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Generic Name: Artane (trihexyphenidyl)

Artane Reviews

For Parkinson's Disease "When I take Carbidopa/Levodopa, one of the side effects is a strong chemical odor in my nose, and a chemical or bile taste in the mouth. It might not sound like much, but over time, this odor is punishing and demoralizing. Artane/trihexiphenidyl has greatly helped in reducing the odor issue with the Carbidopa and Levodopa. For now, it has helped improve my quality of life."

For Extrapyramidal Reaction "Been on high dose antipsychotics which gave me tremors overtime. Artane significantly improved my symptoms arising from antipsychotics and relaxed both internal (stomach and intestine) which was greatly slowing my food transit and relaxing external muscles ie tremors. Safer than Benzos and non-habit forming. Would recommend"

For Extrapyramidal Reaction "Relieved neck spasms and akathisia from antipsychotics"

For Extrapyramidal Reaction "I've started Artane to counteract the extrapyramidal effects of ziprazadone (generic Geodon). It works to relieve the muscle tremors and spasms."

For Parkinson's Disease "This drug made me stupid and depressed. Side effects included oral-facial dyskinesis, visual impairment, and weight gain."

For Parkinson's Disease "This is a low level medication. It was the first I received prior to moving upward to the Sinemet Family. It only controlled slight tremor of my hand."

"I became addicted to it and it caused me memory loss, I failed all my semester exams."

For Extrapyramidal Reaction "Relieved muscle spasms caused by risperidone."

For Parkinson's Disease "Didn't help symptoms at all. Side Effects: 1. Really blurry vision 2. Felt dead inside."

For Extrapyramidal Reaction "i have athetoid spastic cp and when i was on it, it worked for a few years but it stopped working."

More about Artane (trihexyphenidyl)

  • Check interactions
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  • Drug images
  • Side effects
  • Dosage information
  • During pregnancy
  • Drug class: anticholinergic antiparkinson agents
  • Breastfeeding

Patient resources

  • Artane advanced reading

Other brands


Professional resources

  • Trihexyphenidyl monograph
  • Trihexyphenidyl Oral Solution (FDA)

Related treatment guides

  • Extrapyramidal Reaction
  • Parkinson's Disease
  • Cerebral Spasticity