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Generic Name: Amlodipine for Migraine Prevention (amlodipine)

Amlodipine for Migraine Prevention Reviews

"I have suffered from weekly migraines and frequent headaches since the menarche at 11 - they have ruined my life and left me dependent on Rizatriptan and Solpadeine Headache tablets several times each week - days of disabling pain and feeling completely wiped out. Spent a lifetime seeing different GPs and neurologists, and trialling different tablets none of which made any difference except for causing horrendous side effects. Then I was diagnosed with extreme hypertension at a routine 66-year-old birthday check and was put on Amlodipine 5mg. Not only did it reduce my BP from 195/126 to 135/78 (no side effects), but no migraines or headaches in the six weeks since I started on it. I've gone from relieved to actually really angry that no one ever suggested trying Amlodipine for migraine prevention - I know it's prescribed off-label but you would think someone in all the specialists I've seen over the years would have it in their toolbox and might have prescribed it. What a wasted life."

"I started having headaches when I was 7 years old. They progressed to full migraine attacks when I was 16. The intense paroxysm of one-sided headache lasted for hours with nausea, vomiting, and feeling like it would be better to die, not even being dramatic. Zomig would help (only if taken with analgesics), but I was limited to taking 4 Zomig a month, which was a challenge due to my headache frequency. I was still having at least two debilitating migraines weekly up until a year ago, at age 60, when I fortunately had a hypertensive crisis where my home BP readings rose to 190/110+ and would not come down. I saw a cardiologist who he said he would try amlodipine 5 mg after I mentioned migraine. Wow, life changing. Not only is my BP normal (average 120's/70's) with no side effects, but I haven't had a single migraine since the day after I took my first dose of amlodipine one year ago. I'm a totally different person and wonder who I would have been if I had been given this drug sooner."

Norvasc (amlodipine) "I started taking Norvasc after trying many other meds, including Topamax, which had too many bad side effects for me. So far, since starting about a month ago, I have only had one headache, and that was at the very beginning. No side effects. I was having headaches which were affected by weather pressure, about one a week. So nice not to have them and to feel good on this medication."

Norvasc (amlodipine) "Norvasc was given to me to treat migraine headaches. I am 28 years old. I was having them as frequently as every other day. I dealt with this for five years before being prescribed Norvasc. After two months of taking a 5mg dosage, I can say I am a new person!"

"I am a 62-year-old male, served as a fireman for 33 years, and suffered from migraines at least twice a week from the age of 21. Mine are being related to food, alcohol, vinegar, etc. It has been hell for years. I have tried all the so-called preventative medicines to no avail but managed to control them with Imigran. Last year I was prescribed Amlodipine 5mg for slightly high blood pressure. To my amazement, my migraines have stopped completely. So I have gone from twice a week to zero! Life-changing to say the least. I now enjoy alcohol, pizza, cheese, vinegar, chocolate! Hope this helps someone to live a normal life."

Norvasc (amlodipine) "I was given Norvasc to replace Lisinopril after I started having constant coughing. I take it for hypertension, but I am a frequent migraine sufferer, especially due to changes in air pressure and to exercise. The first week on Norvasc, I had a migraine all day, every day. The following week, I took no migraine medication (Imitrex) or OTC meds at all - even though we had two days when I would normally have had weather-related issues, and I played tennis on another day. I did have swollen feet the first few days, but I increased my water intake and that seems to be the key for me. So far I'm very impressed with the results."

Norvasc (amlodipine) "I had no idea my physician prescribed this to me for migraines. I was initially prescribed this for hypertension. I also have migraines, but since taking this, my headaches have decreased dramatically. I rarely have a migraine anymore. It's been a blessing! I love this medication. It's worked wonders for my quality of life."

"Had migraines since I was 19 and now 45. Would get at least 1 a week that was manageable, but very few weeks one that was horrendous, and every 6 months 1 that would leave me stuck in bed all day, wiped out, and all my nervous system was on edge. Felt like my senses were all over the place, not even able to focus on opening a door handle. Started taking amlodipine 8 weeks ago and realized today I’ve not had a single migraine. No visual disturbances or other aura issues either. Minimal occasional headache that goes away without any need for pain relievers. Glad that this medication has another effect. I suspected this would be the case as it widens the blood vessels, and one of my consultants suggested my migraines were caused when the blood vessels contract, causing the migraine."

"Miracle worker on my hormonal migraine. I'd tried loads of other things with limited success, but during perimenopause, my migraines became so long, frequent, and intense. I honestly wanted to die. I heard about amlodipine through others that had used it with great success, so I begged my GP to let me try. I haven't had a single full-blown migraine since I started taking it and have my life back."

"I would get migraines weekly, and when it wasn't a migraine, it was a headache that turned into a tension headache and later led back to a migraine. I tried everything and was put on everything. Finally, I tried amlodipine, and the next day, no headache, no migraine. I was amazed. I take it every night before bed. I didn't feel dizzy and haven't had any swelling. I was worried because my blood pressure runs low already, but I'm doing so much better now and no side effects."

"Had regular unilateral migraines for many years and used to take Sumatriptan once per week. No history of high blood pressure. I was prescribed amlodipine 5 mg eight weeks ago, and haven't had a migraine since. I have had no side effects either. The first 2-3 days I had a mild bilateral headache, but since then, nothing at all."

Norvasc (amlodipine) "Have been taking Norvasc 5 mg (started with 2.5 mg but had to go to 5 mg) since 1997/98 to prevent migraines. My internist at the time had read about it being used to prevent migraines, so he had me try it! WHAT a relief! I don’t get migraines any longer and rarely have even mild headaches! I tried to stop it once to see if I still needed it... not a good idea! Got back on it! Also, discovered generic isn’t effective on me, so I have to use brand Norvasc."

"I was prescribed this medication for borderline hypertension 140/90. I have also had migraines with aura for years. I have tried many medicines. For the first 3 days, I had a headache. After that, bam, no more migraines with auras and very few headaches. It is incredible. I take 2.5 mg per day. I finally have my life back!"

"Absolutely unbelievable that after 40+ years of very regular (3-10 per month) migraines I have gone just over a month with NO MIGRAINE. This is a major accomplishment. For as long as I can remember (probably 20+ yrs) I have never gone a full month with no migraine. It has been a goal I was trying to achieve through diet changes, no alcohol, no other migraine triggers, etc but was, up until now, not able to achieve. The longest I previously went without migraine was 3 weeks and that was only once. After 40 yrs of dealing with migraine, I am 98% there is no other reason than the Amlodipine (5 mg per day w/no side effects) for this happening. I made no changes to diet or lifestyle so I could feel comfortable Amlodipine was the reason. If I hit the 2 month mark I will be convinced without a doubt this medication is the reason. I have even been able to drink 2 glasses of wine without a migraine. Prior to Amlodipine, most times I could't even enjoy a small glass. Overjoyed!!!"

"Just as the above, my life has been changed as a result of starting on amlodipine. I was prescribed it for my hypertension, and my migraines have completely disappeared. I suffered migraines three days a week. I mentioned this to my GP, and he told me this makes perfect sense. Migraine, I'm told, is a consequence of blood vessels in the head being in spasm, and amlodipine has a 'stabilizing' effect on these blood vessels."

"Just started this medication a month ago to treat migraine-also a little borderline hypertension-two birds with one stone. First week on 5 mg. I needed Imitrex 5 out of 7 days. Then, I went up to 10 mg per doctor's orders, and the headaches stopped. If this keeps up, yes, this is a miracle. Have suffered with migraines almost 40 years-and have tried lots of meds including Imitrex, which was a lifesaver, and Botox, which helped initially but not for very long. As for side effects, no swelling-maybe a little fatigue. I was on loads of Excedrin and probably 3 Imitrex a week. So glad to be able to get off these meds. Still keeping them around just in case but am very encouraged with amlodipine."

"I had severe vestibular migraines for 10 years. My doctor prescribed me Amlodipine 5 mg for my elevated blood pressure. Since then, no migraines, no blood pressure. Amlodipine is a miracle pill for me and my migraines."

"Through the years, I had tried numerous meds for migraines to the point that my neurologist sent me to a migraine specialist because he had run out of ideas. The specialist put me on Norvasc, and within a week, my migraines had completely stopped. I have not had this kind of relief in years! He had even gotten me approved for Botox, and when I told him my positive results, he canceled the Botox. Love this medicine."

"Suffered migraines for many years, getting them once a week or more. Doctor prescribed Imigran at onset, not much use when you are sick with them. Anyway, I was told I had hypertension and prescribed Amlodipine, 5 MG initially and then 10 MG! Almost immediately, the migraines were gone. I changed blood pressure medication once on the advice of my doctor, the migraines came back within two days. Back on Amlodipine for me, no more migraines. I went to the pharmacist who explained why it works in this way. I would recommend it. Miracle stuff."

"Suffered from ocular and aura migraines since I was probably 4-5 years old. Used to get them at least 1-3 times a week. Now 29 and diagnosed with high blood pressure. 10mg of amlodipine brought down BP from 145/89 to 119/75. Thankfully, after taking for almost 3 months, the only side effect I have is zero migraines. Much better than Topamax, which had a bunch of symptoms. I feel like a new man and have finally stopped carrying Excedrin wherever I go."

"This medication changed my life! At age 60, I thought I would go to my grave with a migraine. This started at around age 16. Then, being diagnosed with high blood pressure, I ran the gambit of a few different drugs to figure out what worked best for me. In the fine-tuning stages of treatment, I was prescribed amlodipine in combination with another drug. Life changing!!!!! I had migraines at least 3 times a week and suddenly I realized it had been 2 weeks, then 3, then a month, then 2......no headache! Why oh why did it take all this time to figure it out! So very happy with my new life!!!!!!!"

"Prescribed amlodipine in 2010, to prevent migraines and not had a migraine since. Very mild 'regular' headaches once in a blue moon. Take it for Angina and am 47. Had consistent migraines from 7 to 37."

"I started having menstrual migraines monthly in my mid-thirties. They had gotten to the point of lasting upwards of 18 hours with uncontrollable vomiting and moderate pain for a day or two before and after the migraine. I started taking Treximet and an anti-nausea medicine, which did work when the migraine started, but was still living my life around avoiding triggers. I also developed mild hypertension during these years. My doctor prescribed 2.5 mg amlodipine, and the migraines decreased in intensity. He upped the dosage over time to control the hypertension, and my migraine intensity decreased proportionally each time. By the time I got to 10 mg, the migraines were gone. I still get a little headachy each month, but it's just that, a mild headache."

"This drug amlodipine has me feeling like it is the end of my life. When I take it, I immediately feel nauseated and it is followed by the worst migraine I’ve ever had. I’m going to the doctor on Monday for them to change my meds."

"My cardiologist started me on Amlodipine for coronary artery spasms a year and a half ago. It was a miracle, from the first day on this medication I never had another migraine headache. The cardiologist was surprised to hear that my migraines were gone. I had migraines for 46 years. Now I have normal headaches that stop within an hour. I asked the cardiologist if Amlodipine could be taken the rest of my life. He told me that it is safe to take it as long as necessary. I didn't have any side effects that presented. I thank goodness for bringing me through the events that led me to this medication."

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  • Drug class: calcium channel blockers
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Patient resources

  • Amlodipine drug information
  • Amlodipine Tablets
  • Amlodipine Suspension

Other brands

Norvasc, Norliqva, Katerzia

Professional resources

  • AmLODIPine monograph
  • Amlodipine (FDA)
  • Amlodipine Suspension (FDA)

Other brands

Norvasc, Norliqva, Katerzia

Related treatment guides

  • Raynaud's Syndrome
  • High Blood Pressure
  • Migraine Prevention
  • Angina
  • Coronary Artery Disease