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Generic Name: Enzalutamide Capsules

Brand Name: Xtandi

Xtandi Drug and Medication User Reviews

My husband 75 diagnosed with prostate cancer in Feb 2019, recommended by his physician to take Xtandi, psa did not give an accurate reading of his condition, it stayed low, however MRI showed cancer metastasized into his bones, by June 2020, my husband died. Xtandi did not help him. He probably should have had chemo instead. Ask multiple doctors if Xtandi is the best course of action.

I have been taking xtandi for 20 days and my PSA has dropped from 5.7 to 1.5.

entered the hospital because of a bad fall 12/2018. they found prostate cancer that was also in my bones and lymph nodes. psa was over 1000 while in the hospital. Started Xtandi 2 months later, with in 6 months my psa is now under1 and holding strong!

Started with Firmagon. After 6 years addition of Xtandi

PSA from yearly physical in Nov. 2017 was 2.4 which is considered in normal range. In 2018, at age 67, it was 10.4. Had PET/CT scan and then biopsy. Diagnosed with advanced, aggressive prostate cancer. Not in bones, only prostate and a few of the surrounding nodes. Gleasons were #9 . Began Lupron Depot shot (6 month dose) and Xtandi (4 pills once per day). Did 9 weeks of heavy radiation treatments. Last three PSA tests were 0.01. Am on Lupron Depot and Xtandi for a second year. So far so good. Side effects are pretty strong. Metallic taste in mouth. Extreme fatigue and weakness. Insomnia. Extreme hot flashes day and night. Incredible muscle pain especially in shoulders and lower back. Brain fog. Occasional loss of balance. Most of my hair has fallen off my body except for head (drs. said this would happen). If this is what I must tolerate to live another ten to fifteen years, I can tolerate it.

Xtandi did not work. My dad died 3 months after starting the drug. Side effects stopped him from living his last months in peace.

88 years with metastisized prostate cancer. After 60 days PSA down from 5.0 to .015 but great fatigue, loss of appetite from bad metallic taste in mouth.

I have been taking Xtandi for 7 months and so far my PSA had dropped and stayed low. For side effects I experience joint pain and it has slowed me some.

My father was placed on Xtandi 160mg daily beginning May 2, 2017. His most recent PSA from April 25, 2017 was 31.65. After two weeks on Xtandi, his PSA was 37.39. After two more weeks through June 1, his PSA was 54.56 so Xtandi appears to have accelerated his cancer as the tumor in his lung doubled in size from March 14 - June 2. This drug appears to have harmed my father. To make matters worse he paid over $3,000 for a new month of which only four days were used and has to consider throwing almost 90% of this new bottle away. Considering legal action for the potential harm.

I am taking part in the Stampede clinical trial. Diagnosed with metastatic prostate cancer in September 2013. Joined the trial and along with the "normal" hormone treatment had 6 lots of intense radio therapy. PSA down to less then 1. November last year PSA had increased to 5.6 which is trigger point on the Stampede trial for additional treatment. Start Xtandi early January and PSA down to less then 1 again in 3 weeks. Bone scans have shown no significant change with CT scan showing swelling in the lymph nodes in the left groin.

I was 83 with a PSA of 38 and had spots on every bone between my skull and bottom of my pelvic area. In six weeks, my PSA dropped to 5. Last two PSA showed slight rise and the bone mets showed s slight increase in size. So, at this time I do not know what if it will clear the mets or not. Life is bad with absolutely no energy. Take Ritalin twice a day and that helps keeps me moving. No appetite and everything has a metallic taste. Will start Canabis oil this week and see if that helps. Gone from 136 to 129. Eat a lot of ice cream. Next PSA on 7/24.

Beyond reducing my PSa in half,side effects of dizziness and fatigue gave reduced quality issues But it works so far. Continue to look for other alternatives, as I have yet to be diagnosed as metastatic, with no pain or discomfort.

My PSA was cut in half in three weeks. I sleep better but I have painful side effects in my back. Back spasm-like.

Taking Xtandi for almost 14 months. Brought PSA down from 55 to 16 after 3months now fluctuates between 20-25. Makes one tired, but swimming 40 minutes 4 times a week helpful. Has improved effect on my sleep as I take it at bedtime.

I had a PSA of 8500! I also had spinal cord compression that left me a T10 paraplegic and (after 3 months of hospitalization) confined to a wheelchair. Bone marrow biopsy showed that my marrow was almost completely replaced by tumor tissue and thus I was not able to make blood and was so anemic that I required 8 blood transfusions to stay alive. My oncologist decided to try Xtandi. After 3 wks I began making my own blood and my present PSA after 5mos is 7-8 and MRI shows extreme tumor remission around my spine. I am beginning to walk with a walker and hope to move to a cane soon. And they said I would never walk again! Needless to say I am extremely pleased with Xtandi. The fact that it is an oral medication instead of a veinous infusion is a plus that I am most grateful for.

2 months of use.Strange fatigue.Normal then must lie down.Age 72.

Xtandi immediately halted the doubling of my PSA level and has, in 3+ months, reduced the PSA from approximately 400 to 5.7! Thank you, Lord! I am feeling MUCH better and functioning MUCH more normally.