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Generic Name: Zarah (drospirenone-ethinyl-estradiol)

Zarah Reviews

For Birth Control "I've been on Yasmine for over 8 years, 2 months ago my local pharmacist suggested the switch to Zarah. Two months have now passed, I'm nauseous, I've gained 8 pounds and I'm also tired often, honestly I thought I was pregnant (I'm not)... The cheap switch is not worth the side effects. There is something different about this pill."

For Birth Control "I have been on Zarah, a generic of Yasmin, for more than half a year now. I started taking it for birth control as well as some ovarian cysts. For the first month, I have to admit, the side effects of the pill were a bit stressful. Always tired, and my mood swings were really ridiculous. But I gave it a month, and lo and behold, I started having more energy, my initial mood swings before the pill stopped, my abnormally painful and heavy period is ridiculously easy, my face and back acne have disappeared completely, and my bust even plumped up half a cup size. Just beware of some forever-lasting water weight. Oh, and no babies."

For Birth Control "I have been taking Zarah for almost 3 months. I have polycystic ovarian syndrome and working on getting healthier to try and have a child. When I first took Zarah I got these major headaches at first and tender breast but after three weeks the headaches went away. I haven't had my period in a little over a year because of my PCOS so when I got my first one it was painful but since than they have been easier. My skin looks great and haven't gained any weight. I still have tender breast but part due to my PCOS. I'd recommend it if you can bare with the first two or three weeks. It has been better than others I've tried. Also no mood swings either."

For Birth Control "After trying practically every birth control on the market and having horrible side effects, I've finally found Zarah! The first month of taking it I had a couple of side effects, which were bad mood swings and constipation. But I waited it out and sure enough, once I started the second pack, all those side effects were gone. I now have 3 day cramp free periods and the clearest skin I have ever had in my life. I highly recommend this birth control, but remember: give it at least a month!"

For Birth Control "I have only been on this a month. I am one of the several of you ladies who are going thru the antagonizing trial and error for the "perfect" birth control. Zarah seemed perfectly fine when it came to controlling my mood swings and not getting me prego! BUT, I have gained weight, and on my period week my flow was very heavy and crampy, plus it lasted the whole 7 days....eww, I am not used to that. I also did take note of how it effected my sex life. I still wanted sex, but noticed I had a very hard time trying to orgasm. sorry if that's too much info but I personally like knowing how the birth control effects my sex life. I hope some of this info helps. don't give up ladies!"

For Birth Control "I have been on Zarah for about a year and for me it has done wonders. I suffered from acne to the point that on some days I wouldn't leave my house. My acne is completely gone and my skin is glowing. It's hard for me to forget to take it because once I look in the mirror and see the glow of my skin, I'm automatically reminded. I also suffered from severe cramping to the point of fainting and vomiting before bc and I have not experienced any cramping since I started taking Zarah. My period does however still last 5-7 days but it is very light which makes it nearly unnoticeable. My period is also regulated and always comes on schedule. I recommend it for anyone with skin conditions, irregular periods and bad cramping."

For Birth Control "I've been on this birth control since I was 16 years old (I'm now 27). I have never had any problems with it. When I first started taking it my boobs grew by 2 cup sizes in a short period of time but that could have been coincidence. I very rarely have acne and I haven't experience any mood swings or loss in libido. I do ocassionally have breakthrough bleeding, but that's to be expected with any kind of hormonal birth control."

For Birth Control "The only good things about Zarah 28, was that it helped me not get pregnant, my acne cleared up slightly and my boobs grew. But every since I started the birth control my emotions have been out of control and I haven't felt like my true self. I gained 20 pounds, my sex drive decreased significantly and I've felt depressed ever since. The only way to express any of my emotions anymore is to cry, and it drives me insane! I do not recommend this drug and I have recently decided to quit the drug and not switch to a new birth control to see if I become the happy person I used to be. I will post a new review after a few months of stopping the drug and talk about results."

For Birth Control "I was on Gianvi for 10 months. The only problem I had was spotting. I switched to Zarah since its the same compounds just higher estradiol. I just started my second pack and am very happy with it. My face is glowing (compared to the occasional break outs) I was able to lose weight with exercise. My period was a lot lighter and no cramps, just a little bloat. I got headaches the first week. I've been moody but overall its good."

For Birth Control "Zarah is officially my favorite birth control I've tried. Other pills and the NuvaRing gave me very bad side effects (acne, moodiness, weight gain), but I've been taking Zarah now for almost 3 months and I've experienced no bad side effects. It has only enhanced my life! My periods are now much shorter (3-4 days long) and lighter, my skin has been clearer than usual, and since taking Zarah I have had absolutely no period cramps, which I used to get very badly. This pill also doesn't affect my mood or weight. When I was on NuvaRing, my emotions immediately went crazy and I felt paranoid about everything, so I am very glad to have found something that doesn't turn me into an emotional wreck! Love Zarah, can't say a bad thing about it."

For Birth Control "I was on this birth control when I was a teenager and felt great. I had since been diagnosed with endometriosis and had to stop birth control for treatment. When I finished the 6 month treatment I had to start birth control again. I tried a bunch of different birth control pills to try to minimize bleeding and pain. I had issues with acne, depression and anxiety, weight loss, breakthrough bleeding, severe cramping, painful sex, and a million other things. I asked to be put back on Zarah and should have done it years ago. My skin is completely clear, I have no depression and anxiety, it did not change my weight, there is no breakthrough bleeding, severe cramping, or painful sex. I feel 10x better than being on no birth control. The best!!!"

For Birth Control "Worse birth control ever! I had breast tenderness, vaginal dryness, 0 to none sex drive, mood swings, and weight gain. I was on this pill for 1 year before I thought it was ruining my relationship with my husband because I had no libido what so ever and vaginal dryness. I experienced dry skin as well. My periods were long 7-8 days /regular. I am now on a new pill lo lolestrin fe I think it's called and noticed a significant improvement. No breast swelling, no long periods, happier moods, not as angry or tired and have regained my libido ..I think even more than before I started taking birth control. It's amazing! . Just in case someone has the same side affects as me on zarah"

For Birth Control "I began Zarah when I kept having spotting while taking zovia. This pill might as well be called demonic possession. It was a living nightmare. My boobs got bigger but could barely be touched because they were so swollen and painful. The week I was on my period they stopped hurting and that was really the only time I was happy in my life. On. My. Period. But besides the breast tenderness I felt nauseous, tired, I would randomly vomit after meals, I had no control over my bladder. I once had to pee outside of a gas station because I could wait to walk inside and get the restroom key. I was the most moody irritable grumpy person I have ever been in my life. I almost dropped my sorority, ruined my relationship with my boyfriend. I once got angry because my boyfriend was trying to give me a back massage and I "didn't understand why he had to be touching me all the time". I also couldn't have sex for longer than 5 minutes because I would get dry. Low libido, low tolerance for any person in my life. Even the people I liked, started becoming the people I hated. At a Buffalo Wild Wings I practically threw a fit at the waiter because "the mild wings were too spicy". He timidly came back to let me try a new sauce before they made a new batch. I ended up not eating the wings I was so pissed of. I haven't been to a Buffalo Wild Wings since. Today is my first day on a new pill and I'm hoping this time it will be a different experience."

For Birth Control "I've been very happy with Zarah. Virtually no side effects and has practically eliminated menstrual cramps. No weight gain, nausea, etc. Has also improved acne, which was another concern of mine. Highly recommend Zarah."

For Birth Control "I am on my second pack of zarah and I started taking the pill because of my acne. My family says my acne has gotten a little better but I don't see much of a difference. Some side effects I found are that I am extremely unmotivated and tired. Being an elite athlete I am struggling with exercising and just want to sleep all day. I also only crave junk food. This may be mental but I usually love fruits and vegetables but I feel like throwing up just thinking about eating them. I hope I can snap out of it and get back to my life."

For Birth Control "Zarah was 4th and final stop for me. I tried 3 other pills and had horrible side effects. I had the worst break out of my life and rashes. I even had to change gynecologists. My new gyno, first and only one she has ever prescribed me was Zarah. I immediately saw results. My skin cleared up, even though I will get minor blemishes around period time. No more rashes and periods are WAY better, they are light and barely any cramps and they last 3- 4 days tops, come like clock work for me now. I do feel more bloating but its a small price to pay when there is really nothing else wrong with the pill. I would definitely recommend this pill. Possibly light weight gain but I think it's manageable and not extreme. Expect discharge a lot."

For Birth Control "I was on Zarah for about eighteen months, and I didn't get pregnant so I'd say it's effective :) Unfortunately, I've finally decided it's not the right solution for me. I felt AMAZING for the first month on it, but since then I've been on a steady decline and I just couldn't even think about taking it anymore after last month. Side effects have included muscle twitches, extreme fatigue (I've ALWAYS been a 4-6 hours/night kind of person but on the pill I need 12 hours- it's crazy), massive spontaneous hematomas, depressive episodes, shortness of breath, difficulty maintaining/developing muscle (I'm very athletic ordinarily so this was not cool) and generally depressed mood. Not worth it for me."

For Birth Control "I am 21, very fit and active. Although I've had two kids, I only weigh about 140, and I work out daily (4-5 days a week) I walk 3.5 miles a day and go to the gym. I began taking Zarah in hopes that it wouldn't cause weight gain, however, I have gained 5lbs in the first week. Not to mention I cannot lose the weight no matter how hard I try! Keep in mind I also diet. I have retained so much fluid, and this medicine caused crazy mood swings and irritability. I also bled when I wasn't on my period. I stopped using zarah about a week ago... I've lost those 5lbs, no more mood swings and I feel much better."

For Birth Control "I know everyone is different, but generally speaking I would recommend this medicine. It cleared up my acne beautifully and has been a very reliable form of contraception. I haven't had any huge changes in emotions or weight gain. The only negative thing is that I do feel sometimes it affects my concentration in school, although I've found this to be the case for most birth controls. Overall, I'm happy with it. I have also been on Syeda and had a similar experience."

For Birth Control "Works great for me. After two children I use Zarah as birth control and after endometriosis and multiple ovarian cysts I appreciate the positive effects of this medicine. Decreases my horrid mood swings, decreases my cramps and decreases noticeable ovarian cysts. Give it at least 1 month, you may like it. I do have a bit more weight gain with this."

For Birth Control "My experience on Zarah was absolutely HORRIBLE. At first things were good. I never carried water weight and my periods lightened up. All of a sudden in these last couple months, my body has been going haywire on it. Everybody swears I could be pregnant, but I'm not. I have gained 20 lbs eventhough I watch my diet and stay active, my acne has not cleared up, I spot 2-3 times a week, crave spicy foods a lot, sweets make me nauseous, I stay with headaches and constant mood swings. My obgyn switched me back to Safyral because I was never bloated, and in fact lost all my excess weight. The only side effect I had was that my periods were a bit heavy the first 2 days. So my obgyn tried me on Zarah. Would much rather deal with heavy periods."

For Birth Control "I never write reviews but had to share my terrible experience so that others don't make the same mistake that I've made. I had been on Yasmin for years, my doctor suggested I switch to a generic since it's free (as opposed to $50) so I gave it a shot for a month. I have one more day on Zarah and here are the side effects I've experienced in that time: nausea, severe moodiness, dizziness, yeast infection, swollen tongue (?!), cystic acne, loss of appetite yet weight gain. I'm a healthy, active 31-year old woman without any other medical issues. Avoid this pill!!"

For Birth Control "This is the absolute worst birth control you could possibly take. I was on Ocella for one month before I had to switch pharmacies due to my new insurance and Ocella was fine. Once I started on Zarah, I had constant anxiety/palpitations. It got so bad to the point that I was seeing my doctor and thinking that I had a heart problem (had an echo done, normal). This birth control literally made me feel like I was going crazy and that I had all kinds of health problems. It made my left hand tingle, and I was also constantly exhausted to the point where I was almost sleeping 20 hours a day. OH and my blood pressure sky rocketed. Went off this birth control and got the Skyla IUD. I didn't get pregnant on this BC which is literally THE only good thing"

For Birth Control "Well I've been on Zarah about three months. I hate it. I've always been a happy person but lately I look in the mirror and cry all if the time. I gained 15 pounds, have horrible anxiety about stupid things, and cry on the drop of a dime. It is effective in preventing pregnancy, and I have not had a low sex drive like some others. Overall, I am super displeased and I can't wait to switch."

For Birth Control "I started taking Zarah 2 months ago. Before that I was on Ortho Tri-Cyclen (which made me very nauseous so I switched). When I started Zarah I was nauseous all the time. My sense of smell was heightened tenfold to the point where I couldn't even be around my dog or the trash can without feeling sick. I couldn't and still can't eat meat, salad, or any of the healthy foods I loved eating. I feel weak and lazy all the time and like I am carrying bricks on my shoulders. I originally got on Zarah and off the IUD because my doctor said it would help my acne but it didn't. The IUD was amazing besides not helping or even causing my acne. I also have constant headaches and eat junk food constantly and have gained 5 lbs. "

More about Zarah (drospirenone / ethinyl estradiol)

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  • During pregnancy
  • Drug class: contraceptives
  • En español

Patient resources

  • Zarah drug information
  • Zarah (Advanced Reading)

Other brands

Yaz, Ocella, Yasmin, Loryna, ... +7 more

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  • Zarah prescribing information

Other brands

Yaz, Ocella, Yasmin, Loryna, ... +7 more

Related treatment guides

  • Acne
  • Birth Control
  • Premenstrual Dysphoric Disorder