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Generic Name: Etodolac

Brand Name: Lodine

Lodine Drug and Medication User Reviews

My dr prescribed for costocondritis. Has helped tremendously with that as well as the arthritis pain in my knees. I’m able to walk pain free all day

After taking every 12 hours for 2 days, I have finally woken up pain free! As background, for the past two weeks, i have been ridden with intense neck, shoulder, and cervical spine pain--especially bad when I first wake up.

My husband has been taking this medication just for a few days but since he has started he has been having awful mood swings! SO irritable. Laughing one minute and then yelling the next. Anyone else experience this?

Was in a car accident a month ago. Nothign was helping the pain in my back. My doctor prescribed this medication to me. I work in an office sitting all day and this medication did manage my pain. A week after taking the medication, the side affects hit! My ankles and feet swelled horribly! I was told to staop taking it immediately. It's has been at least 5 days since taking the last dosage and my feet are still puffy and I am not able to wear anything other than flip flops. It worked great for pain management but the side affects really suck!

My ortho doctor prescribed Lodine after my initial meniscus tear surgery for pain and swelling. I never realized how much good it was doing until I switched insurances and it is no longer covered for me. I quit taking it when I ran out... the last week or two has been so miserable I just paid full price for it. Hoping I get back to normal soon. No side effects but I take as directed with food.


I am highly allergic to Lodine. I was given Lodine 300mg (every 4-6 hours) in 2002 following foot surgery. I shattered my support bone in my right foot and had to have it surgically removed. After the 2nd dose, I began to notice bruising on my upper thighs. The next day, my arms, back, and calves had the same bruises. I didn't know what was causing it. The 2nd day, the bruises were covering about 80% of my body, so I went to the Emergency Room. After running some tests, the Doctor told me the Lodine was causing bleeding under my skin, so the nurses flushed it out of my system, and put me on a Benedryl IV.

I have a bulging disc between L4 & L5. I got a shot form Ortho Dr. and after 3 weeks, pain started to return. My Primary care Dr gave me Etodolac 400mg twice a day and it has helped with the pain alot, also going to my Chiropractor and He is helping too.

I've taken etodolac mostly continuously for nearly 2 years for chronic osteo and rheumatoid arthritis and fibromyalgia pain. It is one of the few commonly prescribed NSAIDS that doesn't give me palpitations. I find it effective, used in combination with cymbalta, for most of the time.

Stomache upset seems to a daily issue to deal with.

ddd on spine

I have only taken for two days but I awoke with burning in my upper stomach.

This drug takes away the pain, but caused rashes on different parts of my body, knees one day, stomach another day, underarms another day. The rash is severe with large raised welts that are difficult to remedy-aveeno bath helps. It's a shame since it's great for pain.

I took this for 4 weeks and suddenly broke out in severe hives. I also had routine blood tets done and my liver functions came back very elivated. Ading it to the list of meds I can not take.

I've been taking lodine now for approx. 4 weeks and it has worked wonderfully to help alleviate my pain from severe osteoarthritis of the hip with trochanteric bursitis. I was previously on ibuprofen 800 mg. every 8 hours. This works much better, however I do make sure that I eat with the medicine and drink plenty of water when I take it. We'll see how the long term outcome is.

at this time i dnt have any experience with only been on bout 5 days

I have been taking this drug for about 3 weeks. I now have hives almost everywhere. Would not take this drug again.

For calcification of the meniscus in my knee; The first week I had side effects; funny taste in mouth, I was on edge and moody, a little bit depressed. By the 10th day, the side effects had mostly disappeared buy the drug was still effective