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Generic Name: Sacubitril and Valsartan Film-coated Tablets for Oral Administration

Brand Name: Entresto

Entresto Drug and Medication User Reviews

Recent physical found I had a-fib (could not tell myself) doc put me on elquis and metoprolol, sent me to cardiologist who found ejection fraction of 25-30% so put me on entresto. Had cardioversion to get out of a-fib. One month later (35 days) had another echocardiogram showed 45-50% ejection fraction. Don’t know which helped me get the higher ef, probably both. Will continue to take entresto at this time, as had slight side effects such as a few coughing bouts and feeling tired at times.

I had originally posted on 4/9/22 of my husbands worsening issues since taking entresto. Unfortunately, he died of vfib the next morning. Entresto is dangerous.

Husband was in chf with an ejection fraction of 16% in 2019. Built up his ej to 50-60% on digoxin and Coreg. New cardiologist decided to switch him to entresto a month ago. He has experienced breathlessness, burning chest, difficulty swallowing, weakness, sudden onset of pvcs every night that don’t allow him to sleep, increased anxiety and agitation. Went to cardiologist and he denied it was from the new med. went to pcp and he immediately gave him the option to go back to digoxin and referred him to a different cardiologist. He has felt 1000 times worse since taking entresto than he did in the worst days of his heart failure. This drug is dangerous for some people and drs need to stop worrying about company kick backs and worry about the individual patient.

Started Entresto maybe a year ago and my ejection fraction went from 45% to 55%!!! I’m told my heart condition has improved thanks to entresto

I took Entresto for 4 months and my heart improved so much! My heart was only working at 20% of itâ??s capacity and now itâ??s already up to 40%. Thank you Entresto (Novartis)!

My husband was but on entresto by cardiologist a2 weeks in his dr. Took him off it as his kidneys weren’t functioning well a week later cardiologist told him to go back on it as he needed it to have valve replacement he went downhill on day 2 and died day 5

I had double by-pass surgery 14 years, AFib and have a pacemaker/defrib in my chest. I never had a normal ejection fraction until I started taking Entresto for two months ago. I'm a new man at 72. I can mow my grass almost running. I'm never tired anymore and feel like a young man. Entresto is a miracle medicine. Almost didn't take it because of reviews blaming it for everything. Only slight side affect, a cough now and then. Otherwise the makers of this medicine are to be praised. I feel so healthy, I found me a young 79 year old lady and we plan to live life to the fullest. Why I'm doing so well, we may live decades together. Thank you Novartis. You are my heroes.

My ejection phase was 25% After taking Entresto for 6 months heart enlargement is gone, mitral regurgitation is gone and ejection phase is now 50%.. Was told last year I had 1-3 years to live.. Now told my heart is almost completely normal and I have many years to live.. I was taken off palliative care last month..

Best heart failure medicine on the market, hands down! Went into the hospital 2 years ago, could not breathe trying to sleep! Could not walk steps! I knew I was in trouble. Older cardiologist from my cardiologist group prescribed Entresto while I was in hospital. I recovered fast! Like next day! I have been taking Entresto since then everyday, twice a day! No breathing problems since! Definitely miracle drug! Keep making it, please!!!!

i have only been on this medication for 5 days noticed headaches everyday no dizzyness until the 5 day been dizzy all day felling like i am going to pass out cant function also experenced numbness in my hands and toung inhave an EF of 15% i hade this fraction now for 7 years was doing fine but after taking this medication i can not function have stoped taken this med

Went from 17% to 46% in less then a year. I can deal with the small side effects if any that be evident. I get burst of energy these days once again. It's a lot easier then chemotherapy that's my experience.

Had HF /Afib episode. On discharge, put on lisinipril and cardevilol and lasix. At the time had ejection fraction of 35. At 4 months, amiodarone was prescribed, lisinipril discontinued, losartan added and the afib converted after 6 weeks of the amiodarone (200 mg twice per day). At the same time my Heart Rate fell from in the 70s to consistently in the 40s Ejection fraction measured by echo cardio as having increased to 45. At 6 months, was put on entresto dropped losartan, and continued taking cardevilol and amiodarone (now 200 mg once per day). The combo of cardevilol amiodarone and cardevilol mades me lightheaded, causes shortness of breath and general feeling of being tired for several hrs after taking the morning dose. I haven't noticed any improvement in exercise tolerance for about a year now. The entresto dose was increased to 24/25 mg twice per day about 5 months ago. I continued to react negatively after the dose. I know I shouldn't have, but I cut the entresto dose in half to the 12.5 mg variety ---- measured blood pressure heart rate, and eeg via kardia device. No difference was seen in any of those --- taking the reduced entresto or not. Then I discontinued all entresto, making the same measurements on a daily basis ---- again, no difference in blood pressure, heart rate or the kardia measurements. The blood pressure averages 132 and 65 while the heart rate averages 48. Importantly to me, I stopped having the negative reaction associated with taking the entresto along with the other meds. So what am I to make of taking entresto: if it makes not difference in any of those measures is it worth experiencing the negative reaction? Or is the overriding prosepective dependent measure that of the Ejection Fraction? The lit on the internet is really hard to follow with respect to this issue. Not knowing, I put myself back on the entresto --hoping to get some clarity on the issue soon. If nothing else, I saved several hundred $ on the entresto purchases.

I have radiology induced heart failure with preserved EF until my last echo. EF dropped to 45% Dr. immediately put me on Entresto. This drug has been a nightmare for me. I've had severe stomach pain, bloating, blurred vision, dizziness, headaches and my bp went as low as 75/44. Then two days ago I was walking into my kitchen and came to on the floor. I hadn't had any dizziness to warn me ahead of time. I don't know how low my bp went for me to lose consciousness. That was the last straw. My doctor is still adamant I take this medication, I'm getting a new doctor.

I started taking this drug 8 days ago and I have experienced the following severe abdominal or stomach pain, numbness or tingling in the hands, nausea and a cough. Today I'm seeing my primary doctor to see what he can do to stop my having this severe abdominal pain. I called the company and was told to see a doctor, but they wouldn't give me any information on what could be done to stop my pain.

fit 69 year-old male. Ejection fraction was 25%. Started taking Entreto 3 months ago. Only side effect is dizziness when I stand up quickly. Blood pressure 110/76, resting heart rate in low 40s, Oxygen saturation >95. I seem to feel fine. Ride my bike 1 to 2 hours and Nordic ski in the high mountains. Seem to feel fine so far.

Entresto is phenomenal. Read the reviews and it's clear that those who give this elite med time to work see fantastic results. With all due respect, any reviewer who denounces a med after taking 1-2 pills should be totally disregarded. This must be stated because it doesn't get any more serious than the heart, and I can attest to the fact that Entresto benefits the heart immensely. I began Entresto in November 2019, roughly 5 months after my 1st HF diagnosis. Of important note, I had been taking Carvedilol consistently for 3 months at a dose of 12.5 mgs twice daily. In fact all of my HF side effects had subsided by November 2019, which was very encouraging because I had traveled continually for work and my diet (sodium intake specifically) was rather subpar. Furthermore, I had completely stopped going to the gym because I frankly terrible as I could barely walk from my vehicle to the supermarket parking lot. I'm pleased to say that all the negative HF effects ended extremely abruptly in late October 2019 (2 weeks prior to starting at Entresto). as I joined a gym and began working out literally everyday. Don't listen to doctors that tell you to not engage in weight training. I'm a lifter, not a cardio guy, so had I heeded the advice of typical doctors I definitely would not have experienced the phenomenal results that I have been blessed to see over the last 13 months. Prior to my HF diagnosis and hospital stay in June 2019, I literally felt like I was 20 years old again. I'm happy to say that I feel the same right now. From day one I have been on 24/26 mg of Entresto twice daily. As stated above, I also take Carvedilol twice daily, I'm now up to 25 mg per dose. I REALLY believe in Carvedilol most notably for Heart Rate reduction (Mine went from 120 to 770, as well as for lowering Blood Pressure. In regards to Entresto, though my EF was just 22% upon starting the med, I felt great. In just 4 weeks, Entresto increased my EF to 29%. Outstanding.

I began taking this medication March 31, 2020 and have now developed an aggravating cough just won't go away!. I have read that this is a common side affect and actually told my cardiologist ( had a stent procedure on Feb. 13, 2020) my concern relative to developing a cough but he said "it did not do that".. well, guess he didn't read the same information on the insert included with the medication. Thought when it first began it might have been an allergy to pollen but that has subsided in my area so the only explanation is that it IS from the Entresto.

This has been a lifesaver EF 15 to 20% I am able to walk from the parking lot to the work door without stopping and sitting on the bench. I am able to do cardiac rehab and not have somebody 75 years old out do me on the bike or treadmill. It's like some sort of magic pill that transformed my breathing and stamina within the first week. I could not believe the difference it made in my life. I have not experienced any side effects and even if I did the ability to walk into the office walk to the copy machine going to conferences and participate in meetings without being out of breath would be worth just about any side effects that it would have. I've been able to reduce Lasix down to 20 mg twice a day. I am a ex-marine Marine female and to have anything beat me is almost unbearable. I realize later on down the line that you could have some sort of problems not yet realized but for now this works and hoping my EF can go up to 30 35 maybe 40 over the course of the next year.

For me this is truly a wonder pill. I was so out of breath and weak I could hardly do anything. Just walking to the bathroom left me weak and trimbly. I was skeptical because of some of the reviews but I would say try it. I'm so glad I did. I started feeling better in the first week.

Fatique, shortage of breath after quadruple by pass, developed edema, serious swelling around the knees and ankles. Put on entresto and small dosage furosemide, also some allopurinol to remove excess uric acid from the diuretic. Condition improved immediately, able to sleep lying flat again. Now wanting lots of sex, I feel like a new man, tonight I,m going dancing...can walk 1-3 miles a day no problem. Doctor won't give me Cialis but I,m in the mood baby..