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Generic Name: Entacapone

Brand Name: Comtan

Comtan Drug and Medication User Reviews

Im not on it yet. Doctor is talking about adding it iin

Within 4 hours, began to feel nauseated and soon started dry heaving. Room began spinning...became very dizzy. Arms and legs became limp. Ended up in ER to stop symptoms. After 10 days felt better, but extreme symptoms returned with another trip to ER. Suspected vertigo.....brought on by Comtan?? I will never take another comtan!

I've been taking this medication for 9 years and it has helped control my Parkinson's. I'm in the process of increasing the Comtan now.

Started taking 200mg, 3x per day, with l-dopa.Worked very well to control tremor and improve general mood and co-ordination but then, after 3 months use, diarrhoea started and has continued for a month with no sign of abating. Can this be "fixed"?. I would like to continue with the Comtan BUT this intestinal side effect is a difficult one to live with!

sinemet was wearing off too soon. sometimes it didn't work at all. Comtan worked wonders. I could walk. Up until until takng Comtan, I was constipated. Ever Since I started Comtan, I've had diarreah

I am 81 yr old male. I have had Parkinson's for 8 yrs. I have always been very active and have tried to keep exercising. I have been taking Comtan,200mg, along with carbidopa/levodopa. Dosing 4x a day for about 6 mos. This medicine is helpful but does have side effects for me.

I have little improvement in tremors/shaking hand... have noticed a "calming effect" and feel less wired , but about one month after starting entacapone I developed persistent diarrhea (5Weeks and counting! )I have never had a bowel problem and as my stool samples are negative. ( I am scheduled for a visit to a gastro enterologist.) hmmmmm I wonder if this is a drug induced side effect?

I didn't notice any improvement with the use of comtan but did have severe depression and suicidal thoughts.

My 84 year-0ld dad skiped 2 doses of Comtan because of his doc was trying new meds on him... He suddenly became very rigid and immoblized, cnofused and extremely drowsy. Once he was put back on Comtan, his Parkinson and dimentia conditions were greatly improved. He went back to normal, and everything becomes clear to him again. Yes, he's still rigid and not very active, but compare to without Comtan, it is a day and night difference!

I had a negative experience, with side effects of moderate to severe dizziness, moderate nausea within an hour of taking it, balance worsen and stumbling , with or without food.

i am very sleepy

It is very expensive

the use of this presription seems to cause a feeling of "fogginess" but beside this feeling it does help with the symptoms.

Other than a change in the color of my urine, this drug has been a god send! I am now symptom free for 12 hours out of every 24. I take 200 mg with carbidopa/levo tablets 4 times daily.

i developed scary helusonary visions,very frightening real to me,seeing talking faces in my pot plants ,motor bikes driving around my property,trucks backing through my bedroom window

this drug does releaves some of the shakings