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Generic Name: Estradiol Valerate and Estradiol Valerate Dienogest Tablets

Brand Name: Natazia

Natazia Drug and Medication User Reviews

I was a healthy, very active 49 year old woman when I was prescribed Natazia to both regulate and reduce my periods (they were incredibly irregular and heavy). I have never been a smoker and had no risk factors that would have dissuaded my OBGYN from prescribing. I developed a pulmonary embolism my fifth week of taking the drug and spent a week in the hospital recovering and took blood thinners for a year following my PE. I now understand that Natazia contains fairly high estrogen levels, which should be avoided for women in their 40s and over. If you take Natazia and develop chest/back pain and difficultly breathing, don’t wait to seek care.

I've had irregular periods accompanied by excruciating pain for years. Turns out I have PCOS and Endo, along with hypothyroidism. After trying a few different things, Natalia worked the best. It's not for everyone. You truly have to be a horrible case to really appreciate it. I would be maxed out on painkillers and still not able to breathe from the pain... On the pill no mood swings, perfect blood work, and kept my things from getting worst for now. Been on it 7+ years. Only freakout moment was when it completely stopped my period in the first year. After that you occasionally get it, but no big deal.

This pill was prescribed to me to help with irregular cycles. This pill just is awful. I didn’t get my period at all for 3 months and then out of nowhere I got it. Helps with my acne but I still breakout and I have terrible mood swings on this. Another side affect I’ve noticed was I got terrible headaches and would not be able to get out of bed because they were so bad. Only positive is that I’m not pregnant. But I highly recommend having a detailed conversation with your doctor about your health if she recommends going on this pill.

I have tried everything from Ortho Evra, to Mirena, to Nuvaring and I had problems with every single form of birth control that used artificial hormones. On Natazia/Qlaira I have had no weight gain, no crazy mood swings, no hair thinning, and no real side effects like the other birth controls gave me. Very pleased with Natazia/Qlaira.

Within the first month of taking this pill I knew my body wasn't reacting well. My doctor insisted I tried it for 3 months before switching to a new one. This medicine made my periods heavier and I bleed almost every other week for 7 or more days until I start a new pack then it stops for about a week. For the entire 3 months when I bleed I am in so mych pain from cramping I can hardly move. I was bed ridden for 4 days the first month. And the each time I get my period I have clots the size of an entire regukar length pad. During my heaviest days I have to change my pads every 30-45 minutes and sometimes more frequent than that and I still bleed through sometimes because it is so heavy. Also my blood has been significantly darker since starting this pill. I have gained so much weight even with diet and exercise. I get constant headaches, nausea, AND VERY BAD MOOD SWINGS! My sex drive has deminished. Another thing is this pill is very expensive and not covered by my insurance. This was my last month of trying it out and I have seen no changes. My doctor finally agreed to switch me to a new one and I start it in 2 days. Fingers crossed that I have better luck with this one. A

This tiny pill has changed my life! Periods went from 10 days of horrible pain and migraines to barely 2 days - sometimes even none - with cramps reduced and mood swings in check. I've had no real side effects.

I have PCOS and this is the best I have found for controling my periods, cramps, and some hormones. Other birth controls I have tried in the past made me feel crazy (happy one minute then crying the next and vise versa). I have been on it for 5 plus years.

I started taking this pill due to extremely heavy periods. I was using a super plus tampon and a pad just to make the 30 minute drive to work without any leakage. My periods are minimal. I can use a regular tampon, which I haven't used since I first started my cycle at the age of 12. I have noticed an increase in my sex drive. I was dieting when I started taking this pill and have continued to lose weight.

Before I started taking Natazia my periods were long, heavy and painful. Since I started my periods are lighter and shorter. Cramps aren't as bad as before, but I've gained 40lbs, I have a headache every day, mood swings and low sex drive. After I complete this pack, I will change. Emotionally I feel as if I have lost control and the headaches takes away from my quality of life. In addition to the mentioned issues.

Before I started Natzaia I was taking the generic birth control pill Junel Fe and I was having severe bouts with yeast infections and BV. My gyno switched me to Natazia and all of my symptoms have gone away. I nolonger get infections or a period ever. My mood is stable and I am very pleased with the effects of this medication.

I have been on this pill for about 4 years now. Right when I first started having sex I started taking this pill. But over time I feel it has effected me. I have gained over 30 pounds over the years of taking this pill. I don't blame the pill for all of the weight gain but I do blame it for most. But by far the worst I experienced by this pill was very low sex drive. I'm 20 years old & started this pill when I was 16 I thought maybe it was just me since I had taken it so young I didn't know better but as the time has gone by my sex drive has gotten lower & lower. The only good thing is I dont have much acne, my periods are short & I haven't gotten pregnant!

Good birth control pill overall. Some things to be aware of...vaginal moisture is sparse. The only days when it is normal is when I am on the 2 white pills. The other problem is when I missed a pill I bled lightly for 9 days. This happened twice. No periods otherwise. Needless to say I am very good about taking them. Sex drive is decreased slightly during the 2nd and 3rd week.

I am so happy with this pill. I switched to this from being on Yasmin for 3 years. So far, I have lost weight, and the pill is very accurate. I get my period on the first placebo pill with no cramping!

I HAVE LOST 13 PDS IN 2 MONTHS SINCE I have been on natazia

This BC is SO amazing! I don't even use it for BC, I use it heavy and long periods. Essentially, it has cured me! I have no period, I have less mood swings, no cramps, no weight gain, no side effects. I even take it with another medication to help mood swings, and there is no interference. I love this med. I will NEVER stop taking it. It has saved my life.

I would have periods that were heavy that I would bleed through and it was quite embarrassing at work. My mood swings were crazy to where I would fly off the handle at home over the simplest things. My work was very stressful and high paced. Tried the samples I had received from my doctor and have been taking it ever since. I had been diagnosed with fibroids which was contributing to the heavy bleeding. I am a heavier female and I fit the profile for taking the drug. I have been extremely happy with Natazia and will continue to take it in the future. My monthly moodiness has taken a drastic turn to where I am not losing it. I have had great success. I am not taking this for preventing pregnancy as my husband has already had a vasectomy.

I was put on Natazia to regulate my cycle, which has been sporadic all my life as a distance runner. I've tried quite a few brands of birth control pills, and at first Natazia was great. I didn't experience any moodiness, breakouts, spotting or discomfort; however, I noticed a gradual weight gain that snowballed about 6 months into taking it. I finally stopped taking this pill after 8 months because the water weight gain in my limbs (especially my arms) was so noticeable -- it was about 15 lbs of weight gain overall. I've never had such noticeable water weight gain from a pill before. Perhaps it's the type of estrogen used in this pill, but it definitely did not work well for me.

I have been using Natazia a little over 2 year now. I originally started using it to clear up my acne and it did dramatically. Also, have not gotten pregnant. It did make me gain about 15 pounds and my breasts went up 1-2 sizes (C-D/DD). No loss of sex drive. Emotional only during the last week of the pack, otherwise no mood swings. My periods are extremely light, some spotting, some months I do not even get my period. I do recommend this brand!

I have been on Natazia for about a year and a half now, and it's been amazing. Before this pill I would get horrible cramping to the point where all I could do was curl up in a ball and shake uncontrollably in pain. My periods would last a min of 2 weeks, it was ridiculous. Natazia has been amazing. It took about 2 months before my peroid got a on steady cycle. I would get my period on a Thursday night, and it'd be done by Sunday afternoon. My period is no longer so heavy that I cant leave the house with a ton of backup pads & tampons. I still get a tiny bit of cramping the first 24 hours, but I mean it's a period...you have to expect some discomfort. I am no longer sick to my stomach during my period, and back pain is gone as well. I highly recommend this medication to any female out there that has long/heavy peroids with horrible cramping.

I was on Beyaz for almost 3 years for my PMDD and as birth control. On my last visit my dr decided to put me on Natazia and gave me 6 months of samples. Everything was fine for the first 2 months but then I started noticing MAJOR changes. I was getting headaches almost every day and would have a migraine for 4-5 days before my period. I was also gaining 10-12 lbs of water weight. Month 3 I started having major mood swings and I would go from happy to crying to raging mad (over NOTHING) in a matter of seconds. I even dumped my poor boyfriend 3 times that month! By month 4 the mood swings got so bad that I thought I was going psychotic and I felt suicidal, which I have NEVER felt. I went back to Beyaz and all of the mood swings, suicidal thoughts, headaches, and bloating all went away.