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Generic Name: Zafirlukast

Brand Name: Accolate

Accolate Drug and Medication User Reviews

I cant thank my doctor enough for given me ACCOLATE for 25years with NO side effects.I have tried other medicines most didn't help. Good Luck with your treatment, Kind Regards Pip xx

Initially i took this to soften up scar tissue, but i found it helps my eczema/dermatitis, helps me sleep, and is great for anxiety/depression. (I also take wellbutrin xl300mg, pristiq 50mg, and klonopin as needed, which isnt as much now thanks to Accolate.


Irregular heartbeat, flushed face.

this drug made my heart race, I got the shakes,and diarrhea along with the feeling of throwing up, Singular worked better for me, i also had some moods of depression

I ended up hospitalized because of my liver. I am a non-drinker and the hospital staff kept asking me about my drinking habits. This one was awful for me.

I have been taking Accolate since 1993 along with Theo 24 and Albuteral (4 times per day). This combination makes most days liveable and bad days I can cope. Most doctors say they don't give Theo 24 anymore because there are "better" drugs out there now. Please! Those better drugs a) don't work at all, or b) cause allergic reactions. My sincere sympathy to the reviewer who lost her Mom but some of us LIVE only because there is Accolate available.

If I miss two doses in a row I have severe muscle spasms around my lungs similar to pleurisy. I have taken it for more than 10 years and it took me some time to figure out what was causing my pain. When I looked up pleurisy it perfectly described the pain. I get panicky if I get close to running out because the pain is unbearable. My doctors have always just shrugged their shoulders.

Been on this (and other pills) for asthma/respiratory problems for over 10 years. Tried Singulair long ago, but Accolate can be used twice a day which seems to work better. I have no alternative since my symptoms are constant and can become severe. I am allergic/sensitive in a negative way to all asthma inhalers and severely reactive to Seravent. Between a rock and a hard place. Accolate, Allegra, Ativan work together to allow me to continue to exist. It is not easy, but I'm always looking for new meds to improve the situation and I take many naturopathic pills also. They really do make the prescriptions more effective.

After 4 days of taking Accolate twice daily, I experienced mood changes, sadness,anxiousness, depression, irritability and my neck was killing me! When I got upset my hands would tingle! I was prescribed this to make my breast implants soften. If you have had previous history with anxiety or depression...DO NOT TAKE THIS MEDICATION!!!! STAY AWAY!!!!

I was on accolate and it worked. i was put on singular. singular was a waste of money because it did not work. the second day i went back on accolate, i could breath again.

My daughter had bad headaches. We discovered it was from Accolate. We could not find the cause of the headaches until she forgot this med on vacation. The headaches went away after several days off this drug!!!!

After 1 month of use, my face got extremely itchy. I had to stop taking it.

My mother DIED from ACCOLATE! Please know that she died from liver failure from taking this drug! First her liver failed then all her organs shut down and she went on life support and died. It was very sudden and she just thought she had the flu. They said it was from this drug. Please be careful if you are on this bc the hospital told us other women were on it and were there for liver transplants and its banned in canada. My mom was healthy and i HATE this drug! I hope this helps someone,,ps she was only in her 50;s this should be banned!I hope if your on it you are getting your livers tested every couple months bc she was only on it 9 months!

Once in AM is OK but after lunch you got to wait 2 hours after to take another pill, then wait an hour before you can eat anything, that's 3 hours after eating your lunch. A bummer

my doctor prscribed it for my breast implant to drop.

WONDERFUL!!! I rarely have to use an inhaler anymore.

I was just advised to stop taking this after 15 years. Its the same as Singular and causes depression/suicide. I did not have a tendency for either. However, upon stopping this medicine my headaches, muscle aches and fatigue are starting to go away.

I was on an older drug called Marax that worked for me. I have been on this drugs since and it is the only drug that works as well if not better.

miracle drug for me. if I could only take one med this would be it. Headache and ear ache seem to be side effects, but I'll live with it as long as I can breathe. Since taking it I no longer have to take inhalers to bed with me at night, fewer infections and rounds of oral steroids. I am able to exercise, although hills and walking up stairs are still a effort.