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Generic Name: Linezolid

Brand Name: Zyvox

Zyvox Drug and Medication User Reviews

Cured my pneumonia after 3 mo of other failed antibiotics.Given by IV in hospital for 2 days,then took pills for 10 days.VERY expensive without insurance,but it worked great without any side effects

I was prescribed this in India for my Hidradentitis Suppurtiva. In the USA they say Humira is the only thing that will control it. This drug works great and usually stops my flares in 3-4 days.Its really a wonder drug for me.

Have had MRSA for years. This is the only med that works any more. The side effects are not pleasant, but better than a hospital stay as that is how I contracted MRSA.

this drug has caused hallucinations loss of appetite and confusion. inability to recognize family members. paranoia. crying and laughing spells

I have to say I am satisfied with the experience I have had with Zyvox. I had popped a pimple on my tip of my nose which ended up turning into MRSA on most my face. I had 6 different antibiotics go through my system before trying Zyvox and found it working. I was hospitalized for 5 days and ended up going home with the pill after being on Zyvox IV antibiotics for the last two days. I thought I was feeling extremely sick from having so many meds go through my system is such a short period of time but the symptoms where still there even after I had been home for a week. I took Zyvox twice a day for 10 days. It made me very nauseous, constant upset stomach, diarrhea, headaches and major motion sickness. I couldn't be in a car longer than 10 minutes. However, it took the infection out of my face without having to make any open cuts for the drainage. This is also an extremely expensive pill. I had 20 pills for the cost of $2,400. Luckily my insurance paid for most of it. So in the end I would deal with the side effects again rather than the nasty infection and excruciating pain I had in my face.

the side effects were awful for me. I hope the numbness in the feet, legs, and hands don't last very long. The nausea was very bad for me also and the lack of sleeping. It however did clear up my infection from my surgery on my knee. I didn't start experiencing the numbness in my feet, legs and hands until the end of my treatment. This is awful. How long will this last I wonder?

I was bit my a poisonous spider and the wound turned into a MRSA staph infection. I was in the hospital for 2 1/2 days and was given IV antibiotic. I was lucky that the doctor was able to lance the wound instead of having to cut the poison out of me which I was originally told he was going to have to do. I was given Zyvox once a day to take for 10 days. I was told I was going to feel like I had the worst case of the flu. The doctor was correct. I felt beyond horrible. Terrible aches all over, constant nauseous, terrible diarrhea, weakness, constant stomach pain, and headache. It has now been over a month, and I still have the diarrhea, not quite as severe but frequent, and horrible stomach pain and still nauseous. In my case, to me, the cure was worse than the disease and I still have a small lump under the skin where the infection was.

I forgot in my last evaluation to tell you that my 92 year old mother had uncontrolled high blood pressure (230/116) when she entered the hospi8tal that did not respond to repeated attempts to lower it by injections and tablets. This also disappeared when her alertness returned.

My 92 year old mother nearly died from taking this drug in combination with Lexapro. She had a UTI which was not responding to treatment by IV at assisted living housing administered by home health care. So her doctor prescribed this NEW medicine in tablet form for 10 days, twice a day. For the first 2 or 3 days there seemed to be noticable improvement, but then she took a turn for the worse with no appetite, terrible fatigue, forgetfulness, and almost unable to walk. About the 8th day, she was bedridden and on the 9th day she wanted to sleep all day. On the 10th day she was practically dead weight and mostly unresponsive. At this point we called the paramedics who transported her to the emergency room, where she was immediately admitted. For the next 5 days the hospitalist was convinced she was suffering from advanced dementia, and even had us talk to Hospice about our plans to move her there. She appeared somewhat comatose and would not even open her eyes when we tried to feed her. She cried out in pain when you tried to move her. Thank goodness we had a compassionate palliative doctor who decided to look into possible drug interactions, and found one that showed a lot of red flag warnings: Zyvox and Lexapro. After the 4th day not taking the drugs, Mom began eating and visiting in the evening, better the 5th day, and by the 6th day was able to walk, was mostly back to herself again, only 12 pounds lighter. She has now spent approx. 2 weeks in Rehab. In my opinion, the drug interaction is not that obvious when you check out the information online, unless you make the special effort to open up some of the sights (like anti-depressents) and check for specific medications taken. I hope noone else has to go through this same experience.

I was treated for a resistant UTI after being catheterized for 10 days. No other antibiotic would work on this bacteria. Second time I've used this medication for the same infection. On both occaisions, I developed a sore throat and mouth. Very dry at night. The inside of my mouth was rough and my tongue was sore as well. Certain foods created a burning sensation in my mouth. Also developed painful cracks in the corners of my lips. The onset of these symptoms is at 3 - 4 days into the course of medication. Relief starts about 3 days after finishing the medication. There are also several dietary restrictions while taking this medication. I found that pharmacies don't always address this when dispensing the medicaiton. I had to do some research on my own to find these restrictions. This antibiotic works well with this infection.

I was basically told to take this very pricy med, or probably die from MRSA. The only side effect that really bothered me during treatment,and 7 mo after, was "cognitive dysfunction problems." I had the blood work done every week for 4 wks and my numbers just improved. I praise God for the drug company paying for my treatment! The drug worked well for me. I followed all instructions.

has caused bleeding in the liver, had to have 13 blood tansfusion, is this normal?

I contracted MSRA while working in Afghanistan after a cut became infected. After 2 days in the hospital on Zyvox IVs, I was sent home on medical leave with a 10 day supply of 600mg oral. Within 2 weeks, swelling and redness decreased dramatically, and was cleared to return to work. Very good results.

I'm currently on this drug for the third time. I've had staph infection 4 times, now. My first encounter with staph, I was sent home with home health with vancomycin IV drugs and a home health nurse visits. My second time, I was told about Zyvox. In the past, I've had terrible diarrhea while on this drug, followed with problems many months after that. This time around, I'm trying to eat Yogurt that contains "live cultures" and drink room temperature coca cola as much as possible. So far, haven't had as much problems. I found this tip from a comment of another drug I was on (see Clindomycin user comments). After you are finished with this medication, if the diarrhea persists, I would suggest buying MirLAX and having a few doses of that to clean your system out.

After bug bite and getting MRSA, I had surgery, was put on 2 antibiotics then switched to vancomycin IV for 17 days. Had fever, chills, stomach problems continuously, was put back in hospital and put on Zyvoc IV for 2 days, then sent home on pills, would have been very expensive but insurance covered most. Have dry mouth, cracked lips, upset stomach, unable to eat, drink, had diarhea, dry heaves. After 3 days some symtoms were gone. Still have problems with eating and diarhea one month later. However wound is getting better.

I have been perscribed Zyvox 4 to 5 times it has worked well to clear my infections due mutipule reasons. I thank god I have insurance. If I didn't have insurance the hospital that where I keep getting the infections wouldn't pay for this very expensive cure.I had really only one miserable side effect,Thrush which requires yet another perscription.

This medication healed the cellulitis infection of my foot. However, I have suffered the following side affects: Destroyed blood platelets, blood in stools, anemia and weight loss.

I acquired a staph infection after rotator cuff surgery. It appeared next to the incisions as very painful sores. They burned like fire. Two treatments of Zyvox cured it. The drug caused severe nausea and muscle weakness. I dreaded taking the pills knowing how they were going to make me feel. A super expensive drug. The first prescription cost $2400. It took three weeks but I recovered fully. I had no idea how serious staph infections could be.

stingray stinger remained in toe, I have been on this med with augmentin for 2 weeks. I still have burning pain in my foot and have dizziness daily. blood work weekly looks good.