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Generic Name: Escitalopram Oxalate

Brand Name: Lexapro

Lexapro Drug and Medication User Reviews

Lexapro gave me angular cheilitus, canker sores, thrush, burning mouth syndrome and the list goes on. I am still having mouth issues after stopping the medicine 2 months ago. The withdrawal effects are horrible. I wish I had never taken this medication.

I have been using Lexapro for about 7 years now after being diagnosed with GAD and having SEVERE dehabilitating anxiety attacks. This medication isn't as black and white as people want to box in ito a work or doesn't work category, let me explain. First, it takes about 3 weeks for it to relieve your initial symptoms as it takes time to build up in your system but it DOES work effectively for GAD at least, and I've tried them all (chlorzepam also helps for instant relief but many doctors won't prescribe this these days because of abuse, I prefer this drug and will later explain why). The problem with Lexapro is that it does its job too well, getting on and especially off it is a real b1tch ngl, you will have the most fuvcked dreams you have ever had in your life, infact, write that sh1t down because you can probably create the best screenplay ever from this stuff, it's insane. Once you get past the dreams you start feeling great and I mean like, wow, I feel normal again, I can go out in public and do things and talk to people and live my life again. That lasts awhile and it's great but of course there is a caveat that NO ONE TALKS ABOUT. Lexapro works by basically restructuring the architecture of your brain by limiting serotonin intake to the cortical and subcortical regions of the brain while increasing intake to the cerebellum and thalamus regions of the brain. So what? What does that even mean? Welp, here we go. Cerebellum and thalamus are mostly used for motor functions and coordination between the brain and the body, serotonin (a chemical that acts as your internal email between nerve cells in your body) levels are increased to these regions of the brain and decreased from the cortical and subcortical regions of the brain which is used for complex activities, consciousness and subconsciousness, as well as memory, emotion, pleasure and hormone production. So what does this all mean? Given how little we know about the cortical and subcortical regions of the brain, our answer is to basically lower serotonin to these regions for people who are "malfunctioning" or experiencing pain and discomfort. In engineering this can be a big problem that health sciences are not addressing or at least, not making public. Go and look up side effects of Lexapro and you will only see physical side effects listed, but what about mental health side effects or side effects we don't even understand? I only recently got off Lexapro and let me tell you, the withdraw was a b1tch. The longer you take it, the harder it is to get off. I would rather withdraw from heroine if I'm being honest, but it is an interesting study if you are aware of the process that's going on. In short, this shit turns you into a zombie but you don't even realize it because it makes you feel good and you can still think straight depending on the person (no two brains work exactly the same which is the weird part) but there are other things suffering from serotonin deficiencies and I will let you figure that out for yourself. You are smarter than you think, don't let people do all the thinking for you. Research.

Taking for general anxiety. It takes about 7 weeks to start working.

I wanted to share my experience to hopefully help someone looking for this. I have dealt with extreme, and I mean extreme panic disorder and general anxiety disorder since I was 16. Currently I am 21. I had been to 3 different therapists and each time, talk therapy and coping techniques would work well for a year or two. Well this time my panic came back with a vengeance. It was every single day, and really bad. I couldn’t even go grocery shopping without having a panic attack. It was ruining my life and my relationship. It got to the point where I was depressed about my anxiety. I knew I needed medication this time, it had been recommended to me before but I always wanted to try to solve things without medication. Of course this time around I can’t get in with a single psychiatrist for more then 10 months. So I have an appointment with my primary doctor, who prescribed 10 mg of generic Lexapro. It was a Wednesday and I took my first pill that evening with dinner. I woke up 1 in the morning in a full blown panic attack, one of the worst I’ve ever had, I couldn’t calm down. I was sitting on the bathroom floor rocking and shaking and asking my boyfriend to call 911 over and over. Thankfully he knew it was a panic attack and we got through it together. I had 2 hours of sleep that night. Day 2 I felt like total crap, I was so tired and blamed it on barely sleeping. I was also shaky and had a general feeling of anxiety. That night I was laying in bed, and I could not keep my eyes open because of how tired I was, but I wouldn’t fall asleep. I finally did and woke up again around midnight with another panic attack, this one not as first as the bad one. I continued to wake up through the night around 9-10 times being up around 20 mins each time. Next day I decided to call my doctor back, they recommended I cut it down to 5mg and take it in the morning. That day, the sweating started, my hands and feet were just constantly wet, and I remained just as tired as day 1. I felt foggy, shaky, exhausted in general. Day 4 was a good day, I was put into several situations where I would have had panic attacks, and I felt them coming but they never did. I thought maybe the medication was finally starting to kick in, I was wrong. Day 5 was rough, again exhausted, shaky, sweaty, and general anxiety all day long, that night I was so tired but again could not fall asleep. Day 6, symptoms remained the same. I started to become worried that I wasn’t strong enough to get through this, people talk about beating through the first 2 weeks, but I was getting so mentally and physically exhausted. I called my doctor again, I think I just wanted confirmation that what I was feeling was normal and that it would pass. She told me to up the dose back to 10mg, which is really the last thing I wanted to hear. But I trust her and I listened. Day 7 the clouds started to break and the sun was shining a bit, I had a decent night sleep and wasn’t foggy, and exhausted anymore. Here I am day 8, I know my journey isn’t over. I don’t feel the medicine helping my anxiety yet, but those horrible symptoms are subsiding, I still wake up a few times through the night, but never in panic, my hands and feet still sweat, and I still get tired towards the end of the day, but I’m feeling so much better. I was up for 3 or 4 nights on this site, reading reviews, horror stories and miracles, and I hope mine helps someone too. Stick with it, you can do it, the symptoms do go away, you will be okay.

Started on lexapro 2 years ago after diagnosed with gad. First week was not too good as my symptoms got worse, but I kept using it as my doctor insisted. 2 weeks after most side effects as nausea, stomach burn, increased anxiety and headaches disappear. Week 4 got the dosage increased to 10 Mg and actually that's when I started to feel that anxiety started to slowly drop. Now, two years after I can say that 95% of my symptoms have dissappear. Some weeks I take 15 to 20 Mg, some others 5 to 10 (based on day by day stress levels) but it feels good to know that my anxiety comes from actual real life situations, not from made up stories of my brain which makes a huuuge difference. For those who are starting on this med I can tell you that aside of what I mentioned before I also had vivid dreams, gain a little bit of weight (around 10 pounds so not a big deal) but controlled it by eating better, and as I mentioned anxiety increased the first week, migh also be that I was very nervous since it was my first time on mental health medications. As for other reviews I have seen, maybe this medication is not for everybody, cause every system is different, but it worked for me, Im very happy I took it, got my life back and enjoy every moment of my existance agaian. I hope this review help others. Sending good energy for all those who suffer this terrible affection. Be strong and stay positive.

If you are reading through all the reviews, you may be getting yourself all worked up just like I was before I started. I was prescribed this 3 times over the past few years and refused to take it out of fear until 3 months ago. I have been on it for 3 months and it has a made a big difference in my well being. I didn't realize how anxious I was until I became more level-headed. Now I wish I would have taken it sooner. I don't like to take medications so hopefully I won't be on it for long, but it will make a positive difference in your well-being (depending on how your body tolerates it). I had side effects for about a week and transitioned from 5mg to 10mg. Still on 10mg now. Side effects were INSANE hunger and pooping my brains out mostly lol. It went away and now I still have a higher metabolism so I am hungry more often. But this doesn't bother me that much anymore, it helps me grow muscle while working out. Overall, it has been a net positive in my life and I hope this review encourages you to make the leap to try Lexapro for yourself! Worse case is that it doesn't work for you but at least you tried it to find out and make a difference in your mental health to get on the right meds.

i can’t tell if i’ve changed, last night tho i felt like crying but nothing was coming out. i’ve only been on Lexapro for a day (i know that may not sound valid enough for opinions,i totally agree i just wanted to express what i’m feeling as of now) i was skeptical but i feel pretty happy right now and calmed. i did have a headache last night i’m assuming it was a side affect, couldn’t take anything since you can take ibuprofen while on lexapro and that’s all i had so i just lived through it, but it was gone by morning and i’m doing fine.

Lexipro destroyed my health. I gained 30 lbs in 5 months!! I quit soda I exercised and I didn’t lose inches or weight! I had digestion problems all this started on lexapro. I never felt motivated at all. If you want to die young go ahead and take it otherwise stay away from this drug it needs to be taken off the market and I will be suing them if any complications happen oh I’ve been off it for 2 weeks lost 9 lbs

Have taken this for quite a few years, and it has been great for PTSD and Panic Disorder.

I don't think much of Lexapro. Hasn't improved my depression or anxiety. Have been on it off and on since I was 19. Hopefully things will look up soon

Just wanted to share my first night’s experience while on this medication. I’ve been prescribed 10 mg for GAD and the occasional depressive episode. My MD advised that I take 5 mg the first 2 weeks or so due to the side effects associated during the first couple of weeks. I took it at about 4 pm yesterday and it is now 6 am the following day and I am happy to report that things are good so far! As far as side effects just from this first night I had EXTREMELY vivid dreams that woke me up - I just recently started watching the 100 and it felt like I was actually living it. The dreams didn’t actually scare me, they were just startling. I also found I slept extremely lightly and woke up with a sinus headache an hour and a half earlier than my alarm (this could also be because I’m just getting over being sick). I also seem to be the type that has yawning as a side effect which I find kinda goofy lol anyway I’d definitely say things are good so far. I think I might cut the starting dosage down to 2.5 mg to HOPEFULLY cut down on the side effects. As a mother of a toddler sleep is extremely precious and I’d love to not lose too much of it lol. Will update further once I’ve been on it longer. Looking forward to experiencing the proper results!

Was hesitant to take medication, but I’ve heard positive experience from others on Lexapro so decided it was time to try it after my anxiety/panic had become unbearable. First few days after starting and after upping dosages can be tough, with increased anxiety, trouble sleeping, etc. but after sticking with it for a month now, it has certainly started to help (or at least, something is helping). It’s not a miracle cure by any means, and please don’t expect it to be, but it’s brought the anxiety from a 10 down to a manageable level most days. In that sense, it has made a world of difference.

I only used Lexapro for a few nights, but I had to stop. I definitely couldn't sleep and my mind was just racing and it was just a bizaare feeling. Never again.

Wanted to share my experience with lexparo ,I have been on it for a little over 4 weeks now and it has been amazing! I was so fearful of taking, they prescribed this for me 2 years ago and I trashed them I was so scared. I have dealt with anxiety for 4 years and wasn't getting any better on my own. It was messing with my work life, I stayed home a month, I was scared ro drive, being alone, overthinking, even going on trips! Now im back to work, drove this morning didn't get nervous at all. Anyone that is scared please give it a try, I only had a mild headache here and there at the beginning. I was like you reading reviews over and over and scared! This has been a life changer, I feel normal again! I always felt like my head was in a tunnel, off balance and all that dissappeared!! Believe me you won't regret it only regret I have is not starting this sooner! Hang in there I promise you don't have to live the way you are living right now, I never thought a med could change my life!! My anxiety is gone, hope it's gone forever!!

I've suffered with GAD and panic disorder for over 20 years, most of it uncontrolled due to lack of insurance. When I was able to see a doctor, he immediately put me on this despite my reservations as I had been on Zoloft when I was first diagnosed and was unhappy with the results. 10mg Lexapro nightly. The first week was the typical new SSRI hell: Jitters, inability to sit still, increased anxiety, insomnia. A few weeks in, my anxiety wasn't gone but I felt like a zombie, just unable to muster much interest in anything. My anxiety and panic attacks still happened but their durations were shorter. Then the side effects started kicking in. I was constantly hungry and gaining weight, my short term memory became atrocious, and my heart was racing worse than it did during panic attacks. I ended up in the hospital one night when I realized my heart rate was simply not coming down. They admitted me for observation because I had extreme tachycardia and my Q-interval was "concerningly long". They took me off the Lexapro and the heart rate issues resolved within two days. I no longer feel like a zombie, but my anxiety attacks are back to where they were before. After my experience with Zoloft and now Lexapro, I firmly, and will always, believe that these SSRIs and SSNRIs are absolute poison that should never have been approved.

Was on this medication before and a doctor that didn't listen to me took me off and I ended up in the ER two times with anxiety panic attacks . So thankfully the ER prescribed me these and I go see my new phsychiatrist and I know she will prescribe these to me it's been A few days . Dr at er said I was in withdrawal so I took it on day one I felt this pressure relieved off my chest and it helped with my anxiety already of course it will take. Weeks to get the full effect but wow this really helped me so much . No side effects .

I almost didn’t start lexapro because the reviews are absolutely terrifying. Luckily I was miserable enough and decided YOLO. This was a literal happy pill for me. I’ve never realized how tortured my thoughts were until this quieted my anxiety and gave me so much peace. I have GAD, social anxiety and panic disorder. This effectively treat my issues by about 90%, which is incredible. Took a full 6 weeks to notice a difference. I had only One side effect- weight gain. Within 6 months it caused me to gain about 20 pounds, which is more than I’ve ever gained in my life. It made me crazy hungry, I wanted to eat all the time. Due to this I switched to a different brand, but If it doesn’t work as well and help me lose the weight I’ll return to lexapro. It’s worth a little fat to be happy.

I have been taking Lexapro 5mg for about 3 weeks and it's been working for me so far so good, I guess starting with the lower dose is best.

I actually took it for anxiety, it wouldn’t let me scroll down to select it so I picked depression. Anyway, went to the dr because I’ve been super anxious about new things happening at work, and a possible promotion. I have anxiety and more specifically social/performance anxiety. My anxiety was starting to get bad enough I was calling into work because I would wake up shaky and anxious. My dr asked me just a few questions and decided to put me on 10mg of Lexapro a day for 4 weeks then to report back. If I thought my anxiety was bad before, the Lexapro made it about 5x worse. I had every bad side effect you could get with the worst being more anxiety, terrible insomnia, terrible vivid nightmares, and literally zero appetite. As I write this I’m on my 6th day of taking it and have maybe eaten 5 times and not a single time was it out of hunger. Decided I’m going to stop taking it and deal with my anxiety the old fashioned way. They also have me hydroxyzine to help with the anxiety but it didn’t even come close to helping. I’ve noticed after reading all of these reviews it seems females tend to have more luck with this drug? Not sure if that matters. It possibly could have helped me but I don’t have 3 or 4 weeks to wait for these symptoms to go away, my job is too demanding and I’m in a lead position at work. Hope this helps someone.

This medication almost killed me and gave me suicidal thoughts. I gained 30 lbs in 5 months. It made me want to sleep all the time too.