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Generic Name: Eplerenone

Brand Name: Inspra

Inspra Drug and Medication User Reviews

I take 12.5 mg of this drug daily with varied results. Some days good BP, other days still high. I had to stop taking the drug due to Covid and taking an antiviral. This is when it became apparent I was having side effects. the pain in my muscles especially my legs and arms went away. My skin had become very sensitive to touch. I also was not so tired all the time and the leg heaviness went away. I plan to contact my doctor and will not resume taking this drug.

I was prescribed both Inspra and Coreg for congestive heart failure about 7 years ago. Tests every six months show improved heart muscle and blood flow. Echos show much improved regurgitation factor. Cardiologist very pleased and so am I. I have no side effects whatsoever even though I am currently on 14 different prescription meds for a variety of health problems.

this drug is very good at what it is used for

After many years unable to completely control either blood pressure or low potassium levels, my PCP testing my aldosterone/renin ration, which was through the roof. She referred me to a nephrologist, who pressribed this. Virtually a miracle drug. K levels almost immediately moved to the middle of the normal range, and BP responded accordingly.

Like another reviewer, I have elevated aldosterone levels that increased my BP. Been on the generic equivalent for several years now. This medication has worked well for me. 100mg/day.

been on 100mg per day has not helped blood pressure so far bu has now been increased to 200mg per day from today will see how it goes i also take other kinds of bp tablets at the same time

At times my breasts gets very sensitive and itchy, especialy the right breast. Nipple and breast enlarge slightly at times. Some med.refills have no side effect and others do.

caused fast heartbeat, dizziness, diarrhea,muscle aches, tiredness, nausea, loss of appetite, heaviness in legs when getting out of bed. stay away from this med

Along with 3 other drugs my blood pressure doesn't spike now and stays in the 120/75 range (for the most part) since I started using this drug. However muscles ache and breasts are sore but much better than using sprinolactone so I guess I can't complain!

swelling of my breast

It has helped the blood pressure which has been extreme but the dry mouth,lips,eye at night especially intrrups sleep

This medication is being taking for irregular heartbeat and works. However the side effects are not pleasant i.e.muscle weakness, dry mouth at night vision deteriation and fatigue.

This medication in a relatively strong dosage has been highly effective in reducing sodium levels and increasing potassium levels. There is a medical term for this but I forget it. My kidney doctor has used it successfully for many patients.

I have problem with over production of aldesterone in the adrenal gland, this caused extreme high blood pressure. Had other drugs first with lots of side affects. After starting INSPRA no side effects feeling better than ever and blood pressure to normal. This treatment will be for life.

Light headed (as opposed to dizziness), weak and fatigued 100% of the time. Loss of muscle strength.

Took Inspra for 1 month after my heart attack, no problems. My cardiologist said it was most effective for the first 30 days after a heart attack, but not a long term drug regimen

after taking this medication for several months I became extremely ill, so dizzy and ill feeling that I could not stand or funtion. Hoarse. Doctors ran emergency tests on my pacemaker and heart but found no problems. Tried a medicine for iner ears problems but that was not working even after 2-5 day treatments. Finally stopped Inspra because it was the last medicine perscribed and within 36 hours I was fine and have remained fine ever since. Was on Inspra once before several years ago and had problems with hoarseness and sore breasts (I'm a man) and quit then for those reasons but was told the drug had been improved. I will never take it again.

serve reaction while working with drug. Have to care an epic pen at all times