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Generic Name: Cefuroxime Injection

Brand Name: Cefuroxime

Cefuroxime Drug and Medication User Reviews

Why is this drug even available and used with the high risk of c-diff? C-diff killed my mother. It is hard to treat. My stupid doctor would not see patients with my symptoms -fever, phlegmy cough, fatigue, and while he usually gives me doxycycline, which always works, he prescribed this, although he has no flipping clue what I have. I have had explosive diarrhea since starting it and it is Memorial Day weekend so I have 2 more days before I can call, at which time I will have been on it for 5-1/2 days already. I am changing doctors this week.

500mg twice daily. Got Type-A flu, then mild case of pneumonia started. 10 day prescription did the job. I did experience fatigue after taking each dose. Extremely tired, lightheaded. Had to take a nap after morning dose and would be falling asleep in chair watching tv after evening dose. Only diarrhea twice. No stomach issues, took with food. Cleared up chest and coughing nicely. But the fatigue and drowsy feelings were unexpected.

Very bad stomach cramps and bloating within 30 mins of taking after food. I read to take yoghurt with it which I did and this did work. Day 5 I was out and started feeling really light headed and dizzy to the point where I was frightened, got a headache too and have now stopped taking them. Will never take this antibiotic again. I've never had a reaction like this and am usually fine with amoxicillin or ciprofloxacin. Unfortunately neither seemed to clear uti up so used these for 5 days and never again.

This stuff completely cleared my acne up. I have struggled with acne for most of my life, and I rarely get a pimple. When I do, it's really small and clears up after a couple of days. I take it with Clindamycin pledgets, and of course you need to also moisturize and use a good face wash.

Very easy to take with food twice a day! No side effects with it. It cleared up my infection started feeling better after 2 days.

I have been on medication 5 days, I have severe stomach cramps and indigestion, I have taken with food, but doesn't seem to work, I have called my Dr , he has sent over different prescription, will not take this again

Day 4 still sick as except with vomiting dizziness dry mouth and headache heart races then slows stopped after 9pills

Took 1 Pill, within 1/2 hr had a major allergic reaction. Almost Died. Called Paramedics. Hands and Lips were numb, could not move Head or anything. No Pressure registering. Almost died. 1 pill. Husband had to call 911 and they gave me a huge shot of Adrenaline for my heart! Was hospitalized overnight. Head still not right and still dizzy. Never again!!!

Severe allergic reaction. Hands and Lips went numb, loss of motion, blood pressure dropped to unreadable. took d1 pill and within 1/2 hr. this happened. Almost died.

I have taken one dose of this med and already have the upset stomach and many visits to the bathroom. Don’t think think I can take this again.

250 mg twice daily. Swallowed each pill immersed in a spoonful of peanut butter, yogurt, or mashed potatoes [whatever I was eating] - that seemed to cover up the bitter taste. Always took with food. Took a 25 billion bacteria count probiotic four hours after each cefuroxime dose to prevent diarrhea; seems to have worked so far. The sinus infection seems cleared up. Am about 2/3 of the way through a 10 day regiment.

I am taking this for a salivary gland infection, probably caused by staph, that went beyond my salivary glands and into my lungs. It has been very hard on my digestive system, has given me headaches and fevers but- my lungs are clearing up and the swelling in my neck is starting to go down. Just not a great experience with the nausea, diarrhea, and ultimately dehydration.

I was prescribed this medicine following hip replacement surgery. Not sure why the doctor prescribed it as I was healthy. Now have extreme intestinal cramps, colon spasms, 10-15 small mucus type bowel movements each day, dizziness, exhaustion, fever, chills. Doctor also prescribed Meloxicam, a common anti-inflammatory, following the hip surgery. Perhaps combination is causing these symptoms. Have been taking both for 2 weeks. Stopping today! Do not recommend this drug!

Nurse practitioner prescribed. Have had cough with mucous for 10 days now and sharp pain in lungs off and on. Also felt very weak and tired and badly aching bones and very stiff joints. Bad headache on first two days and then no more headache but other symptoms persisted so after 7 days of this I went to walk in clinic to see if had pneumonia. I rarely go to doc and am very healthy, haven't been sick since a child. Never had anything this bad before ever. No sign of sinus infection like drainage or pressure. Severe influenza this year with pneumonia is going around. N.P. did not do any testing but listened to lungs and said "I am going to say in your file that you have sinus infection so I can prescribe this antibiotic." I started it when I got home, this is the third day, just took 5th dose. Taking all doses with food. After the second dose diarrhea set in which got worse on day two with doses 3-4. Up all night last night with diarrhea. Today I am feeling much weaker than when I started and queasy stomach, racing heart and headache back but cough is getting a little better than when I started. Ears also ring now with this med. 500mg twice a day for 10 days. Will never take this again. Terrible stuff. I don't know if I can last on this for seven more days! And missing lots of work which means no pay check - almost two weeks now with no pay!

I had side effects after 3 doses of it. I got bed ear pressure.

i don't feel any symptoms at night maybe because i'm already asleep but when i take it in the morning, i get kinda dizzy and quite nervous and feels different in my stomach and breathing... had to divert it in taking in yogurt to neutralize the effect of meds.

This medication made my throat feel better; however, it has been making me have stomach cramps like crazy. My stomach hurts all day and night. I will not take this medicine again.

I started taking this medicine two days ago and I noticed the shortness of breathe only at night, and today when I went out in the sun my face broke out in hive, my hands are very itchy also.

I took this medicine under doctors prescription 500mg every twelve hours.I was feeling terrible my whole body seemed jammed and muscles cramped. The third day i had huge pain in my lungs. I realized that this medicine is creating problems. I stopped the medicine ended up with lung infection and tonsilitis. Was admitted in hospital CK was very high, Platelets increased. Please dont take this antibiotic.

Have been on this drug for 7 days without any relief. Experienced severe nausea the first 2 days. Went back to the Doctor and was given a different drug. That didn't work either so am back on 250 mg of the Cefuroxime. Have been suffering for overt 3 weeks with this severe sinus infection and ear ache without any relief.