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Generic Name: Baclofen for Trigeminal Neuralgia (baclofen)

Baclofen for Trigeminal Neuralgia Reviews

"Baclofen reduces the chronic pain of trigeminal neuralgia to a great extent. For me, it mutes the pain to a tolerable level. It does not reduce my ability to think clearly, as occurred with the use of various anti-seizure medications, i.e. Trileptal, Dilantin, Neurontin, etc. For me, it does not yet appear to have a reduced effect despite taking it over a long period of time. The side effects for me are relatively benign and, in some cases, interesting. Higher doses cause drowsiness. Lower doses include the following side effects: - Subtle muscle relaxation - Increased muscle tone - Surprising endurance and lack of fatigue at high levels of physical activity - Absence of soreness following the aforementioned physical activity"

"I got immediate relief from my trigeminal neuropathy within an hour of taking this medication. This was after having several radiofrequency ablations which would only last 4-6 weeks. I was suffering for over 7 years. I had tried Neurontin, Topamax, Lamictal, opiates, and more."

"I am on 300 mg daily oxcarbazepine (Oxtellar 24 hour) with mixed results for my nerve damage/trigeminal neuralgia as a result of a crushed cheekbone in a motorcycle accident where the initial fracture was right down the frontal trigeminal canal. One hour and 10 minutes ago I took 5 mg baclofen and the results are very positive for neuralgia and also (and very importantly) my perpetually swollen left sinus, which is very painful. I am going to do 5 mg three times tomorrow and see how it goes - I was supposed to take 10 mg twice a day to start and then 10 mg three times a day but want to be cautious. I expect even better results when I increase my dosage to 10 mg three times a day. I will report again in a couple of weeks."

"I have had Trigeminal Neuralgia (TN) for 17 years, diagnosed in my Twenties. I have only ever taken Baclofen for treatment as I am afraid to try anything else. I do not take it on a regular basis, I only take it when I begin to feel pain. I take a small dose of 10mg to 20mg just before bed. 10mg used to fix it for me but 20mg seems to be required now as my TN has progressed and gotten worse as it is known to do. The 20mg leaves me with a bit of a headache and some swollen hands by morning, but the TN is diminished. These day I do need to take the Baclofen a few days in a row. Be careful of this medication as it can cause muscle wasting when taken on a steady regular basis. I am thankful for Baclofen and recommend it if you have not tried it for Trigeminal Neuralgia."

"I have tried Tegretol, Aventyl, could not handle the side effects. Baclofen calms the pain down enough that I can work and take care of my kids. The pain is never completely gone, but it wasn't with any of the other meds. I also take 2 mg of clonazepam. I take 80 mg of baclofen, 20 mg, 4 times a day."

"I had been severely suffering from TN pain for past a year and half . Past two months were so horrible I couldn't sip water due to pain. Baclofen has turned out to blessing . At the moment with 30 mg per day & I feel so relieved."

"This drug did exactly the opposite to me, as to what it was suppose to do. I had muscles pulling & drawing up causing horrid pain. I had to build up to 30 mg. over 2 months and at the end of that 60 days i was really hurting. The dr. took me off of it real quick, but it left me with a lot of damage. It has been over 6 months now, and i'm still trying to get back to normal. I'll assume i may have been allergic to it but was unaware until 60 days of taking this med."

"I was diagnosed with TN (trigeminal Neuralgia) less than a week after my 29th birthday and have been largely resistant to all medications (maxed out on carbamazepine + 200 mg lamictal a day). My neurologist referred me to a neurosurgeon because nothing is working and I’m completely zonked out on all of the medications. Neurosurgeon is recommending microvascular nerve decompression surgery because of my age, but suggested I try baclofen first to see if we can postpone surgery for awhile. What a mistake! It not only does not work, it has done the exact opposite of what it’s supposed to do. I am in constant excruciating pain, worse than before. I have to force myself to go to work every day; when I come home I spend every waking moment curled up in a ball in pain."

"I have had TN for over 20 years. I have been on everything you can possibly think of (Pills, pain shots, acupuncture). My Neurologist pushed me for years to get MVD Surgery, which I finally did after 12 years of pain (no meds worked), the surgery provided no relief. I am currently back on Neurontin, Tegretol, Baclofen and Aimovig monthly shots - I'm maxed out on the medication and still having pain. I do have a few good days, which are when I either don't come home from work and sit on the floor and cry, and wonder how I can keep going. I'm afraid to come off any of the meds because maybe something is getting me those good days, but what is it? I do feel like the baclofen is a big part of my relief because when I doubled it, I had some ease. Unfortunately I have side effects with the baclofen also. I have what I call tics, which are like muscle spasms, I also have sounds in my ears feel like I'm underwater, then there are the feeling drunk side effects sometimes, along with others."

"Follow up on previous post. The overall relief is moderate. I went up to 80mg a day and that was unsafe too much muscle relaxation. 60mg a day and your emotions are exaggerated and temper becomes quicker. Affects my cardiac output and breathing about 35% and I become winded much easier. I'm off it now but may start again at smaller doses. I have read where some people get relief from as little as 20mg a day, but I don't think that will do the trick for me. I live in VA and a bill was just signed legalizing CBD oil for epilepsy and wonder why in the world they did no make it for TGN too."

"Very effective for desperate pain relief"

"Baclofen made me feel weird and didn't relieve any pain of trigeminal neuralgia"

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  • During pregnancy
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  • Drug class: skeletal muscle relaxants
  • Breastfeeding
  • En español

Patient resources

  • Baclofen drug information
  • Baclofen (Intrathecal) (Advanced Reading)
  • Baclofen Intrathecal Injection
  • Baclofen Oral Solution
  • Baclofen Tablets

Other brands

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Professional resources

  • Baclofen monograph
  • Baclofen (FDA)
  • Baclofen Injection (FDA)
  • Baclofen Oral Solution (FDA)
  • Baclofen Suspension (FDA)

Other brands

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