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Generic Name: Memantine for Autism (memantine)

Memantine for Autism Reviews

"A life saver. I have autism. It is pretty bad autism. I saw help on day one. But it isn't a fix-it-all for me. Being able to understand nonverbal communication and verbal communication is huge improvements. This helps me with social interaction. This helps me with anxiety. Helps my expressive myself and respond better. Less meltdowns. Helps my cognitive functions. Helps me think. Helps my thought issue due to my autism and auditory processing disorder. Helps me slow down my mind to pay attention more and can respond to changes and sensory problems. Not a full fix for me but huge help. I am more polite. I can talk about others' interests not just my needs or wants or questions that I had trouble asking. Better behavior."

"My daughter started taking this at the age of 10. I had been told she would never read, graduate from school, or be independent. She is now 15, Magna Cum Laude with goals of becoming a forensic pathologist. She is involved in choir, student council, and has a number of friends. It has made an overwhelming difference in the quality of her life and her ability to better control her compulsive behaviors."

"I was first prescribed this for Asperger's syndrome at the age of 24. I've been on numerous types of medications since I was a teenager, but this is the first one that I've been on that has significantly helped. My quality of life is much better. I don't have as many ruminating, obsessive thoughts that make me miserable."

"I take 20 mg of memantine for my slight autism! And this has been a miracle drug! It helps me in social interactions, I can recognize social cues and skills that I couldn't before! It also helps with my obsessive and aggressive problems! Thank you to whoever made this drug."

"I take 10 mg twice daily for autism spectrum disorder. It stops the intrusive thoughts, rumination, and repetitive thinking, which is a godsend. It also reduces repetitive behavior/stereotypes. I haven't noticed any side effects, maybe a little brain fog, but that has disappeared with continued use."

"Memantine has helped my social anxiety greatly, not through direct anxiolysis, but indirectly through dissociation from reality, albeit mild. It works perfectly for sensory overload as the autistic brain does not filter out unnecessary external stimuli due to NMDAR current blockade, similar to endogenous magnesium. Amazing, wonderful."

"My daughter is just started this medicine. She is taken guanfacine as well. Her stomach hurt she she was on but medicine seems to work her asperger. She is happy. We are given another try to this med with half dose to eliminate her stomach pain. Everything is better than weight gain asperger meds."

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  • During pregnancy
  • Drug class: miscellaneous central nervous system agents
  • En español

Patient resources

  • Memantine drug information
  • Memantine Extended-Release Capsules
  • Memantine Tablets
  • Memantine Solution

Other brands

Namenda, Namenda XR

Professional resources

  • Memantine monograph
  • Memantine (FDA)
  • Memantine ER Tablets (FDA)
  • Memantine ER capsules (FDA)
  • Memantine Oral Solution (FDA)
  • Memantine Tablets (FDA)

Other brands

Namenda, Namenda XR

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  • Autism
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