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Generic Name: Haloperidol for Nausea/Vomiting (haloperidol)

Haloperidol for Nausea/Vomiting Reviews

Haldol (haloperidol) "They gave me this medicine for stomach pain and all it did was make me lose control physically and mentally. I could not stop moving my arms and legs, and I thought I was going to be put in a rubber room. Scared the life out of me, never again."

Haldol (haloperidol) "Sometime after my same-day surgery to treat a cancer tumor, I was given some unspecified amount of Haldol through my IV line. I was shocked when I heard I was given Haldol since it is known as an antipsychotic drug with very severe side effects. I had no idea it was ever used for the prevention of nausea and vomiting over all standards such as Zofran. Since I had the same procedure several weeks earlier, I was amazed to define the effects of what I thought was just the anesthesia were so much more severe. I had disorientation, restlessness, anxiety, memory problems, tiredness, sleepiness, constipation, and even some depression. I can only attribute the difference in my reaction to the use of Haldol. It's been about 48 hours since I was discharged from the hospital, and I still don't feel right. My advice to any patient who may be given this drug to treat/prevent nausea and vomiting is to request something else that's much safer. I would certainly never take this again."

Haldol (haloperidol) "Haldol was given to my mother for nausea/vomiting in her final days/weeks of battling colon cancer. Haldol worked great for nausea, but the side effects were horrible. She was not drowsy, she was out! Not coherent, confused, wasn't able to eat, and at times was agitated. Be very careful using this medication. It took two days after stopping the medication for it to leave her system and return to a normal state of mind."

Haldol (haloperidol) "I was given IV Haldol in the ER yesterday along with Zofran, Decadron, and Benadryl for a migraine with nausea. I react terribly to Compazine and Reglan (I feel like I can’t stand being in my own skin, want to climb the walls, etc. Indescribable, really, but awful)! I specifically asked if there was any chance Haldol would cause a similar reaction and was assured it would not. It did. I’m still agitated, unable to sleep, and anxious this morning. I cannot wait until it wears off. Definitely not worth it."

Haldol (haloperidol) "Take this medicine if you want the worst experience of your life! This caused extreme restlessness and anxiety. I felt like I couldn't move, and it was hard to talk. IV causes a more severe adverse reaction than IM or oral form. If you get these meds, make sure you are also given Benadryl, Cogentin, or a benzo to prevent these side effects! I was given Benadryl and Ativan, but they had to give me an extra dose of each because it wasn't helping enough."

Haldol (haloperidol) "I went to the ED for kidney pain and nausea. I have allergies to IV anti-nausea meds but can take them orally. They decided to give me 0.5 of Haldol intravenously. Something inside me was telling me NOT to allow this, but I was so nauseated, and they said it would help. I can take oral anti-nauseous meds, so I was confused as to why I was getting Haldol. The FDA hasn’t approved the intravenous use of Haldol in ER settings. Unfortunately, I found all of this out after the fact. Five minutes after being injected, I got hot flashes and a huge panic attack. Benadryl helped, but my pulse went to 180 bpm and slowly tapered down to 100 bpm-that’s where it stayed until this evening when I’m finally at a normal 86 bpm. It’s been two days, and I’m still feeling agitated and anxious. My advice to anyone being offered Haldol: if an ER doc wants to try to see if it works for you-say no, ask for something safer!"

Haldol (haloperidol) "Was given this in the ER for nausea. It killed the nausea, sure, but I was so anxious! I felt as though if I stayed in that hospital bed another second, I was going to go crazy. When I was released, I raced home and took Xanax to try and combat the anxiety. It's been about 26 hours since I was injected, and I still have the urge to move and run around, like restless leg syndrome. I'd rather just be nauseous!"

Haldol (haloperidol) "I got rushed to the ER for nonstop vomiting. I was vomiting for over 10 hours until I finally decided to go to the hospital. They gave me 2 injections of Zofran but unfortunately, I was still vomiting. Then they gave me a dose of Haldol which finally stopped my vomiting. My horrible stomach cramps were gone as well. I was able to get the best possible sleep. When I woke up, I felt like a million bucks. Haldol definitely saved me!"

Haldol (haloperidol) "Went to the ER after experiencing chest pain following advice from my surgery nurse. While being there, I mentioned being slightly nauseous. I am extremely allergic to most anti-nausea medications, going into anaphylactic shock, so I was given Haldol. Immediately after injection, my heart began beating faster and my anxiety level flew off the chart. Every muscle in my body wanted to move and spasm, I was practically vibrating in the bed. Seeing as it was only days after having my abdomen cut into, it was pretty intense. It was the closest I have ever felt to being out of my mind. I had to be given another medication to counteract the effect of the Haldol in my system."

Haldol (haloperidol) "Went to ER for uncontrollable vomiting and stomach pain. Haldol was the second try (injection) to improve my symptoms. I am shocked reading all of these other experiences because of the similarity to my case. The haldol helped with the nausea and vomiting but oh my goodness the body cramps and restlessness. My entire body was a giant Charlie horse contorting all over the table and I couldn't stop it. Crying in pain. They finally gave me something else which toned it down some but no way would I ever want to go through that again. I'm sorry for those who have experienced it. It's horrendous :("

Haldol (haloperidol) "Experiencing horrible nausea/vomiting with Dilaudid for pain associated with Stage 4 breast cancer. My normal anti-nausea medication was Zofran, but it started to not work. I was given 0.5 mg I.V. of Haldol every hour for nausea. It worked, but did 'knock me to nap' for a little while. After I woke up, I did feel groggy and was able to eat and drink without incident."

Haldol (haloperidol) "I went to the er for stomach cramping and tenderness after a bought of stomach flu. For some reason they used this instead of Zofran or Phenergan first. I had horrible side effects. Every muscle in my body spasmed to the point of nearly dislocating my jaw. It took a full 36 hours to leave my system. Benadryl helped, but did not reverse the effects. I was disoriented and screaming in pain only a few seconds after receiving it. Use caution. The side effects were not worth it."

Haldol (haloperidol) "I have Addison's disease we had tried all conventional medications. I got this injected by the ER and told my dr that even though they gave it to me for anxiety I didn't vomit or get nauseous for 24 hrs."

Haldol (haloperidol) "Still felt nauseous after being given this drug after surgery. I woke up extremely sick and vomiting. This was the third drug given to help combat these effects. I didn't know I'd been given it but my heart started racing and concerned the nursing staff, and their concern made me anxious. I was so scared and paranoid about what was happening to me which I later found out was all because of this drug. They ended up flushing it out of my system."

"I went to the ER due to kidney stones and vomiting. The ER doctor gave me haldol. This drug is awful. I thought the room was closing in on me and my jaw started spasming. I had my first ever panic attack at age 44. No freaking way would I have agreed to take this drug had they told me what it's normally used for. It took me days to feel better. They had to give me two injections of another drug to make the haldol side affects to stop."

Haldol (haloperidol) "Was given for nausea that didn’t respond to zofran. Almost immediately after the IM injection I became drowsy and agitated and had such bad anxiety I felt like I needed to leave the hospital. I was up all night with muscle twitches and anxiety, I couldn’t stop pacing. Ended up going back to the hospital for Ativan and Benadryl, and I was told my reaction was a common reaction to Haldol. It took me days to feel back to normal. I’d rather be sick than take this ever again!"

Haldol (haloperidol) "I was given Haldol for stomach pain. Why in the heck they gave me this drug I don't know why, I told the nurse it made me feel weird and I did not like it at all, and she said oh it does that to some people. But reading on here, it sure as heck sounds like A LOT of people are complaining of this drug with the same effects of restlessness was the worst one, feeling like your skin is going to crawl out of you, This was the worst experience ever !! And like someone else said, this drug needs to be removed from hospitals my god it's HORRIBLE and should not be allowed to be given EVER!"

Haldol (haloperidol) "Given an injection of this for nausea/vomiting. Caused pure terror. Wanted to crawl out of my skin. One of the worst feelings I’ve ever had. Felt like I was truly losing my mind. Would not recommend under any circumstance."

Haldol (haloperidol) "Given this drug for nausea after surgery. It dropped my heart rate from 80's down to 40's and dropped my oxygen rate down to low 80's. This is a dangerous drug and not enough warnings on internet. I have Atril Fibulation and COPD. Should not have been given this drug. It was a 1 time shot and lucky to be in hospital at the time"

Haldol (haloperidol) "Was in for laparoscopy procedure and was very nauseous after the surgery. Initial treatment with Zofran wasn’t helpful, so they then injected Haldol to relieve the emesis and nausea. It made feel drowsy and restless at the same time. I can’t tell if I’m thankful it helped as an antiemetic or if I absolutely hate it because of the restless legs, anxious, crawling out of my skin feelings. It made resting and sleep very difficult after a reallllllly long day at the hospital. My advice, see if doctor has exhausted all other medications/solutions first! The side effects may make you regret taking it."

"Horrible ER experience, was given haloperidol for bad migraine/vomiting. Drug made me feel like climbing the walls and like I was coming out of my skin. Same feeling I get from compazine. I have compazine listed as a allergy so why they thought they could give me Haldol is beyond me. Relieved migraine but the agitation experienced and hopeless feeling was definitely not worth it"

"My 19 y.o. son was admitted to the ER, he had been throwing up all day and there was some blood in his vomit. Because of COVID-19 I was unable to go in with him which was horrible because of this kind of situation. They gave him a few meds along with Haldol by IV. He came out after 9 hours doing better but the next day he kept calling me at work saying he was so restless and couldn't stand being in his body, really struggling. I talked him through some meditation and he took walks but today (2 days after) he is still somewhat restless and agitated, not his personality at all. It made me look at what they gave him, Haldol, I was shocked when I read the discharge papers as I'd only known this to be given for severe dementia in elderly people who become basically zombies from it. After reading other's experiences it confirms why he's been so off. If I'd been in there with him there is no way I'd have said okay to Haldol being administered. Never again. Poor kid."

"Omg I was given Haldol at the hospital to treat Nausea (cannabinoid hyperemesis syndrome) and felt INSANE. Within 15 minutes I felt so restless I had to get out of the hospital in a rush I could not sit there, and for DAYS felt weird, antsy, not normal and just INSANE. My vision was blurry, I could NOT sleep for days, I kept telling my sister and cousin I felt so weird and off. It was the worst thing EVER. Luckily my sister looked it up and I started taking Benadryl every few hours which helped the insane symptoms wear off. I will NEVER ever take this again for nausea. Absolutely not!!!!!"

"Used for stomach pain in ER. It’s been almost 24 hours since I've had the medication through an IV for severe stomach cramping which sent me to the ER in the first place. I’m debating on whether or not to go back tonight since it’s made me so restless and anxious. Awful medication would not recommend this to anyone."

"I was given this drug years ago after being found homeless and brought onto a psych ward. A nurse had walked into my room as I was half asleep and said "Here, take this. It will help you feel better. " and handed me a pink pill with some water. I took the pill and went back to sleep and two hours later upon waking, I found my jaw going into spasms and contortions and my tongue hanging out of my mouth like a dog's. It was impossible for me to speak for 2 hours having no control of my tongue. It was awful. I later found out the pill that i had been given was Haldol."

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  • Reviews (198)
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  • Side effects
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  • Patient tips
  • During pregnancy
  • Drug class: miscellaneous antipsychotic agents
  • Breastfeeding

Patient resources

  • Haloperidol drug information
  • Haloperidol injection
  • Haloperidol (Intramuscular) (Advanced Reading)
  • Haloperidol (Oral) (Advanced Reading)
  • Haloperidol Tablets

Other brands

Haldol, Haldol Decanoate

Professional resources

  • Haloperidol monograph
  • Haloperidol (FDA)
  • Haloperidol Decanoate Injection (FDA)
  • Haloperidol Lactate Injection (FDA)
  • Haloperidol Oral Solution (FDA)

Other brands

Haldol, Haldol Decanoate

Related treatment guides

  • Aggressive Behavior
  • Dementia
  • ICU Agitation
  • Mania