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Generic Name: carbidopa-levodopa

Brand Name: Sinemet oral

Drug Reviews Drug and Medication User Reviews

I’d love to give it an A rating but it is too soon in my treatment. Right now I am on only one dose of 25/100 and feel dizzy with a very stilted gait... like I am afraid to fall. I have an appointment with the doctor coming up in the next week to see what he says...his feeling is that I need to be on a heavier dose. All I want is to feel relatively normal...whatever that is!

53 year old female diagnosed 3 years ago on sinemet 1-2years now, take 1 50mg and 12.5mg every 2 hours. Get terrible wear off symptoms, mouth ulcers and electric shock feelings. Speech is also a problem

My 87 year old father is currently taking 25/100, 5 times/day (every 3 hrs) and has pretty much stopped having those times when his feet just won't move. Although he is still quite weak, he often doesn't even bother to use his cane now. We have noticed that his success on a daily basis directly corresponds with whether he has eaten at the wrong times. Since this drug doesn't work well if there is food in your stomach, we try to give it to him about 1 hour before and at least 2 hours after his meals - pill 8am/breakfast 9am, pill 11am/lunch 12pm, pill 2pm/applesauce snack 3pm, pill 5pm/dinner 6pm, Final pill at 8pm. As you can see, this schedule can be hard to maintain. My elderly mother sometimes gives it to him right before or after his meal by mistake and the medicine definitely doesn't work well when this happens. Dairy and protein particularly have a negative effect. But when he's on schedule, the medicine works and also seems to help him mentally, and he has had no side effects at all that we have seen. Doctors need to tell patients and caregivers how important it is to watch what food is being eaten while taking this medicine because it can be the difference between success and failure.

Mom taking for 6 years. First 4 years were good. Past two years have been awful. She is dizzy alot, depressed, OFF periods are more often and much longer.

my husband has been told that he has parkinisam and the have given him sinamet but finds that it dose not work very well has any other male patient had the same affected

I have done well with Sinemet. Sure there are side effects, as there are with any drug you take. You have to remember that it is not going to cure you, but it is going to help with your quality of life. I feel my biggest problem is figuring out the cause of the "side effects". Is it the pill, is it the Parkinson's, or is it simply growing older? That's the $64,000 dollar question.

I suffer from Restless Leg Syndrome (RLS). Sentimet is a "wonder" drug for me! 10+ years ago my PCP prescribed Sentimet to me and told me this is a very old drug used for the treatment of Parkinson's, not for me? right? well as it turns out this is and has been the perfect drug for RLS. After about 5 yrs of being on 10/100, I needed to increase 25/100 which I am still on today. I take it about 5pm each day and do not need anymore until the next evening. NO pain whatsoever. I can function, enjoy my children and grandchildren, do whatever is needed for my daily routine. A huge thank you to my PCP for knowing and learning about Sentimet!

i want to ask about the comination between sinemet and agnucaston as anatural dopamine

I usually exercise and stretch for 30 minutes before I take my morning dosage. That helps. I try to take sinemet every 4 hours. SET YOUR CELL PHONE ALARM WHEN IT'S TIME TO TAKE YOUR SINEMET!!!! I set my cell phone alarm 15 minutes before, on time and 15 minutes after my dosage is due. If I forget to take medicine on time there is a period of adjustment before the next dosage kicks in, usually 30 minutes. Therefore, I try to take my medicine on time. When I take medication on time, I have a great day. Don't over exert yourself. The medication will make you feel invincible. I sometime over exert myself and will pay for it over the course of a few days. Exercise ,exercise, exercise. Then exercise some more. Carpe deum.

Stopped the shaking in my mother. Caused nausea though.

Sinemet has done well for me.

I use this in connection with pramipexole (mirapex) for RLS

It has reduced my falling and injuries that I suffered early on, before treatment. A broken wrist among other injuries, at first, and falling off an elevated porch.

Too much depression and not enough help with symptoms.

When agonist drugs stopped working sinemet was prescribed and had immediate positive reaction to drug. Ability to function increased on all levels. Only difficulty is remembering three times a day to take the pills. Diagnosed one 1/2 years ago, had disease 9 years.

I started taking 1/2 tablet three times a day for very frequent falls,with 'freezing of feet' in doorways and balance issues. My neurologist recommended, an increase to 1 tablet 3 times per day, with a 5 hour space between doses, because there seem to be gaps in the Sinemet coverage. I have to be sure and reorder it before I run too low to prevent not having enough, when I need to take the next dose. No nausea or constipation, or other signs aside from occasional increase in naps.

Have been on 1/2 of 25/100 for two years, and have had no major problems. Lately, I have noticed an increase in tiredness, depression and blurred vision. Have been wondering if I needed to increase the dosage.

have noticed hairloss