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Generic Name: trimethobenzamide

Brand Name: Tigan intramuscular

Drug Reviews Drug and Medication User Reviews

This drug was given, by a shot, to my 8 year old daughter. She passed out and almost died. She had to be revived. DO NOT GIVE THIS DRUG TO CHILDREN!

My doctor has given me this shot when necessary to relieve nausea and vomiting due to stomach virus. It provides fast relief of symptoms.

I was injected with this medication 4 days ago for food poisoning...it worked great, i felt relief within 30 minutes. Other then my butt being sore my experience with this medication was good

I was injected with this drug 2 weeks ago and i still have considerable numbness in my lower buttock and upper rear thigh. It also did not stop vomiting associated with an allergic reation to bactrim.