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Generic Name: Atenolol for High Blood Pressure (atenolol)

Atenolol for High Blood Pressure Reviews

"I’ve been on Atenolol 50mg and Losartan Potassium 50mg for about 3 years. This will probably be the worst period in my life. My weight went from 78kg to 87kg on the same diet. I couldn’t work out again because it was difficult getting out of bed. I was constantly drowsy with joint pains, lower back pains, swollen knees and ankles, occasional itchy throat. I usually wake up in the morning with tingling or numb fingers, all swollen. I had 2 mild accidents while driving due to drowsiness. My doctor made me do so many tests: ECG, Cortisol test, cholesterols etc., but I didn’t know what was the cause of my ailments until I ran out of my meds during this Covid-19 lockdown for 3 days and all my symptoms disappeared except that my BP was 145/80. So, I stopped taking these two meds. I’m back on water pills only, trying to lose weight. I have never felt so good in about 3 years! Please monitor your symptoms or lifestyle changes while on Atenolol"

"I have been taking 50 mg per day of atenolol for 29 years now. It has done two things for me. It has controlled my blood pressure dependably and it has made me a much calmer person. I have had no side effects, unless you consider being more calm a side effect. I was 33 years old when I started atenolol and I am now 62."

"I have been on this medication atenolol since I was 19. I am now 50 (31 years). When I first started taking it, I struggled with the fatigue, difficulty concentrating, and staying awake during the day. So, instead of taking it in the morning, I take it before bed to sleep off the side effects. I like this medication, it works well for me. I have tried other medications for short periods of time but ended up requesting atenolol because I am very familiar with it and it has fewer side effects."

"I know it's been at least 15 yrs taking this medication. It's the ONLY one I take. It does the job, no anxiety and blood pressure low. I'm 48 yrs old and it does seem like I'm experiencing a few side effects now. I'm tired, don't sleep well, sex drive is decreased. My biggest complaint about the medication is that ALL OUR doctors give us absolutely NO homeopathic alternatives!!! I read all 4 pages of comments and no one has been offered a better solution. I know drugs help, but the dependency is beyond belief. A person on here posted a comment about the pharmaceutical industry depending on all of us to use these medications, without a better solution. To me, we've become drug addicts. There's gotta be a better, natural solution to our problems."

"Atenolol What a joke, sure it lowers your blood pressure, at what cost? You lose your inner well-being. Thank God I found out about Nitric Factor. I am now on 12.5 mg of Atenolol to keep my heart rate at about 60 even after alcohol. I was on 50 mg a day and really felt I was not enjoying my life as I felt so ill! My B/P is now 130/70, it was 160/90. I know we are all different, but to be honest, for me, I hated the dose I was given with such horrific side effects for me. I only hope this helps just one person in life as these Cardiologists have no idea of the true side effects."

"I was prescribed atenolol for minor high blood pressure due to pain. I’m not one to take medication. The first day taking atenolol, I was very fatigued. The second day, I had a rash on my back and stomach area! The itching was like having poison ivy. Horrible! Had to go to urgent care for a shot to stop the itching. After dealing with that issue, I decided to go back to natural ways. Started on red beet supplements! BP went down to 102-67 in three days, from 158/101. I feel like I am 25! Feeling great using natural resources instead of chemicals."

"I took atenolol for about a year. Suddenly noticed a weakness in my upper legs for a month, then started swelling with pain in my hands and wrists, feet, and ankles. My memory was also deteriorating. The pain was excruciating. It was the only medication I was taking, but 5 doctors never linked my condition to the drug. This continued for months until one day I decided to quit the drug and see what happened. Within a few days, the swelling subsided and was then gone within a short time. I lived with the pain for 2 1/2 to 3 years, now I feel it no longer, and it took that long for my memory to improve."

"My doctor recommended a low dose of atenolol for high blood pressure (25mg once a day) and I was afraid to take it after reading reviews here! But I am happy to report that the drug is working great for me, bringing my blood pressure from borderline back into the normal range. I am not experiencing any side effects. I would recommend to a friend!"

"I've been on 100 mg of this medication and it did exactly what it was supposed to do. It lowered my blood pressure and I also got the side benefit of reduced anxiety. No bad side effects whatsoever. This one is a 10 in my book."

"Had severe paroxysmal hypertension. BP is about 260/180. A blood vessel burst in my eye from high BP. I was put on atenolol and Xanax. BP decreased almost immediately. I have been on these medications for about 35 years. My BP is still normal. It saved my life!"

"Lowers my blood pressure to 110/70, pulse 65, and keeps anxiety at bay. Love it. I've been taking atenolol since I was 33 years old, and now I am 50. Downside, it keeps your sexual drive at bay too for the last 3 years. 25mg twice a day (morning and evening)."

"I went through a very stressful time in my life three years ago. My blood pressure was 200/100. My doctor prescribed atenolol, chlorthalidone 50-25, losartan potassium, amlodipine besylate, and Klor-Con 20. My blood pressure and blood work were normal. A year later, the doctor said I had high cholesterol and stage 3 kidney disease. I also lost my sex drive, experienced depression, dizziness, leg and foot pain, charley horses mostly while sleeping, and water retention in my ankles and feet. Two years later, I went into cardiac arrest, which was caused by low blood pressure. Imaging found no heart problems. The doctor took me off everything but the atenolol, chlorthalidone, and Klor-Con. My blood pressure is okay, but now I have extreme pain in my lower left leg and foot that seems to move. My toes feel like they are asleep. I can barely walk. My potassium level is okay. I'm buying a pill splitter and going to wean off the atenolol, which I know is causing my problems."

"I've been on Atenolol for 15 years. My dosage was reduced from 50mg to 25mg about 6 mos. ago when I experienced bradycardia low heart rate. I noticed that I was happier and less tired. Recently, I started having chest pains, tightness, and high BP readings right after taking 25mg Atenolol. After several hours, my BP returns to normal at 120/75. Upon awakening, it is very normal still. My doctor has prescribed another BP med (Lisinopril), but after reading about the horrible 'common' side effects, I am deciding to try natural supplements instead. Even the pharmacist warned me about the new medication. I think the pharmaceutical market wants to keep us on these outrageous medications for profit and probably 50% of us don't really need it."

"On atenolol for 3 weeks after Dr changed meds from ramipril and amilodipine for BP. It caused joint pain, muscle cramps, brain fog, constipation, exhausted most of the time. I monitored my BP and found it did little to lower BP so I stopped for a day and started feeling better. I am going to try natural remedies for lowering my BP and start hitting the exercise and diet more. Seriously. I can’t carry on mixing a prescribed cocktail of drugs that may work for BP control but create havoc on the quality of life. I don’t recommend this drug."

"I was diagnosed with genetic high blood pressure at 21. My doctor put me on atenolol, and it helped tremendously with my migraines. At first, I thought it worked pretty well and hadn't had any side effects. Fast forward several years, and I was always tired, suffered from anhedonia and depression, had decreased libido, and could never get a 'runner's high' from working out. I'm off of it now, and I feel alive again. The depression and anhedonia have lifted, I enjoy working out, and am myself again. It controlled my blood pressure well but at the expense of losing myself, it just wasn't worth it."

"I left a review on December 28, 2019, describing side effects from atenolol chlorothalidone 50-25. The worst side effect was extreme pain in my lower left leg and foot that is a gout-like symptom without redness or swelling and severely limited my ability to walk. I bought a pill cutter and reduced my dosage 25% about a week ago. My heart rate, which was in the high 40s in the morning, went up about 10 bpm. My bp also went up but seems to be returning to normal. My pain level dropped 50%, and I can walk again. I plan on reducing the dosage another 25% next week and hope to eventually stop taking this medication."

"I am 49-year-old female. I have taken a combination of atenolol/chlorthalidone 50/25, plus another one for 11 years. The past four years, I have developed an unexplained itch (no outside rash), so I have to take an antihistamine every day, muscle/joint pain so bad that I take a pain pill for that. Swelling of hands and feet, dangerously low potassium levels. After reading over the side effects, I took myself off it. I have changed doctors and hopefully can get on something better. I have been off it for two weeks and I feel so good. No itching, no pain, no extra pills. Blood pressure is up but that can be taken care of. I think it had built up in my system to a toxic level. It did the job, just added too many other issues after so many years of use. Good luck, everyone."

"Been on this drug since April this year. Within one hour of taking 12.5 mg, my heart beats so hard, skips around, and makes me feel like fainting. This lasts usually about an hour. I am constantly nauseous and anxious. I don’t know if this is from the drug or because it scares me so badly when I take it and react this way. I’ve had EKG, Holter, and Event monitors, and nothing shows except some PACs. Dr. says keep taking the 12.5 mg. I want off it."

Tenormin (atenolol) "Ever since taking this, my throat has been swollen. I told the doctor, and he doesn't think it's from the Atenolol, but it didn't start until then. It's hard to sleep at night. I have horrible eye pressure, and it makes me anxious. I'm hoping I can switch meds soon. It doesn't reduce my pressure much at all."

"I've been on 25 mg of Atenolol for 10 years. Have heard in recent years that after such time they are finding if you're over 60, you should consider switching to another BB. That supposedly it (Atenolol) loses its effectiveness. Well when you start researching all the beta blockers currently on the market, you will find that most of them have side effects far more than Atenolol, and while I haven't had any real symptoms, I'm guessing I should 'stay put' with Atenolol unless it fails to do the job in the future."

Tenormin (atenolol) "I took this medication for about a year. Felt severely depressed. Retained fluid. Switched medical insurance, which resulted in my seeing another doctor. He changed me from Tenormin to Accupril. After one month, my world changed. No longer hated to get out of bed each morning. Could now wear my wedding band on my ring finger. Tenormin was the wrong medicine for me. Wrote a letter to my prior doctor to let her know of my experience."

"I was taking Atenolol for 3 years, 50 mg. I had constant tightness in the chest and never ever felt happy and well. I recently had a trip overseas and finished up in the hospital. My blood pressure was 120/80, but my heartbeat was down to 44. I was so dizzy I could not walk, enough was enough so I went to a doctor in Melbourne, Australia, who advised me to take Nitric Factor and reduce Atenolol to 25 mg. This I did, but I can assure you coming off this drug was a horror story. It took 2 months, and now I take one scoop of the Nitric Factor a day, and my blood pressure is about 126/70 with a pulse of 62. It was my decision to stop taking the 25 mg of Atenolol. I can now sleep and feel I have my life back again. I am 63 years old, and my initial blood pressure was 160/90 with pulse 70."

"Worst medication ever. Taking this medication was the biggest mistake I ever made, and I want to wean off it so bad. I wish I had a time machine to go back and stop myself from taking this poison. It has caused me severe depression, hair loss, worsening anxiety, and had a very negative effect on my sex life (I'm a 30-year-old newlywed). Drug companies will not be honest about side effects because BP meds are a huge moneymaker for them, as they are one of the most commonly prescribed meds... do your own research, I wish I had."

"My back hurts all the time, it's hard for me to walk. My neighbor thought I was drunk, I never drink! I would feel like I was falling. Had too much pain. I just got off these pills, I'm still in pain. I'd get up in the morning, and all of a sudden, I was so tired and sleepy, so I'd go back to sleep. I felt like I was dying. Couldn't do much being so tired all the time and feeling like I was falling and drunk! Don't take this pill."

"This is by far one of the worst meds for high blood pressure. This stuff gave me paranoia. I have never experienced anything like this in my life. And no, it didn't help my blood pressure, it made it higher."

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  • During pregnancy
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  • Drug class: cardioselective beta blockers
  • Breastfeeding
  • En español

Patient resources

  • Atenolol drug information
  • Atenolol (Intravenous) (Advanced Reading)

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Professional resources

  • Atenolol monograph
  • Atenolol Tablets (FDA)

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Related treatment guides

  • Anxiety
  • Alcohol Withdrawal
  • Angina
  • Angina Pectoris Prophylaxis