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Generic Name: Trimethoprim Tablet

Brand Name: Trimethoprim

Trimethoprim Drug and Medication User Reviews

I have been on 5 or 6 antibiotics and now this one. I get so sick dr gave me nausea prescription doesn't help. I get the shakes and rapid heart beat. It does not feel right.

No bad reactions

After being provisionally diagnosed with a UTI/kidney infection I took the tablet as prescribed. Within 3 hours I experienced a severe headache and extreme nausea.Bloating/stomach ache. So bad I needed to take mersondyl forte . (strong anti-nausea /pain relief.) Also strong metallic taste in mouth about 1-2 hrs after taking this med. Tingling (Slight in the mouth). My advice is to take cautiously as it has strong side effects if you are going to experience them. My partner was ready to take me to emergency it felt so bad. Having said all this i woke the next morning feeling a little better so continued on meds 300mg daily at night. Now late day 2 and nausea returned and tiredness . plus muscle aches, particularly in thighs. Will see GP tomorrow to discuss whether to change meds.

I've been prescribed this and started experiencing heart palpitations and irregular heartbeat as a side effect. I called my GP and he told me that's impossible and I must be imagining it... Even though it states irregular heartbeat as the most common side effect, even more common than a simple headache. Im left feeling terrified and stupid and have not slept the whole night due to my heart going crazy. I cannot wait for this medication to leave my system, I don't recommend it.

I had UTI for 30 years, as I age it became more frequent. Doctor wanted me to have 100 mg a day on daily basis for 6 months and I have had no UTI since.

I come out in big red blotches all over my body with the medication

Two hours after taking felt like I had the flu. Fever, sweats, then terrible, scary shivering. It was extreme. Completed prescription (three days) because emergency nurse on the phone said it was the flu because symptoms are not related to this drug. Several months later my UTI symptoms reappeared. Same prescription same terrible outcome! This time ended up in emergency room. Clearly I am not only person with this reaction. As a common reaction, this should be listed upfront, so doctors don't misdiagnosis it,as happened to me.

chronic UTI treatment to prevent breakhrough infections as much as possible for patient requiring regular self-catheterization program

For almost two years I have had issues and itching Burning with the tip of my penis, redness and general discomfort, I tried many different antibiotics, Ciprofoxacin, fluconazonl. azithromicin, and many other but nothing worked, i had about ten visits to the SDT clinic, even seen a urologist but they said it was all fine, after some searching on the web I came across Trimeoprim after about one week of taking two tablets a day I am now fixed and feel completely normal, I did suffer from a sore throat and a head ache but it was a small price to pay to rid of what I had. hopefully I will never go through that again as it caused me months of misery.

The drug cleared me of the infection but I did find it rather hard to take as it started to desolve very quickly and often stuck to the back on my tongue.

The tablets seemed to clear the infection but I was left feeling like a zombie, total fatigue and some nausea. Stopped after 5 of 7 day course and immediately felt better.

On maintenance to prevent UTI 1 100mg daily before bed. Duration 4 months. Starting to get red, itchy rash on my neck which won't go away. May be from exposure to sun. Will stop and hope the UTI dosn't come back.No other problems with the drug. Any comment?

Had blood and cloudy urine. No bacteria on culture. Took RX for a week and now on maintenance 1x a day at night. Now clear urine.Does cause gas. Try Probotics. It works!

Since I was 9 months old I suffered from periodic bouts of UTI until teenage years. After marriage the occurrences of UTI began again and as I aged, the ferocity of the UTI increased. It was recommend I take 100mg daily to help combat the frequency of the UTI. I began this regimen 3 years ago and except for the one time I ran out of my Rx for Trimethoprim I have not had any recurrences of the UTI. Since it is usually included with Bactrim and other sulfa-based drugs (which I am very sensitive to) I felt like it would certainly be worth the effort to try. I only wish WalMart had it on their $4 generic list as it can be quite pricey even though it is a generic name drug. Trimethoprim has been a blessing for me. I have had to side effects whatsoever while taking this drug.

Take it 1x day for maintenance. Only problem is too much gas! Could it be destroying the good bacteria?

Im on my second day, and i feel like im going to faint every hour, or throw up, i cant eat, hasn't stopped my kidneys hurting and my belly has this burning sensation, i also feel dizzy

after 4 uti's in 3 months, was put on this medication 100mg q 12 hr. have not had another infection in 4 months. will probably be on it rest of my life.

I have a severe allergic reaction to this drug. I now wear a allergy bracelet. Even half a tablet my mouth swells to a point where I cannot eat and I suffer from extreme itching in personal areas of my body. I need huge doses of steriods and takes a week to where I can start to feel relief.

This medication caused a photo sensitivity and skin eruptions

I have been on this for approximately 1 month so far and have gradually been experiencing muscle weakness in all my extremities. (legs,arms,hands)I also have lupus so I assumed it had to do with that dx but decided to look at the side effects of this medication since it was a new issue. After looking at all the reviews and possible, rare effects, muscle weakness was included. So I have decided to call my doctor and let them know I am discontinuing this medication due to this problem. My symptoms for original reason for taking has cleared up. Crossing my fingers my strength comes back in my arms, legs, hands.