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Generic Name: Azithromycin for Bacterial Infection (azithromycin)

Azithromycin for Bacterial Infection Reviews

Z-Pak (azithromycin) "These bad reviews terrified me. I took this for strep throat, and within the second day, I was feeling better. I have one more day left and will be done with it. I’ve had no bad issues. The first day with the two pills made my stomach hurt a little and I got mild diarrhea, but after that, I had no more issues. Make sure to eat a full meal when taking it. And stop overthinking! Anxiety causes stomach pain and bathroom issues as well. If you’re freaking out due to the reviews, I would not be shocked if you end up in the bathroom. Please don’t let the reviews deter you. Everyone’s body is different."

Azithromycin Dose Pack (azithromycin) "I took it for strep throat and didn’t have any side effects. My throat got worse on the second day but then got better. (Even when it looked worse, it didn’t hurt as bad as it did before.) My doctor sold it for $1.50. He doesn’t take insurance and gives his patients the cost he pays. (Yes, those types of practices exist and are sometimes cheaper than what you pay with insurance, and they actually care about their patients.)"

Zithromax (azithromycin) "Severe anxiety and nervousness, horrible diarrhea, awful stomach ache, intense nausea, freaky nightmare, horrific headache. I only took 2 pills they was 250mg a piece don't recommend what so ever. Now I'm feeling like death wondering when effects will wear off"

Z-Pak (azithromycin) "I'm only on day 2 and Z-Pak has worked wonders. I have taken it with food and with a pretty healthy system, I have had no side effects. I have a bacterial infection in my gums causing the tissue to swell over a tooth which caused the pain to be unbearable, but after a couple of these pills I can already see the difference. Things feel better and the infection is clearing."

Z-Pak (azithromycin) "I had to share my experience after seeing all of the negative reviews. I had to take Z-Pak for an abscessed tooth before a root canal procedure. I was freaked bc of all the reviews I read, which were negative. I am sensitive to meds (which is why I read reviews for Z-pak). I had 0 side effects, no nausea, nothing. Just maybe feeling hungry, but not really. If that makes sense. Took the full dose. 2 on the first day, then 4 the next 4 days. I would take again, if needed. I am allergic to the cillins, and had more side effects from when I would be prescribed erthomyicin. Everyone is different with meds, but this did not give me a horrible experience."

Z-Pak (azithromycin) "Unbelievable! I was sick for almost 9 days with a horrible horrible feeling inside of my body and then up all night with dry coughs and I was just really run down and I even had to take a day off of work. I went into my doctor just for a regular yearly checkup and they ran blood tests and found my white blood count to be high when I was getting checked for something else. When he called me back he told me that he was going to put a Z Pack in for me. I felt better 5 hours after taking a z-pack I literally had no cough and my body felt back to normal and I can tell you that it hasn't even been 24 hours and I feel 80% better! It was seriously like the best night's rest I've had in 5 days my cough immediately went away. I think one of the best things also is the fact that it doesn't interact with my thyroid medication. I'm so happy about this so I'm going to call and let him know today!"

Zithromax (azithromycin) "Worst med ever...LITERALLY coming out both ends at the same time! Sitting in hot bath only thing that helps the SEVERE STOMACH PAIN! OMG I prefer cramps at least those get knocked out with pills...this medicine is awful"

Azithromycin Dose Pack (azithromycin) "I found the generic Greenstone Brand 250mg tablet, NDC 59762-3060-1 to not be effective! In the past I have taken the brand name Zithromax Z-Pak and by the third dose I knew I was recovering from my illness. Since starting the GS brand I have experienced unusual tiredness, voice hoarseness, & an increase in a stuffy, mucus filled nose. Completed RX as instructed, not improved any. I feel it should be pulled from the insurance companies list of generic azithromycins!!"

Z-Pak (azithromycin) "Z-pak is the only antibiotic I don’t have an allergic reaction to or side effects from. I agree with the reviews, it either works fast and is awesome or it doesn’t work. If you need a second dose, your illness is probably something else. Pop a Pepcid before taking it and eat while you take it, prevents heartburn/upset stomach. Be well out there and please stay home if you’re sick:)"

Z-Pak (azithromycin) "My Dictor called this in for me after a 10-day stomach bug. I felt it was bacterial vs. viral and within 2 days of taking the Z-Pak I felt 90% better and by Day 5 was 100% with no symptoms and a full appetite."

Zithromax (azithromycin) "I had no issues with side effects from zithromax whatsoever, although the doctor said it would like cause stomach upsets (again, never experienced this though). Unfortunately, though it did nothing to help the bacterial infection. It's only been about two days now..... I would though there'd be some improvement but it still steadily gets worse."

"I was told to take a dose of two 500mg Azithromycin pills, 1g for a bacterial infection. Took the double dose at about 2pm with food. I got diarrhea about 3 hours later. It was not too bad. The next morning, I felt I would slept longer than normal. By mid day, I had an increasingly bad headache (I am attributing it to this med since I've never had a headache like this before or taken the antibiotic) and reduce appetite. The headache was above the ear mainly on the left side. Took 500mg tylenol and decided to tough it out. On the 3rd day, the med seems to be working as it reduced swelling and pain. By midnight on the 3rd day, the headache is mostly gone. No diarrhea and it actually helped me breathe better as it reduced phlegm."

"Absolutely never again! I took the 3 day z pack (azithromycin) for an upper respiratory infection and on the 3rd day it tore up my intestines, its been 2 weeks and I have gas, bloating, diarrhea, nausea and didn't do anything for my infection! I have crohn's disease as well and I was in remission but now thanks to this medication I'm going to have to start on my steroid medication again to get my stomach issues under control. I feel like I've been poisoned, period! I can't give this medication a rating of 0 or I would."

Z-Pak (azithromycin) "Z pack works well for clearing up Strep throat, HOWEVER- caused *severe* appetite loss. Loose stools 1x a day. I lost 7lbs in 3 days on this. Obviously weight can be gained back & the Strep is gone - but ask your Dr. for a script of Zofran with this! & Diflucan. Increased my anxiety a ton at night as well. could not sleep Pros- works Cons- you will never want to eat, also a lot of anxiety at night from this"

Z-Pak (azithromycin) "I am allergic to just about every antibiotic out there but the Z-pack is pretty good in taking care of the sinus infections I get, without too many side effects. A little bit of upset stomach occurs but its minor. Z pack always takes care of the infection promptly."

Z-Pak (azithromycin) "I had to take a z-pak for 5 days, starting a week and a half ago. The first two days were fine, it started to clear up my infection incredibly fast, but starting on the 3rd day I began to get stomach pain. Now, it’s been almost a week since my last dose and I’ve been in bed writhing in pain everyday, the cramps and gas pains are out of this world. It also gave me extreme heart palps and I passed out a few nights ago! I’ve taken z packs in the past with no issues, not sure what’s happening this time. I’m typing this from the bathroom as I sit trying so hard to go, but nothing comes, just severe pain."

Z-Pak (azithromycin) "I love the zpak! I am allergic to most every antibiotic out there and so this is my go to. I have 3 infections right now, double ear, sinus and lung. I felt terrible 2 days ago and now I am awesome. I am having the poops and when I take it on an empty stomach it hurts, but a bit of food and I am fine as wine. I have 2 days left of a 5 day and I feel awesome. I love this antibiotic. Plus for me, is as soon as I am done with it I poop normal again."

"Do NOT let all the reviews scare you off azithromycin like they did me. I knew I’d write a review of it either way, as never taken the medication before. I took the 4 pill at a time dosage, at around lunch time. I had a bit of bloating before I took the medication so I was worried about how that would affect it. I had no diarrhea, slight nausea, no vomiting, just extremely gassy. Like, insanely so. So I would just stay home and let yourself be gassy for the day. I ate a small meal, and took the dosage about an hour later."

"My Dr prescribed me this for an ear infection. 500mg for 4 days. I made it though all four days fine but then on day 5 I had a couple really bad dizzy spells and felt like I was going to faint. I went to the ER and everything checked out fine. Blood work, EKG, chest x-ray etc. Well I'm now on day 7 and feel horrible. Super anxious, nauseated, indigestion, and just feel horrible. I'm hoping it stops soon."

Z-Pak (azithromycin) "Doctor prescribed amoxicillin for my sinusitis (10 day supply). By day 4 my phlegm was green and I felt worse than day 1. Told doctor to prescribe Z-Pack. I took the double dose on the first day and within six hours felt 80% better. By day two no more green phlegm and feeling almost 100% better."

"I had a fever of 103 which lasted 24 hours, then a bad cough set in that left my body achy. I, too, thought I was going to break a rib coughing - it was a deep cough. I had phlegm deep in my lungs that would not come out. Felt a little light headed. As soon as I took the first dose, my head started to feel clearer. I expect I will get better on this medicine and avoid getting walking pneumonia. I'm so grateful - this medicine has helped 'whatever is going around town' - cough/flu/pneumonia type symptoms. "

Z-Pak (azithromycin) "I’m allergic to many antibiotics, and the ones I’m not allergic to, make me physically ill with nausea and terrible stomach upset. This is the only antibiotic I can take without worrying about horrible side effects. I highly recommend it. It’s also easier to take than many other antibiotics that you have to take multiple times a day. Don’t let any bad reviews scare you, this is a great antibiotic! I’m currently on it for a root canal. But I’ve had it a couple of times in the past for other issues."

"I have used Z-Pak for bronchitis to prevent pneumonia. It is very effective and I also used a probiotic an hour after my dose of Z-Pak. Probiotics work well for me and with bacterial bronchitis it helps restore gut flora. I stay on Probiotics and have not had reoccurring bronchitis. I only report this to you as my own experience. Always check in with your MD when you use any OTC products such as Probiotics. I hope this is informative for you."

"Took all 4 pills for vaginal discharge, no stds..I had just ate dinner so I took the pills..slight nausea for an hour or 2 so I took some anti nausea medication..by bed time SUPER NAUSEOUS and had stomach pains. I took 2 more anti nausea pills throughout the night as I couldn't sleep for waking up every 5 mins feeling like I needed to vomit. Then at around 4am all the pills kicked in an the nausea went away. Now 5 days later I got diarrhea all day. However it did clear up the vaginal discharge tho"

"This is by far the worst antibiotic I've ever tried. I got the 3 pack today. I took one 500mg pill for my Bronchitis. Within 90 mins I started having severe dizziness, nausea and vomiting, stomach pains, headaches and nervousness."

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  • During pregnancy
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  • Drug class: macrolides
  • Breastfeeding
  • En español

Patient resources

  • Azithromycin drug information
  • Azithromycin (Intravenous) (Advanced Reading)
  • Azithromycin Tablets
  • Azithromycin Extended-Release Oral Suspension
  • Azithromycin Injection

Other brands

Zithromax, Azithromycin Dose Pack, Zmax

Professional resources

  • Azithromycin monograph
  • Azithromycin Dihydrate (FDA)
  • Azithromycin Injection (FDA)
  • Azithromycin Oral Suspension (FDA)
  • Azithromycin Tablets (FDA)

Other brands

Zithromax, Zmax

Related treatment guides

  • Bacterial Infection
  • Babesiosis
  • Bacterial Endocarditis Prevention
  • Bartonellosis