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Generic Name: Ertugliflozin Tablets for Oral Use

Brand Name: Steglatro

Steglatro Drug and Medication User Reviews

I am in my second month. So far I have not seen a change in my numbers. I have taken a fair amount of yeast infection medicine and am constantly thirsty (I now keep a full 24 Oz water bottle on my nightstand and when I wake up to get ready in the morning, I have drunk it in my sleep). My weight has gone up about 3-5 lbs depending on the day. I feel like this is water weight because my diet and exercise are still good but my belly feels like a waterbed! If it weren’t for the coupon, I would not be on it at all because the price for one month was more than a years worth of my old medicine (that was AFTER my insurance)! So, so far, I don’t see any greatness or any reason to do much more of this medicine BUT I am hopeful that maybe my body will adjust and it will work out?

The first week of using this gave me every side effect it comes with and didn’t drop my sugar at all, I am so miserable however my doctor called me this morning to check on me and I told her I’m not well and explained to her my condition she immediately called my pharmacy prescriptions to help me it’s not good for me but if it works for you so be it.

This drug will dehydrate you and cause your heart rate to increase.

I been on steglatro now for 2 weeks and 2 days. My sugar hasn't dropped much and its scaring me!! I am also on repliglidine (generic to prandin for over 7 years n works), glyxambi didnt work n so i thought w/great reviews this drug would for me. so far its not. i see my dr in two weeks. not sure what next step for me is. i do have like a vein pain on right side of neck like its gonna burst. not sure if this is related to steglatro? pls help if someone knows this.

After taking this medication for 2 weeks, I started experiencing trouble breathing, neck stiffness and severe headaches. I informed my doctor that was not gonna take this medication any longer. After 3 days, the symptoms starting going away. The headaches lingered on for another 2 days but now that I'm off it, I'm no longer experiencing any issues.

I just started using this drug.. My sugar fell 50 points. So if it keeps doing this .. It will work for me

This is the fourth month I am using it. During the very first month, I was so happy. Once a day 15 MG tablet amd a plenty of water throughout the day. Then I started vaginal itchiness, which was unbearable. I was treated with medicine, but the yeast infection continues and I also suffer with constipation. My A1C didn't change. I plan to discontinue and go back to previous med.

Within a week of starting Steglatro I experienced a terrible yeast infection. My sugars didn't come down. I hope this works for others but it's been a very painful week for me.