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Generic Name: Ergotamine Tartrate and Caffeine

Brand Name: Cafergot

Cafergot Drug and Medication User Reviews

It's very nauseous...and I just started it yesterday...I had to wake up around 2 in the morning because of the turbulent feeling in my stomach...and the lower back pain as well...?????????

not able to buy in canada

I need to take cafergot with painkiller everytime.

They have discontinued Cafergot here in the U.S. My doctor recommended MIGERGOT which is a generic brand for Cafergot. It is actually the exact same thing.

I have just been informed that this medication is now discontinued in Ontario Canada. I am hopeful that I will be able to take something else that is just as effective.

This is the only migraine medicine that works for me. Only available now through a compounding pharmacy.

I began taking Cafergot tablets back in the late 70's for a migrane headache that I had. I didn't have another migrane for almost 20 years, but when I did, I remembered the Cafergot and was able to get an Rx for them. They once again worked perfectly. Now you can't get them, but Fioricet works just as well for me. Good luck all.

I love it. This is the most effective medication for my migraine. But unfortunately it is not available in my area. Can it be purchased elsewhere?

I have had migraines for several years and have had several medications to start working and then stop but on the first day of using this medication I experienced severe nausea and vomiting. I was not suprised to hear that cafergot had been taken off the market

I take this medication for acute headaches,I take a daily medication as well. Most times I can control the migrain with one pill. It has been wonderful as I was not able to tolerate any of the other meds that I tried for acute onset.I am Canadian and this medication has not been removed from the market.

I've been experiencing migraine type headaches for over 30 years. Cafergot is the only "vaso-constrictor" type drug that has successfully worked for me. To all people who have taken Cafergot in the past, you can buy this drug through overseas methods, and it's safe and effective.

Cafergot has worked for me for 20+ yrs, I do not understand why they took it off the market, I am hoping they bring it back. I am wondering if anyone out there has found anything comparable to cafergot...

As usual, a medication is unavailable when it works perfectly! I have been suffering from migraines for 28 years. I can not take the new class of migraine medications like Imetrex and Zomig due to shortness of breath. Since it is not available anymore, my doctor prescribed Fioricet, which works just as good as Cafergot.

I am a 65 year old female, having severe migraine headaches since high school. I never got relief until I was prescribed Cafergot in my late 20's. I've taken it for years and can't do without it!I wonder why they took it off the market and if anyone has found anything close to it...if so please share.

This medicaion has been a blessing to me for 30 ys,I pray we can recieve it again soon. Have tried so many differt ones & had very bad reactions. Please bring Cafergot back!!

I have taken cafergot since 20 yrs ago. I could imagine how suffering you all without it. Fortunately Cafergot is still available in Asia until today. You can buy it in Indonesia or Singapore.

Why can't we get it anymore?

I am 66 years old and have experienced debilitating headaches all my life with no effective relief until Cafergot. I am very upset that I can no longer get it. If anyone knows where to get it, let me know.

It relieves the headache when it starts.

My cluster headaches have occured on and off for the past 25 years. Now that caffergot is unavailable, I've experienced headaches more often and more severe. On a flight home from Chicago, I was ready to open the door and jump out. If I had been home I would have aske my wife to take me to the emergency room. Now its back to the doctors office and going through all the old rememdies (verapemil, narcotics, imitrix etc.) which I've already tried with little effect. My doctor refuses to prescribe it because of the increased risk of heart attack. I used to take caffergot when taking viagra, since viagra almost always triggers a cluster headache. With caffergot, I pretty much had my headaches under contol. Now, I'm living in dread of the next hour long headache.