy

I started taking this medication because I was not ovulating on my own. My doctor first tried 50mg and with opk testing it was determined that this was not enough to stimulate ovulation. I was given the option of trying again or upping the dosage to 100mg. I chose to up the dosage because I knew I could only be on it for 6 cycles and didn't want to waste any opportunities. This time around I got a positive opk followed by ovulation pains (which I have never had in my life!) and this cycle I conceived!

This medication does work I used it for five days and I am expecting. I'm so happy!!! I hope it works for you.

First time using it was 2010 got pregnant after 3 months .. 4 years later i wasn't getting pregnant and I tried it again ... I got pregnant after 8 months .. but sadly I lost the baby .. at 45 .. I think I'm done ... Hell of a drug ... I'd recommend it to anyone trying to conceive and may be having a hard time ..

I am 37 years old and I tried two rounds of Clomid - one on June of 2016 and one in September of 2016. I did ovulate but did not get pregnant. The second round was a more aggressive dose which resulted in headaches, irritability, and also constantly feeling extremely horny. The problem that I am facing is that after I got my period on September 25th, my hormone levels dropped lower than they have ever been. I am tired all the time, nausious, my skin is dry, my eyelids are puffy and I have absolutely no sex drive. I had my hormone levels checked yesterday by my doctor and he said that my estrogen and progesterone are both very low, which I already suspected due to how tired and nauseous I feel all the time. I really hope (and suspect) that this is an "after-effect" of taking such an aggressive dose of clomid. I still have not had another period since September 25th, nor have I ovulated on my own. One of the nurses at my doctor's practice said that it is possible that this is an after-effect of the clomid. Hoping that my body will 'reset' on it's own in time. My doctor has prescribed Provera to bring my period and I am tempted to take it becuase of how sick I feel from the low hormone levels, but I'm going to hold off and see if my body will "bounce back" on its own.

I took chlomid for 1 month after a few years of trying unsuccessfully to get pregnant. It led to a pregnancy (which I miscarried) but I never wanted to take it again because of the RAGE it brought on. I was a total crazy person. I might try Femara since the MD says some women have fewer mental side effects on that but those side effects don't look great either. We decided to pursue adoption and whatever happens first! :)

My boyfriend and I tried to get pregnant for two years with no luck. Finally my doctor prescribed me Clomid and after three months of being on clomid I did not get pregnant so I was getting frustrated and decided to take a break off Clomid. The following month off clomid I got pregnant! The medication must of still been in my system that month and I am very glad I gave clomid a try.

I was on Clomid about 4 1/2 years over 30 years ago. Now, I have two sons, 27 and 28, who were both Clomid babies! They are both very highly educated, gifted learners with no health problems. I've had no long term side effects from Clomid. When I took it, I had hot flashes. I'm thankful that there was Clomid many years ago because without it, I most likely would never have become a mother.

I took Clomid oral when I was so anxious to be have a baby. I really was getting so frustrated after a very one long year of trying and waiting, but Clomid was prescribed in July and the following month in September, we found out we were expecting a baby, no side effects of whatsoever, pregnancy was great we had a boy and the following year we found out we were pregnant again this time without Clomid, we had another boy. I was so done. But yes, Clomid worked for me and of course lots of prayers! Good luck to everyone trying!!!!

Conceived immediately on this med after trying unsuccessfully for five years. Twin boys, born 10 weeks early (but healthy). They are 35 YO now and wonderful. This drug definitely worked for me!

After 3 months, Doesn't seem to do anything.

Did not change my mood or cause any side effects. Became pregnant on my second cycle.

I was 40 when I was trying to get pregnant. I took several tests and everything checked out great, so my OBGYN finally prescribed me Clomid. I got pregnant the first try. Now my baby girl is almost 2. I'm considering another child at this point but it might be too late due to my age. We shall see what the doctor says. The side effects I had were more like depression symptoms. It made me very emotional and sad. It really only lasted a few days but is so worth taking if in the end you do get pregnant.