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Generic Name: Aripiprazole

Brand Name: Abilify

Abilify Drug and Medication User Reviews

This medicine has changed my life. It literally fixed my ADD/ADHD, I could feel my head level for the first time in my adult life. I highly recommend the round pills not the football like kind. Round doesnt make me gain weight bc of constant hunger but football kind did.

I never had issues with anxiety until I took this crap. still having anxiety even after months of not taking.

Worked really well for like 2 months then I got restlessness and couldn't stop moving so bad I couldn't barely drive my car because I was was just exploding with movement and having suicidal thoughts. Read online that it could of been permanent, that would of ruined my life, thankfully I've been off of it and it has slowly went away.

I am a bipolar woman who has been battling depression and anxiety most of her life. Adding ability to the mix aided me tremendously.

This medication was a game changer. Prescribed for aggressive out bursts, anxiety, agitation and mood dysregulation/meltdowns associated with Autism. My son says it gives him "more thinking time" and he is able to think things through before he becomes overwhelmed and reactive. Used in addition to a low dose antidepressant. No side effects.

I took 1 dose. I then began to go insane for probably a 24 hour period of anxiety and panic like the world has never seen. A horse tranquilizer couldn't calm me down. It was horrible and so was Caplyta. They both mess with the same brain chemicals dopamine and serotonin. Also Caplyta caused interrupted breathing during sleep. My son thought I was going to die. He told me the next day he checked on me in the middle of the night and I wasn't breathing and then I was. I can't get around very well so he checks on me.

I took this medicine for 2.5 years after having hallucinations, hearing stuff, extreme paranoia and extreme raging episodes. It didn't help at all in the beginning but somewhere in the middle it helped a bit and then it stopped helping lol. Im diagnosed with borderline personality disorder which can give "psychotic" symptoms due to extreme emotions so i guess they thought it would help my extreme raging episodes, which it didn't. I got taken off the medicine about 6 months ago due to 2 physical illnesses i have, one being pcos. Nth really changed but i hardcore hallucinated and heard stuff this one night, more than usual. But that could be bc i was in an extreme physical stress state bc i got broken up with. In conclusion, its useless ??

My 7 year old took this medication for 2 days and is neck started to bother him at school. The teacher dismissed him by the time me got home it was really hurting bad. I took him to the ER. but the time me got there he was dropped face on one side hard to talk and drooling and in pain. Never again will we take this.

I've been on abilify before and recently went on it again. I've noticed people in reviews talking about being restless and I did experience some of that this second time but my Dr put me on a low dose of propranolol to counter it and that fixed it. Abilify really helps my depression and OCD. I can think clearer and it makes me more calm. I have major depression with psychotic tendencies and it helps with my hallucinations and paranoia as well. :) I do want to eat a lot but I learned the first time to pack little healthy snacks and drink plenty of water and it helps curb it some,plus exercise.

I was on the Abilify injection monthly for like 4 years. It made me put on so weight that I had never gained in my lifetime. It has steroids in it. I finally got off of in summer of 2020.

I never wanted to be on these meds and they have made me more suicidal and they have not helped. they make me feel tired all the time. it feels like my eyes are coming out of my head sometimes. i just dont feel real and this med makes me feel 10 times worse

It made me paranoid, cry for no reason, very anxious and have weird scary thoughts

I was put on this medication when i was diagnosed with depression, anxiety and anorexia. I started on 1mg and went up to 10mg. I stayed on 10mg for a year and that was the worst year of my life. I struggled with binge eating - gained 60lbs in under a year, spent money recklessly, felt suicidal but didnt have the energy to act on it, was tired, had no motivation to do things and became very impulsive with self harm. The day i chose to stop taking it is what i think of the best day of my life. After i stopped taking it, i was told by the pyschatrist that 40% of people he prescribes it to has had an issue with compulsive/impulsive behaviours such as binge eating, gambling, excessive spending. If it works for you im glad, but please be aware of it. If you experience any behaviours that are not normal to you, talk to your dr about it and mention that you are on this drug.

Terrible medication, always causes episodes and I had terrible anxiety with it. I feel like this medication almost got me killed. Never taking this medication again.

I take 2 mg before bed. Wake up feeling normal and happy for the first time in 2 yrs. Getting off the small dose xanax. I love it.

I've taken Abilify to augment bupropion for Bipolar Disorder and associated Major Depression for years now and it's been exceptionally effective. I especially like it because I've had no side effects unlike other antipsychotics. I highly recommend despite the negative reviews from a small number of users.

Worked for 3 months. Waste of time. You think your all better then it's like taking candy and it doesnt do anything anymore. Not worth 768 dollars.

This medicine ended up causing me to lose even more self esteem, didn't help the chronic depression, what it did do was give me another chronic illness. I had heard that it could cause a compulsive gambling problem, and it's alarming that they still prescribed it. So in 2012 I went to my neurologist, and I was diagnosed with fibro, but then when I went back, because he wanted to check out a few things going on. I was diagnosed with Cervical Dystonia, it causes my neck to lean to lean down the rt side bad. And now it's beginning to go down the whole rt side of my body. Theres no cute. And supposed to go get botox in the rt side of my neck, shoulder and head, to help tighten up the muscles. But esp since the pandemic it's not helping, I even have a harder time driving some because of the way it leans. My psychiatrist is the one who told me that Abilify caused it

At first, it was great! But we needed to keep increasing the dose for it to remain effective. I definitely never forgot to take it because my body knew. Even a few hours beyond when I would usually take it, I'd start going through withdrawal. I kept one in my wallet at all times in case I had forgotten. Eventually I was what people described as a zombie. Slow moving, sleeping every chance I could, no energy. I just worked, ate, and slept. After about a year of this and my partner expressing his concerns, I decided to come off of it. Even tapering off it didn't help, I was so so sick for weeks. Physically sick. The withdrawal was insane. The benefits of it just weren't enough at the end of it all.

My sister has been taking Ability for about 3yrs now. In the last 1 1/2 yrs her impulsive behavior has increased. She liked to gamble every so often before but over the past 1 1/2 yrs if has gotten out of control. She was also started on Fluvoxamine about 1 yr ago. Has anyone ever expected this side effect? Thanks