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Generic Name: Codeine / guaifenesin for Cough (codeine-guaifenesin)

Codeine / guaifenesin for Cough Reviews

Cheratussin AC (codeine / guaifenesin) "I had a cold and bad cough for two weeks before I went to the doctor and was diagnosed with bronchitis. This has been amazing! It's bringing up the mucus that the OTC medicines weren't, and the cough is very minimal now. I take the dose on the lower end of the range prescribed, and it's doing the job. So glad I finally caved and went to the doctor."

Cheratussin AC (codeine / guaifenesin) "I was prescribed Cheratussin AC for a cough due to acute bronchitis. However, it seems to make the cough worse. My body wants to cough up phlegm, and the medicine tries to suppress the coughing reflex. That makes my body try even harder to cough up phlegm, and just ends up giving me a headache and a throat that hurts more."

Cheratussin AC (codeine / guaifenesin) "My 8-yr-old daughter had pneumonia, diagnosed 6 days ago, along with her Z-pack antibiotics. Cheratussin AC not only quieted her cough when it was hurting but helped to expel the congestion. No bad side effects, but hated the bitter taste."

Cheratussin AC (codeine / guaifenesin) "I have been taking this medicine for a week, and I am still coughing. I am finally getting some sleep, but I am still waking up with coughing fits. I have not had any side effects, but I can't say this medicine works."

Cheratussin AC (codeine / guaifenesin) "Had a cough for close to a year. I thought it was from congestive heart failure. Had been using Mucinex DM for the thick phlegm. It helped some but not enough. Then I got a cold and my cough and phlegm got much worse. My family insisted I see a doctor. The doctor prescribed this, what a relief it has been. Getting much phlegm out and cough is almost gone after 4 days on the syrup! Has been an answer to prayer so far! I had been battling this cough for a year, and it took so much out of me. Amazing to have it helped so much!"

Cheratussin AC (codeine / guaifenesin) "Like clockwork my allergy to Mountain Cedar starts around late October. Congestion, cough but no fever. My doctor prescribes Cheratussin syrup and it works great. I also take Mucinex DM with this and it stops the congestion and cough after about an hour. I couldn't make it without this."

Cheratussin AC (codeine / guaifenesin) "I took this medicine for coughing at night and had a very negative reaction to it. I seemed to have all of the classic signs of a heart attack - pain in the chest and back - it felt like an elephant was sitting on my chest. Heart rate went down very low and blood pressure was low and then high."

Cheratussin AC (codeine / guaifenesin) "Been coughing for 3 weeks and this helped a lot. I am taking all sorts of over the counter pills, gels, capsules, hot water, cold water mixes with multiple active ingredients and Cheratussin AC syrup gave me better relief than anything else. I still couldn't sleep through the night and ended up taking middle of the night doses with the other things as it took over 4 weeks to get over my flu. When I was younger I got a codeine cough syrup and it didn't help but this time this did."

Cheratussin AC (codeine / guaifenesin) "I took this for a cough I was having in conjunction with a sore throat. Every time I coughed it just made my throat feel terrible. It did nothing for my cough at all, and it kept me up all night. The medicine and the cough, combined, made me lay awake. The codeine just didn't seem to knock me out. I had better luck with Theraflu Warming."

Cheratussin AC (codeine / guaifenesin) "My daughter and son were both prescribed this and it didn't work for either of them. In fact, they both complained that it gave them a bad headache about an hour after taking it and they are both still coughing all night long. Our pediatrician said this was just as good as Tussionex but much cheaper. I'd rather pay $40 co-pay for the Tussionex since I know it works. No relief for me or my children."

Robitussin-AC (codeine / guaifenesin) "Works great! Quiets a hacking cough, no matter how bad. Works the best & when other products don't work. Does cause drowsiness though but that's not bad if it's night time or you're convalescing at home anyway from being sick. Great stuff!"

Robitussin-AC (codeine / guaifenesin) "Great medicine. I coughed so much that the dr said I have bruised my ribs. Very painful, this stuff is the best when you are having severe constant coughing. It will give you relief and let you rest. What is better than the OTC cough syrups."

"Got this to help sleep as have upper respiratory infection as have mucus stuck in chest. Started taking a 5 day dose of Z-pack and within hours my mucus was less congested! Was doing great throughout the day and took this medicine as prescribed by the doctor -supposed to help sleep and cough, well it made the cough worse and no sleep. Will not be taking every again."

Cheratussin AC (codeine / guaifenesin) "Unfortunately, I had the same negative experience with this cough/codeine combination as another reviewer. My doctor said it should help me sleep, and not keep me up coughing all night. ( I was recently diagnosed with Viral Bronchitis) This did just the opposite! I took this at 11:00 p.m. and then laid awake until 3:30a.m! I had to get up and take some Nyquil just to get a few hours sleep, before having to get up for the day. Thought this may be a fluke, so I tried the same thing the next evening....sure enough...I laid awake again into the wee hours! I'll stick to the Over the Counter, Mucinex DM."

Virtussin A/C (codeine / guaifenesin) "I used to use promethazine but my ENT will only prescribe Robatussin or Virtussin whenever I catch a sinus infection. It’s been a huge relief to help me sleep at night but still allows small coughs to slip through here and there. However it’s much better than those major coughs where you’re just left breathless."

Cheratussin AC (codeine / guaifenesin) "This did little for my cough - still waking up in the middle of the night with coughing fits. Even when I take another dose at night, it doesn't help. In fact, I've now woken up every night while I've been taking this so will stop."

Cheratussin AC (codeine / guaifenesin) "I would have gave this medicine a 10 if it wasn't for the dull headache (may not have been due to the drug I was battling a sinus infection anyway) after I took this medicine. Cough was gone within an hour. Make sure you drink a lot of water. Maybe that's why I got the headache too. Also, I noticed that I was very sensitive after taking this drug. I actually cried a little bit because of the sinus pressure. When usually I just suck it up with pain and never cry. Stopped wheezing. Make sure to take a warm shower too after taking this drug it will also help clear the mucus."

"Had a bad cold for a few days so I went to the doctor for a check and she prescribed me chertussin (guafenesin with codeine) to help me get some restful sleep. Took the first 10 ml dose and 45 minutes later my heart is pounding and my face and arms feel really warm. Don't like the heart pounding and won't be taking any more of this stuff. I'll switch back to my Delsym that doesn't work quite as well but doesn't make me feel like my heart is going to explode."

Iophen-C NR (codeine / guaifenesin) "I am 68 and have had asthma for about 15 years. For a while I was hospitalized about once a year with a respiratory infection. Thanks to my Ddoctor we have headed off many infections over the years with a short treatment program of Iophen-C NR to get rid of the congestion. It has worked well for me. I also take anti-convulsants (since I was 15) and suffer no side effects with the syrup. I put the bottle on the counter with a slip of paper to monitor the dosage. It has been a blessing for me."

Robitussin-AC (codeine / guaifenesin) "This medication should be taken exactly as the labeling indicates... impressive relief of symtomatic coughs! Finally got a good nights sleep, which did as much to reilieve my condition as anything. Great."

Robitussin-AC (codeine / guaifenesin) "Amazing product! I hope this isn't TMI but I was feeling quite sick as "cold" was sitting on my chest and had a lot of mucus that wasn't coming up, took this medicine and it really does help produce a more productive cough and less frequent, which meant I could clear my throat of mucus & wasn't coughing quite as much. Took for a max x2 a day. Felt lots bit better after 1st dose. Cost me around "

"My Dr first provided this cough syrup to help stop an insane cough from a sinus infection I had when I couldn't sleep for like a week due to hacking. I tried everything else but nothing worked. I took 5ml (half dose) as I had never taken it before just to be sure. Nothing happened. So I took the rest of the 5ml...(full dose (10ml) and it immediately calms everything down, including my cough and I sleep well. No side effects here. No hang over. No weird dreams. And it tastes actually better than any of the OTC cough syrups. I only have to take it at night...and only a couple of nights at the most when my cough resolves. Works well when all else fails."

Cheratussin AC (codeine / guaifenesin) "I’m awake for the 3rd night in a row now. This stuff tastes awful, but I could deal with that if it would work. My doctor used to give me Tussionex, but she has a new NP who seemed to think I needed this instead, even when I told her I’d like to go with what I know has worked in the past. I’d rather be using mussinex or Thera flu. At least with those options I can sleep through the night. This seems to make my cough worse."

Cheratussin AC (codeine / guaifenesin) "I was prescribed this for a sore throat and mild cough after I found out I had Mono, and Walking Pneumonia. It didn't do a THING! I couldn't feel it at all, and it made my throat itch as it went down. Plus it's so icky tasting."

"My wife had cough for several months. She took many kind of prescribed drugs but they were not effective. Eventually, her family doctor changed to this Guaifenesin/Codeine, and miracle, the cough went away just one day."

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  • During pregnancy
  • Drug class: upper respiratory combinations
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Patient resources

  • Codeine and guaifenesin drug information
  • Guaifenesin and Codeine

Other brands

Cheratussin AC, Guaiatussin AC, Guaifenesin AC, Cheracol with Codeine, ... +11 more

Professional resources

  • Codeine Phosphate and Guaifenesin prescribing information

Related treatment guides

  • Cough