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Generic Name: selegiline

Brand Name: Emsam transdermal

Drug Reviews Drug and Medication User Reviews

Great mood boost very strong at 6mg but i got bad nasseau and gas. Later my anxiety came up and patch didnt help. i switched to other med.

I have short bowel syndrome, the oral meds did not work as they were not absorbed and made me nauseated. It took 3 1/2 years to finally get on this patch. It has changed my day to day life for the best!

Currently on Emsam 6mg Such an amazing medication. Feel like myself, tons of energy, very social, and confident. Been on almost every SSRI and loads of other psych meds that have never worked. The lowest dose of 6mg allows me to eat whatever I want (that I'm not supposed to) not worry about having a hypertensive crisis. I take 200 mg of 5htp (the direct precursor to serotonin) a day, too. Never had any adverse reactions. Feel great and love life!

EMSAM patch. Horrible side effects of paranoia, mania, aggression,can't sleep for days, and still depressed all the time. Ultimately cost me a marriage. Doesn't cause as many migraines as other anti-depressants but side effects are worse than the disease. This was the second attempt to use this medicine.

I have been on Emsam transdermsl 6mg for two weeks now. I have noticed more energy, a little more motivation to exercise and take care of stuff that I usually just avoid, so maybe it is starting to work. No problems with the patch itself so far. I have read that it is not truly effective as an antidepressant until you get to 9 or 12 mg. Have others found this to be true? I think I will need to increase the dosage. My only concern is an increase in stimulant kinds of side effects. I'm having trouble sleeping and I'm finding that I'm irritable and occasionally uncharacteristically angry. I know it's only been a couple of weeks so I'm hoping those side effects will go away or at least lessen or even out. But I would appreciate any input about the robustness of 9/12mg compared to 6mg. Thanks.

This has saved my life, my only compliants are sleeplessness and low sex drive. But, otherwise am very satisfied with it. I am on 9mg but have been upgraded to 12mg. Not sure of the difference this will make.

I have been depressed my entire life. Bi-Polar and suicidal just as long with many attempts. I take a mood stabilizer which helps a lot. I've been on many anti depressants too. I've been on Nortriptiline for 4.5 years at 100 ml. I started out with the patch now making two antidepressants. Now I am down to the 12 ml patch only with no side affects at all. I feet much better. I felt numb for a long time and I have more emotions now than I have in the last 5 years. I am mentally ill and I accept that. I keep myself very busy doing good things and hanging with good people who lift me up. I will always be suicidal, but I am aware of the signs and I have many tools in place with the best psychiatrist in the world. I can call him anytime. He has saved my life and so has this medicine.

None of the SSRIs I've taken have been successful and I think I've tried them all over the past 20 years! So my psychiatrist decided to switch me to an MAOI, and he chose EMSAM. Nothing has worked so well for me and it has improved the quality of my life tremendously. The only side effect I suffer is from the adhesive and my doctor got very creative with that. He has prescribed a nasal spray mist called Triamcinolone. I spray it a couple of times on my hand and rub in into the site where I'm going to put the patch. Let it dry for a few minutes and apply the patch. The spray contains an antihistamine and cortisone, which helps with any allergic reaction to the adhesive. I haven't broken out or itched at all since I started this. I hate to see anyone miss out on what I consider a cure for depression due to the awful rash associated with the EMSAM patch.

Started the patch (6 mg) about six weeks ago. Seems to be working but have tingling in my hands and feet and sone itching not too bad. Not sure if this side effects will eventually subside. Anyone else have these side effects? I'm concerned if I need to increase the dosage the side effects will increase.

Five other medications (Prozac, Wellbutrin, Effexor, [Effexor + Lamictal], and Elavil) as well as months of weekly outpatient ECT treatments all failed to provide me with the degree of relief from depression that I got with Emsam 12 mg. The 6 mg and 9 mg patches were helpful, but 12 mg is best for me. I've been on the 12 mg patch for over 3 years. Biggest downside: inconvenience of patch. I'm a moderately hairy male and sometimes sweat heavily. I've reduced to once or twice a month the frequency that the patch falls off and needs replacing before 24 hours by sticking the patch on nearly hairless regions on my upper thighs and outer pelvis. No other part of my body works as well. This region that is best for patch adherence also happens to be least often seen by others, thus preserving my confidentiality. While Emsam relieves my depression far better than anything else I've tried, the only unwanted side effect I've noticed is occasional itchiness at the patch site. Once or twice a month, itchiness forces me to remove a patch before the 24 hours. In all, I lose 2 to 4 patches a month to either sweating or itching. From experience I've learned it's important to replace a patch promptly, not "skip" partial days after a patch falls off. Instructions say patches should not be worn longer than 24 hours each, but if I followed that, with 2 to 4 patches lost each month, I'd be in danger of running out too soon. I've found no downside to occasionally wearing a patch an extra 8 hours (32 hours total). As to dietary restrictions, I've experimented with small amounts of tyramine foods using a blood pressure monitor. They did not affect my blood pressure. I still generally avoid tyramine foods as the instructions advise, but I don't worry about occasional small slips.

Started on emsam when approved by FDA in 2006 after nearly 5 years of disabling MDD which was resistant to all anti-d's and other treatments , including ECT. Within 3 weeks of starting on 6/mg-24 hr dose all scores had improved significantly and I was able to feel emotions and function akin to normal. in the first 3 years my dosage needed to be increased and I've been on a 12/mg-24 hr for about 6 years, and on emsam without a break for over 8 years. The side effects I've experienced have been horrible, including acute non positional vertigo, which was disabling for over 1 year; migraines shuck if never had prior to starting emsam but are now fairly regular and can be quite severe; severe chronic constipation; digestive problems; adult onset narcolepsy; severe and chronic insomnia; memory problems; extremely low blood pressure; musculoskeletal problems and many others that have all been attributed to long term emsam use. In addition to emsam therapy I take 2 benzos for anxiety, OCD, PTSD, panic, social and other phobias. After years of darkness and nothingness this trio works very well for me, and while I dream of a day I (we all) can live without medications to function and be cured instead, I am able to participate more in activities. I am by no standard "well" and I've had several relapses, 3 which were fairly long in duration (>3 months to ~7 months), but overall my quality of life with regard to mood is greatly improved. Until there is another alternative from a new medication, drug class, treatment or cure I will be on emsam unless it loses its efficacy almost completely. The alternative is worse than the bandaid for me.

6 did nothing.9 snapped me out of a 2 yr major depression in several days. Went bad and had to go on 12s. Been good for 6 months. While I have occasional bouts when I sit or lay around and take naps(feel.lousey when I wake up)or get up in the morning, a tremendous improvement.Saved me.suicidal.

12mg has worked for me,but I'm being checked out for fluid retention side effect,legs swelled below the knees to top of feet..

Having bi-polar2 & personality disorder for the last 30yrs. I have been on everything. This was my last resort before ECT's.I take 6mg and 600mg of Lithium. I started on my arms then the chest area. Worked much better. Noticed a big change.Applied after shower will stay on all day. still suffer from suidial thoughts.

Is anyone still using Emsam 6mg.? I see the last post 8/17/12.

Emsam helps my depression more than anything I've tried. The ease of use is excellent. I have fibromyalgia and this might also be helping my pain, fatigue, and libido since I've noticed improvement with all. At first I craved sweets but don't now. I have mild irritation at the patch site. I wake up at least once at night to urinate (where I didn't before) and I also want a snack at that time, too. Even with night eating, I think I'm losing weight on this medication. Expensive w/out insurance: $700 p/mo. My one concern is that I am definitely losing my hair on this. I will see my psychiatrist next week for a one month follow up and if the hair loss is easily remedied, I'll stick with it.

I HAVE TO ROTATE THE PATCH!,or irritation! I have to wash & dry the area completely before applying the patch EVERY DAY! Sometimes some things make me pretty sad=I have found that to be normal, and it doesn't last either. I am grateful for how I now feel. I have found that I cannot do ANY FORM OF SUGAR, or I am buzzed and do not want to go to bed! This has been the most difficult for me cuz I crave sweets all the time...Sometimes I just end up staying up more than I wanted to...But once in bed, I am out like a light! I wish we could respond individually to others on this site... I eat bananas all the time in my oatmeal. I use 9mg patch. It is AGED cheese that we can't have. ALCOHOL is a depressant! Please do your homework! Coffee is a stimulant, I found a substitute I like, I had to cuz I am on Adderall for ADHD. From my personal experience:I will never go to a regular MD with our kind of illness=they just don't know how to diagnose, nor can they prescribe correct medication.I was on EffexorXR from a MD. Totally wrong medication for me that was causing more depression! Worst withdrawal ever in my life! Being honest with myself and my doctor has always been the best way to go. And, I have found that if I plan my outfit for the day the night before, then I can apply my patch accordingly! Yes it is expensive, and I am so grateful for insurance,(vote O'Bama) but my happiness is priceless !!

12/08/07, Started 6mg. stopped using 07/11, now the depression is back due to stress related factors,has some sexual side effects,will probably restart using,i just have no drive to do anything...

DX: Bipolar I, PTSD, anxiety. i've tried almost all of the major SSRIs and a few SNRIs to combat debilitating Bipolar Depression. i was on Lexapro for ~10 years and it slowly stopped working. after three years of cyclic suicidal depression and winter agoraphobia, i requested ECT. i requested ECT again and again but the doctor wanted to keep trying medication. i did some research and suggest i try an MAOI. i began EMSAM 6mg/24hr and it got me out of bed in about three days. six months later i'm on EMSAM 9mg/24hr + Lamictal 100mg + clonazepam PRN, and doing very very well despite it being the dead of winter in New England. i have very few side effects usually associated with SSRI's. EMSAM appears to be weight neutral, no sexual side effects (some from Lamictal, however), very sharp memory and brain function (absolutely NO brain Fog that i've noticed), increased energy and decreased isolation, increased range of emotion (the Flat feeling from SSRI's not nearly noticeable). dehydration / need for increased water intake is readily noticeable, especially when combined with Lamictal. food restrictions are not difficult to adhere to.. i am a vegetarian and eat/drink soy products, noticed no issues. some foods that i Cheat (have just a little.. like Soy Sauce or canned soups) give me immediate headaches and mild blood pressure rise (although i take propranolol to prevent migraines so the side effect controllable), caffeine caused increased dehydration, nicotine lozenge caused heart palpitations, taken too close to bedtime causes mild insomnia. out of every antidepressant i've taken (approx 10-15? over 18 years), EMSAM has the least side effects and most effective, without impairing cognitive abilities (memory, Fog) or causing anxiety/panic attacks or major emotional stunting/numbing.

hello my name is keith. i take other meds with emsam.my depression has gotten worst over the last few weeks.ive started thisilyn,b3 and b12.can these vitiams effect taking emsam?