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Generic Name: Spironolactone for Acne (spironolactone)

Spironolactone for Acne Reviews

"I wrote my experiences a while back about how I was doing so great on 200mg a day spironolactone for 2 years. It took almost 6 months for my skin to completely clear up in the beginning. Then, I started having bad breakouts again for over 6 months. I finally found out the reason I started breaking out again. I read online on the spironolactone site under the drug and food interactions that table salt, in large amounts of all things, can decrease the medication's effectiveness. Spironolactone makes me crave salt badly, and in the past, I was using sea salt which didn't cause any issues with the spironolactone. I started using table salt again, and that is why my face went nuts. When I switched back to using sea salt, my bad acne went away, and I now have clear skin again. Just sharing this in case others might be having problems and they are eating lots of table salt."

"Finally stopped taking this. Had been experiencing terrible side effects for 6 months. I talked to my dermatologist about this. She continued to say, 'I've never heard that side effect from a patient so it's probably something else.' Ridiculous anecdotal evidence, especially because all of the symptoms I experienced were listed for the med. I have stopped seeing this doctor. The med caused EXTREME fatigue, weakness. There were many times when all I could do was lay on the couch. It was miserable to get through all the days at work. Huge stomach issues, dizziness, vision disturbances, and sleep problems. Absolutely no sex drive and huge mood disturbances. I stayed on it for so long because it was effective and improved my acne 100%. It was a hard choice to stop, but I realized my overall health and well-being is WAY more important than how my skin looks. Also, an important lesson I learned is always trust your body and doctors are not always right."

"I told myself that if this drug worked for me, I would write a review in the hopes of helping someone else. A quick backstory: I'm 39, and for the past two years, I have been dealing with hormonal acne. My acne was on my lower jaw and down my neck. I took every supplement and spent thousands on face products to find the right mix that would 'fix' my skin. Finally, in February of 2021, I went to the dermatologist. The doctor took a look at me and said, 'I want to put you on this drug, Spironolactone, it's a miracle drug.' On 2/12/21, I started on 50mg in the evenings. I stayed on 50mg until 3/17/21, when I upped to 75mg. I had some breast tenderness for the first few weeks, but that was it. I started seeing improvements in my skin within the first week, and then the painful spots on my neck that would stay for months started to just go away. My skin never purged, and I never had any other side effects. Fast forward to today, 5/21/21, and my skin is pretty much clear. I will take this forever if I need to."

"I first started experiencing hormonal acne when I was 22 years old (28 now) and tried lots of things, but finally found spironolactone and found it to be REALLY helpful in clearing my skin...for about a year and a half. Then I started getting more and more breakthrough acne. I had always gotten a zit or two around my period, but this was different. I eventually quit taking it because I thought, 'why bother?' I tried going the diet and holistic medicine route, but eventually became so ashamed and frustrated that I went back on spiro about 1.5 years ago...now same thing. Randomly, out of nowhere, I have intense breakouts all over again. I am still taking 100mg- never missed a dose. Has anyone else experienced this? Where the drug was working wonderfully and then BOOM just stopped working?"

"I had acne along the chin and forehead since I was a teen. At 20, I was diagnosed with Polycystic Ovarian Syndrome, and my acne only got worse over the next five years. Nothing seemed to help, neither a dermatologist's skincare routine nor significant diet changes. At 25, I begged a dermatologist to prescribe spironolactone and was 100% clear after three months. In the beginning, I had stomach discomfort but stuck it out, and it went away after a month or two. I'm six months in and feel like I'm almost taking for granted how much easier life is with a clear face! This stuff is gold to me. Just wanted to write a review in hopes that some other PCOS girls can find this sooner than I did."

"I originally made an appointment with my dermatologist with the sole purpose of getting put on Accutane. However, I left in tears that day when I found out my insurance does not cover it and it's just too expensive out of pocket. My dermatologist prescribed me Spironolactone and I was iffy about it. I came home and read people's reviews for it and its use with acne and honestly was scared to death due to everyone posting that their skin got worse for a while. I tried it though. Thank goodness! My skin cleared up within 2 weeks. I am so very thankful. I know everyone's experiences will not be the same, but if you're on the fence about taking it, I would at least try it. I almost didn't and I was becoming so self-conscious about my skin that I was becoming depressed. It has been a game changer for me!"

"Cystic acne has cleared up. Hair on legs/arms grows more slowly. Hair on head doesn't get greasy. Bust has increased from 34B to 34C. Weight has dropped 10 lbs with no lifestyle changes. No anxiety, depression, mood swings, etc. Took approx. 3 months to start seeing these results. Very happy with progress so far."

Aldactone (spironolactone) "If you suffer from anxiety or depression, avoid this medication. Even at a low dose, it sent my anxiety through the roof, resulting in really dark thoughts. I’ll take bad skin over my mental health any day."

Aldactone (spironolactone) "I have been taking Aldactone for adult hormonal acne for almost 2 years, and I cannot even put into words the HUGE difference it has made. In my early 20s, I began getting horrible cystic acne all over my chin and entire jawline area. I had used every product available, including Proactiv, expensive designer department store lines, Retin-A, birth control, etc. NOTHING helped! I'd have 5-15 painful nodules at once, each lasting 2-3 weeks and most scarring. My self-esteem was ruined, I was ashamed. Finally, at age 28, I went to a dermatologist and started on Aldactone 100mg/day. I saw noticeable improvement within a week and was totally clear in one month! Increased to 150mg/day after 3 months and have had flawless skin since. Truly a LIFESAVER medicine."

"Have been on this medication for a little over a month - started at 50 mg. About a week ago, my derm bumped up my dosage to 100 mg. Days later, acne was worse than when I started, after reading, I see skin purging is common... thank goodness. I do not want to give up so quickly, but was getting very discouraged. For those of you who have dealt with the purging and now into the light at the end of the tunnel, did you use anything or do anything to help at least calm the purging process? Thank you! :)"

"I am a 52-year-old African American female who suffered from hormonal acne. I bought lots of expensive acne creams that only dried my skin along with breakouts. I decided to go visit a dermatologist! She prescribed spironolactone 100 mg. I was told improvement would likely occur after about three months of taking them. Well, after about six months of taking them, my skin and body cleared. If you are just starting to take it and not seeing any results, KEEP using it!!! It works!! You are beautiful!!"

"Wanted to give an update on the review I wrote 10 months ago. If you are an adult female with acne involving the jawline, hairline, neck, back, chest, or upper arms, there is a great chance it could be hormonal. I had mild to moderate acne that suddenly worsened at the same time I started having irregular periods. It literally went from controllable to a disaster. I started researching and asked my doctor about trying spironolactone. This was almost exactly one year ago. The first month consisted of a nasty initial breakout, but following that, I saw gradual improvement and am 100% clear for the first time in my adult life. My life is completely different. I used to hide. I can wear any clothing I want now. I will NEVER give up this medication."

"I never write reviews, but I need to for this drug. If there is a woman suffering from hormonal acne and nothing has worked, you need to give this medication a try. It has been the only thing that has worked for me. I had horrible hormonal acne on my chin, and since taking spironolactone, I don’t break out anymore. My skin is clear. Hope this helps someone."

"I took spironolactone for 3 years for moderate to severe cystic acne on the lower part of my face. I had suffered from acne to varying degrees for about 12 years and had tried most available treatments, including IBs, oral contraceptives and Roaccutane. Some of these had temporary benefits. With spironolactone, I had a bad initial breakout in the 1st month on 100mg, then my skin cleared up almost completely over the next 2 months. I increased to 125mg per day for about 1 year, then lowered to 100mg and only taking it 4 or 5 days per week. I had flawless skin. When I stopped, my acne returned after about 6 months. I have now started again, and my doctor has recommended continuing until menopause. I am 41. I have no serious side effects."

"AMAZING medication for hormonal acne! I am in my mid-twenties and began having hormonal acne and very oily skin this past year. My acne was primarily located on my jawline, chin, and far sides of my cheeks. It is completely gone, and my complexion is GLOWING."

"I was prescribed Spironolactone 50 mg to treat acne. Two months later, my cystic acne improved, but my hair started falling out really bad. I have never had a problem with hair loss before. My doctor reassured me that Spironolactone doesn't cause hair loss and recommended to continue the treatment. I was happy with clearer skin and kept taking the medication, hoping that the hair loss will stop, but it didn't. After six months of treatment, I lost a substantial amount of my hair volume and decided to stop Spironolactone. I didn't have any underlying conditions and haven't had any traumatizing life events that would cause hair loss. Three months after I stopped Spironolactone, my hair loss has completely resolved. Half a year later, I decided to try Spironolactone again as my acne came back. Surely enough, my hair started shedding really bad after one or two weeks of taking this medication. I am very disappointed that this medication did more harm than good."

Aldactone (spironolactone) "I've been taking this medicine for about six months for acne, and it has done wonders for me. I saw full results after about 4 months. Other than frequently having to go to the bathroom (it's a diuretic), I've experienced no side effects. My skin is flawless, and all the insecurities I had about my skin—being anxious around the time of my period in anticipation of a breakout, not wanting to leave the house without makeup—are GONE. I've been on Accutane four or five times, and while my skin always did really well for the few months I was on it, sometime afterward I'd begin to get regular breakouts. Aldactone gives me predictably clear skin, I can take it indefinitely, AND it's cheap. If you have hormonal acne, please give this a shot!"

"It’s my 5th day on this medicine (spironolactone 100 mg), and today I’m pretty sure I had a panic attack. I’ve experienced huge anxiety to the point where I didn’t know what to do and how to calm myself down. I’d describe it like an overwhelming feeling. I rarely ever get anxiety or stressed, so I’m pretty sure that spironolactone was what caused it because I’ve never felt something similar to this. My heart was beating in a weird way, I felt like someone was sitting on my chest. Please think twice before taking this, it’s really strong."

"I started getting hormonal acne my freshman year of college. Like many others have mentioned in the reviews, I tried just about everything to clear it up. By everything, I mean I completely changed my lifestyle. Started exercising, cut out fast food, went dairy-free, sugar-free, gluten-free, took doxycycline, got on birth control, and I was still getting these big cysts on my face that would scar. It completely destroyed my confidence, at times, I didn’t even want to leave the house because I was so embarrassed. Went to a new doctor, and they put me on 50mg of spironolactone. First 2 months, my acne got worse. But by the 3rd month, my skin was completely clear. I’ve been on it for a year next month, and I haven’t had a single cystic pimple since the 3rd month. It’s also helped my hair so much. I’ve had no side effects by size and an increase in boob size. For anyone that has hormonal acne, I understand how you feel and know how distressing it is."

"I was put on Spiro for acne. My face was the WORST the first 2-3 months after starting on it. My face had never had that many pimples/redness on it. However, I decided to stick it out. After 7-8 months on Spiro, my face is completely clear! I almost never get any pimples anymore, and my face feels soft and smooth!"

Aldactone (spironolactone) "Being almost 30 and having cystic acne, I began taking this as a last resort. I tried all skincare lines, found myself using Clarins, and my skin improved, but still I was oily and breaking out on my neck and cheeks. After a couple of weeks, I noticed I wasn't waking up with what seemed like a thick layer of oil on my face. I began to break out less and less. My dermatologist upped my dose, and now my painful cystic acne is gone, and my skin feels great. Although I find myself very parched at times, and you must watch your salt and alcohol intake. I like this medication."

"Before starting this, I had very mild acne, mostly caused by wearing a mask for COVID and other factors. I was put on 100 mg of spironolactone in addition to Differin and clindamycin. I had previously had success with Differin and clinda, so I know that is not what went wrong. My symptoms were dry skin, thirsty, dry lips, peeing a lot, and dizziness. A month after starting spiro, my skin was broken out like crazy. I was told this was just me 'purging.' Fast forward to 5 months later, and I have seen way more harm than good. While my forehead and nose remained clear, my chin and jawline had acne like I had never seen. I would constantly get deep, painful cysts that itched. I have tried so hard to love this drug, but I know it is not right for me. I must be allergic or something. I am going to quit spiro, and I will update if my skin improves because I cannot take this anymore."

"I am 41. Have struggled with acne since I was a teen. Last year (40th), I decided to have a last-ditch attempt at sorting out my acne. I asked my GP to refer me to a dermatologist. I paid to go privately to speed up the process. I was prescribed 100 mg spironolactone twice daily. My expectations were low. One year on, my skin is AMAZING. I don't get cysts and spots anymore. I have gained so much confidence and spend so little time thinking about my skin. So if, like me, you feel you have given up hope, I suggest you give this a go. A note of caution is that in the first 3-4 months, my skin purged terribly. It was awful, and I nearly gave up. Also felt incredibly thirsty and couldn't stop going to the loo (they are a diuretic and make you pee). This has, however, all settled down. Body seems to have adjusted. No other side effects. Weight has remained normal, and I feel great. So my advice is... stick with it, and you will see the benefit. Good luck if you are suffering. Don't give up."

"I developed acne at the age of 32. I was fortunate and had been blessed with clear skin and had never had an issue before, so the cystic-type acne I was getting around my cheeks and jawline that would not go away was incredibly traumatic to me emotionally. Nothing I tried would clear it up. I was devastated. I went to a dermatologist for the first time in my life, and he told me that the acne was almost certainly hormonal and a result of my IUD (inserted just over a year prior) and that Spironolactone was about the only thing that would work. He was right! He initially put me on a dose of just 50mg a day, which took about a month or so to show results, and then worked great for about three or four months. After that time, I saw a slight recurrence, not nearly as bad as what I was initially dealing with, but enough that I called my dermatologist. I explained the situation, he upped the dosage to 100mg daily, and my skin has been gorgeous and clear again ever since (about six months or so now)! This works, period."

"I went off the birth control pill at age 38 (after being on for almost 20 years) and within 2 months my skin went crazy. I started experiencing bad cystic acne to the point I had no less than 10 bumps at once and was spending a lot of time and money at the dermatologist on injections. I had never had a cyst before--just typical teen acne breakouts in high school and college. It was painful and I felt embarrassed to go anywhere in public. My self-esteem plummeted. After 3 months my dermatologist recommended spironolactone. I started at 200 mg and within a month my face was totally clear. After 6 months I went down to 150, then another 6 months down to 100, which is the dosage I still take 2 years later. Best medication ever!"

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  • Drug class: aldosterone receptor antagonists
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  • Spironolactone drug information
  • Spironolactone Tablets
  • Spironolactone Oral Suspension

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Aldactone, CaroSpir

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  • Spironolactone monograph
  • Carospir Suspension (FDA)
  • Spironolactone (FDA)
  • Spironolactone Oral Suspension (FDA)

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