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Generic Name: Empagliflozin and Metformin Hydrochloride Extended-release

Brand Name: Synjardy XR Extended-release Tablets

Synjardy XR Drug and Medication User Reviews

I have been on it for 4 1/2 years. It has kept my A1C below 7.0 the entire time. Metformin alone did not. The side effects are tolerable. I go to the bathroom on a pretty regular basis, sometimes I am a little dizzy standing up, and am very thirsty every morning.

It worked while i was on it, but now that I'm off it I can't get my A1c below 9

I have taken synjardy xr for over a year with zero side affects and with 60 pound weight loss. My a1c is down to 5.9/6.2

This medication needs to be discontinued snd outlawed. It will make you miserable. 99.9% worse than diabetes symptoms before taking synjardy. Must be crested by the devil himself.

I wish my doctor had never put me on the mess. I have had to spend so much money with doctor visits, trips to the pharmacy and just missing work. No wonder it is free for a year. I am in the worst shape I had ever been in. I have the worst infection and I can't tell you how many sleepless nights I have had. BEWARE DO NOT TAKE THE SYNJARDY MEDS OF ANY KIND.