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Generic Name: fondaparinux

Brand Name: Arixtra subcutaneous

Drug Reviews Drug and Medication User Reviews

I have been using this for over 14 years, but the whole time I have had muscle pain and weakness, stiffness upon stopping for 20 minutes or more. Totally locked arms and legs upon waking up in the morning or napping. Recently it has gotten worse, cannot climb stairs, walk normal, no strength in limbs. I stopped the injections and it all cleared up. I feel 20 years younger. I found out that it is a copy of the Tiapan poisinous snake venom. It is now being produced in India at a new factory that is a new company that also is growing at a rapid rate. I wonder if the quality is the same as the original drug.

I was on Coumadin and other medications therapy that failed me. I no choice but to be on Arixtra for the rest of my life. (I have a gene factor that causes clotting issues in my brain). Iâ??ve been on Arixtra for 8years and no side effects. Arixtra saved my life. It very expensive !

suddenly developed some soreness in left saphenous vein upper thing ultrasound showed numerous clots

I couldn't tolerate Xarelto, Loveonox or Warfarin. This is a shot, but doesn't case the joint or muscle pain the other meds did. The skin in the shot area MUST BE pinched while administering the shot and held for 30 seconds, otherwise bruising results. The needle is incredibly thin, I can't feel it. No one likes a shot, but this med is hands down the better of the bunch

This is the only blood thinner that has worked for me. I have 4 clotting disorders, a severe history of DVTs and PEs, and a large calcified blood clot that runs through my entire leg. My body rejected both coumadin and warfarin, sending me to an almost fatal ICE trip, and lovenoux was not strong enough to prevent my clots from occurring. Although the daily shots for the rest of my life stink, it's been a real life saver and easy medication to take. I've been on it for 3 years now and haven't had a problem. It was even safe to take during my pregnancies!

After too many episodes of DVTs and PEs, I agreed to use an anticoagulant long-term. I never liked the side effects of warfarin. I tolerated Lovenox well, but it was two sub-Q shots a day. Also, I needed less medication than prescribed based on weight. Since we discovered this fact by testing, until there is a test to check how my body processes a medication like Xarelto (and what my doctor describes as an "antidote" or a better antidote in the event of a serious bleeding event, like after a car accident), my options are limited. I thought Arixtra was working well, except I have had unusual edema in not only my legs/ankles/feet, but in my arms/wrists/hands. My hematologist's office did not think the Arixtra was causing this, but I have fleshed out every other possible cause (like these being side effects of other medications). I have had a lot of lightheadedness since I started Arixtra, too. Now I see that both symptoms can actually be side effects of Arixtra. (To be noted, adding a diuretic (Hydrochlorothiazide) did not eliminate the edema. I lost some water weight, but still have signs of edema.) I am not sure what my options are, but the edema is uncomfortable (and not pretty) and I am concerned about falling (or worse) with the lightheadedness. So while Arixtra may be keeping me from clotting again (which is important!), I will likely pursue other options for anticoagulation.

The fact that it is a shot that has to be taken daily is my struggle wish they had a pill or such that does the same thing. Im 19 years old and have to take it the rest of my life so I wish they would come out with easier ways to take it.

rash on upper arms and chest, bruising, bleeding from wound

Since coumadin therapy failed for me, I have no choice but to be on Arixtra or another type of low-molecular weight heparin for the rest of my life. (clotting disorders) I've had terrible knots forming in the abdomen, huge hematomas. I kept thinking perhaps I'm giving them wrong but I've been a nurse for 17 years this summer and have been giving myself heparin injections off and on since I was 20 yrs old (25 yrs ago!) I've given more injections than you can imagine but something horrible is happening with these. These knots are HUGE and deep and painful. Anyone have any suggestions?

Extremely difficult to administer even for professionals. Poor consumer information. So new that pharmacists and doctors are not familiar with it. I can't find any long term clinical studies either.

I don't want to minimize the benefits of Coumadin/Warfarin but it just does not work for me. I have been on it three times and the INR level was never achieved to the MD's satisfaction which happened again in the 72 hours after surgery. I asked for an alternative therapy and am very pleased that my surgeon prescribed Arixtra. I was a little uneasy about the self administration but I was fortunate to have a superb nurse at the hospital who took me through the process, watching me as I delivered my first dose. Basically, if you can remove a splinter yourself, sticking your tummy is a walk in the park. I am only on the med for 10 days as a precaution after revision surgery of a total knee replacement.

My husband was on this 14 days post total-knee replacement. I didn't have any trouble giving the shots w/the self-retracting super thin needles. He didn't have any redness, itching nor bruising, which would've been very easy to see as he doesn't have any pigment in his skin. What may also have helped is that I didn't inject the last tiniest bit of moisture to make the needle retract. After the 1st time I noticed that it kind of slammed down & then bounce out, so I injected all the med, removed the needle & then "hit the bottom" to make it self-retract. He is VERY easily nauseated, & had no trouble on this drug.

self-dosing needles convenient - retracted inside of cartridge to dispose. No pain at injection site when follow directions. No side effects and I am sensitive to many medicines. Glad to have health coverage at $70 per 2.5mg dose 1x day - covered at 80% after my high deductable is met.

In 2002, I treated for portal vein thrombosis was placed on coumadin. During the 2 years I had reoccuring lung clots in upper and lower lobes. Lovenox and now Arixtra have been a miracle drug for me. No clots in 4 years. This will be a life time drug for me also. My condition today is fair with much fatigue. I also have Budd-Chiari syndrom which the Arixtra is helping with the inflow and outflow of liver. I am blessed to be given a longer life with my family..never take this for granted!

Have tried all blood thinners with no success. I was unsuccessful at becoming therapeutic on warfarin, and had horrible hematomas with lovinox. I like that you don't have to change ur lifestyle to fit around arixtra. And I have been very pleased with the guarantee of not having a dvt while being on this medication. This was not the case in both of the blood thinners before, I still had clots while on blood thinners previously. Overall, arixtra has less side effects and is working out great considering the alternative.

I have antiphosolipid antibody syndrome and have been on warfarin for 3yrs. A recent misdiagnosis of a blood clot has now left me with no choice but heparin for life. I have found the cost of arixtra to be exhorbitant compared to warfarin and the bruising and hematomas are awful, though not as bad as lovenox.

I was put on fondaparinux because Warfarin made me cold, feel nauseous and (worst of all) my hair go very thin. (I only noticed Warfarin did this because I was temporarily put on low weight molecular heparin and felt much better). So far I feel OK on fondaparinux too. My hair is getting thicker again and I feel warmer. I sometimes feel nauseous still but maybe I just have a weak stomach? The main thing is - no blood clots and no visits to check my INR. My only issues are that the needle is thicker than with heparin so it's sometimes a bit hard to jab it in but so far I have had no bruising with it in comparison with the heparin. I also think it is terribly expensive (fortunately not an issue for me as I'm on the NHS in the UK but I still feel guilty about the cost to the hospital - and I suppose I do ultimately pay for it in National Insurance - compare 10p per dose on Warfarin and £32 a dose on Fondaparinux!)

I have read all of your reviews looking for side effects and negative comments about Arixtra. I have been on the injections for 10 months and have just been told I will be on them for life. I developed blood clots while on chemotherapy and radiation for cancer. My potassium levels are high and the Doctors think it may be a result of Fragmin, Lovinox - and now Arixtra. Has anyone else had that problem? What side effects can be expected with long term use?