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Generic Name: Ethinyl Estradiol and Norethindrone Tablets

Brand Name: Balziva

Balziva Drug and Medication User Reviews

I took this to help with my PMS and with my acne. Also, for birth control. Side note: I already have anxiety, depression, and PTSD with dissociative symptoms. I took this pill for a total of about 7 months. At first, it seemed to help stabilize my mood and reduced the severity of my period cramps. Over time, my mood got worse and my spotting evolved into a second monthly period. In the end: my chin had non-stop cystic acne, I had two periods a month like clockwork, and my mood was so bad that I had to routinely scream into a pillow daily just so I didn�t direct my anger towards my child and boyfriend. I was sobbing uncontrollably at random times and felt suicidal more than I�d like to admit. It also heavily decreased my libido and my overall enjoyment of life. I also took a Benadryl once for allergies while on this pill and I had a psychotic break that lasted approximately 24 hours. This drug isn�t evaluated for having an interaction with Benadryl, but my doctor suspects the Benadryl set me off in combination with balziva. Since stopping balziva, I feel like myself. My acne is so much better, my personality is back, and I finally feel happy again. I know this works for some people, but IF YOU HAVE MENTAL ILLNESS, TELL YOUR DOCTOR BEFORE TAKING BALZIVA. If I continued on that pill, I�m confident I would have isolated myself to the point of suicide.

I've been on Balziva for about 6 years! I don't experience really any cramps at all, no acne, no weight gain, my mood swings are light and so are my periods. My periods last about 2-3 days really, sometimes I don't even have them which is concerning. I guess that would be my only complaint actually..sounds crazy but I kind of miss having a normal period! I've talked to my doctor and she said it was completely normal. Sounds like a lot of people have had problems with this drug, and I get that it's not right for some people but maybe give it some time too.

I was started on this medication for cyst and heavy periods. My menstruals were perfectly regulated. Now I continually have episodes of bleeding that last from days to weeks. I have no idea what to expect. I hate it.

I had no side effects for first week. Mentally felt pretty good. I had some depression on minipill .After week one I had nonstop bleeding and severe cramps. I was tired constantly and would take pain killers to get out if bed. Been on this for three weeks tired of bleeding and cramping this much. Gyno said it may lighten up over time but honestly after these past few weeks and reading some of these reviews I think I'm done. I had a better experience on generic and minipill then this balziva stuff. Also Tricare does not cover the cost of this pill and it's just not worth the discomfort and cost.

Started using Balzia for regular periods, cramps and overrall protection. I have been on three different birth controls and can honestly say Balzia was a nightmare. In two months my bra size went from a 38D to a 38DDD. And my pant size went from an 8 to a 12. IN TWO MONTHS. When I realized my weight gain started when I started this pill I immediely switched it. It's been about two weeks since I've been on Baliza and I already lost 5 pounds. It did make my periods regular but did not help with cramps at all.

I have been on multiple birth controls over the years… this pill was by far the worst. I immediately gained ten pounds, developed cystic acne, experienced a lot of bleeding, vision was blurry, my breast were constantly sore, became depressed and my mood swings were out of control. I tried this pill for two months and could not take it anymore! I do not recommend if you usually take a pill that has a low dosage.

I have been on five different birth controls and this is by far the worst. I recently found out I have polycystic ovaries and my gyno prescribed this pill to help correct my very irregular menstrual bleeding. Aside from the breakthrough bleeding, the worst side effect is the severe moodswings. I struggle with depressions as it is. So this pill really wasn't helping anything. I had my period for over a week when I started it, and doc said it would stop it. It didn't. I bled the entire month I was taking it. For others like me, the only pill that has ever worked (and I was only taken off of by my doctor for it being "too strong") was Mononessa. Ask about it. Different bodies need different amounts of "hormone-control". Find a bc that you're hormonally compatible with. From the looks of other reviews, not many people jive well with Balziva. Don't play guinea pig to whatever your doctor tells you. Pay attention to what your body needs, if Balziva or anything else prescribed for you is only doing you wrong, speak up for yourself and get what works for you. Your gyno isn't there every month going through what you are. You're your only advocate in the end.

I started this when I was in college due to such painful periods that I'd miss class/not want to move/they were so heavy/nasty. Not only have I not had a period in like 10 years, but I haven't had cramps or acne!!! Only problem is I did gain some weight and once in a while I forgot to take a pill. Ugh. Now I use it for birth control too.

I've had so many problems with Balziva. Spotting the second week of pills so bad that I might as well be on my period twice a month. It's awful. Also, I've had extreme moodiness. Incredibly happy one moment, completely depressed the next. I have absolutely no sex drive since I started taking it. And since I've started taking it I'm almost always bloated. I'm naturally really thin, so when my stomach starts to bloat I could almost pass as roughly 3 months pregnant. I've had nothing but problems with this pill.

I am currently finishing up my third month of Balziva and cannot wait to switch. Initially I switched from this from Seasonique because it wasn't regulating my body like it was supposed to and my doctor said a monthly pill is more effective for that. First month: bleeding during entire 2nd week of active pills and a few days during the normally scheduled 4th week. Second month: bleeding during entire 3rd week of active pills, ended right before normally scheduled 4th week. Third month (now): Bleeding started in 2nd week of active pills, has been going for an entire week. Unsure if it'll keep going, or if I'll get the normal cycle in the 4th week. In addition, within the past month and a half I've been experiencing what a lot of other women said they've noticed - moodiness, tiredness, lack of motivation, sadness, and for me, even a bit of what could otherwise be diagnosed as bipolar. I've been having some vivid nightmares - something that I've never had before - and weeks of nonstop, sharp cramps. I know each pill works differently with every woman, but I wouldn't recommend this to anyone unless it was a last-chance effort.

I was on this pill for far too long. I experienced more negative side effects that included: Always being tired, severe mood swings, breast being tender, weight gain. I have since switched pills.

I HATE this birth control. It made me severely moody and anxious. I already have anxiety as it is and this just made it ten times worse. I have no sex drive what so ever anymore. My period came every other month only the first few months and now I don't have one at all. I had no weight gain or acne but I also realized along with no sex drive, when I do have sex it is very painful. DEFINITELY switching.

I have been on Balziva for a year or 2 and haven't had any problems. I was on orthotricyclen, brand and generic, before and started having spotting after intercourse so my gyno switched me. On the Balziva I've had very light periods which do last about a week and I too get very VERY emotional the day before I start my period. I am an anxious, emotional person as is, but the day before is noticeably more emotional lol. Just remember, every medication will affect everybody differently. If you're not happy on Balziva, switch, that's why you have a gyno, they know what they're doing!

Regulated cycle, and keeps menstruation painless and short. Only one day of PMS a month.

I have used Balziva with great success, thus far. I have been on it for just over two years. I have had no physical nor emotional side effects. I have not experienced weight gain, but then I eat well and exercise. I take this drug the same time every evening, as I feel it is most beneficial and is recommended. I was put on this type of birth control for endometriosis, and no longer suffer from the pain I once did. In truth, I have not had any break through bleeding and no period. Also, I have no skin acne, my skin is clear. I attribute that to this drug and good hygiene. As for a contraceptive, I have experienced good results, as well. The cost of this birth control is steep, given it is a generic; $80 plus. I really do not understand why it is outrageous in price. I do have medical insurance, but it does not cover birth control, so I have to pay out of pocket. I wish there was another brand that would work as well, I would switch. I gave Balziva 5 stars across the board, for the reasons I stated. However, had their been a rating for cost, I would have given 1 star.

I need some information I am on Balziva birth controls. I do take them on a regular but not at the same time. Does that make it more of a risk of getting pregnant. I have been on this medication for since May. I had unprotected sex with my boyfriend and he ejaculated three times in me I am on the second week of birth controls. I want to know my chances.

I have been on Balziva for a few months now. My doctor felt it was the drug of choice to regulate my periods. So far so good. However, on the day before I actually start my period I am an emotional train wreck! I cry and mope around but the next day I'm fine. I have what I call normal 5 to 7 day period. No horrible cramps or extreme bleeding. My husband I agreed that I will continue for a little while longer before we stop all together and try for a little one.

I've been on Balziva for about 5 years now, and I love it. My periods are very light, although they do last for 7 days (same as before I started the pill). I have never gotten pregnant while on this pill. Zenchent is another alternative (same active ingredients) & I do prefer that over Balziva (less emotional on zenchent) but they are both effective.